On Violations of Human Rights—Part II
Ten months since I published an article on how I was being neurologically manipulated, I've come across a mountain of uncontroverted evidence collaborating exactly what I had observed.
In January of 2023, I expressed my thoughts on how my life had been turned into a psyop, replete with manipulation. At the time I wrote Part I of “On Violations of Human Rights,” I was mainly limited to evidence from what I observed in my life, including Directed Energy Attacks (DEWs) since at least 2021. I had not come across any of the volumes of hard evidence from various deep state security whistleblowers and experts, publicly available research, testimony from other Targeted Individuals, or news stories about political events related to neurological targeting. Lacking these resources, I cited evidence from a book on MK-Ultra called Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties and a cybersecurity research paper about the plethora of “bridgeware” viruses that can be used to hack and exfiltrate private information from a secure computer inside a locked room, one of which involved radio wave signal manipulation (great example of how anything is hackable, given the resources). Nevertheless, there was some very solid evidence from my personal life, such as when I recalled how synthetic AI chatter in my head had aligned in perfect, machine-like timing to content in movies I was watching. I was able to identify voices which would have otherwise seemed to come from myself as artificially-induced because they occurred before events in the movie to which they were clearly and intentionally related.1
I knew what was happening to me before I came across the mountain of evidence supplied in this article. Before I set out to research the considerable weight of evidence here, I was under the impression that most educated people would not be naive enough to overlook the influence of mind control manipulations—at least as a possibility. Events in my life are scrutinized in order to be exploited as a form of media consumption—it therefore took me by surprise that people would think that this media channel is any less convoluted than any other. From the Iraq war to “safe and effective,” the media has consistently sought to manipulate public opinion. If you don’t know that by now, I’m not sure I have the time to explain everything that is relevant to you here. However, for those of us who are not to be “had” so easily, there is a preponderance of evidence that demonstrates how I was 100% correct in Part I about the “read and write” capabilities of the technology being used to spy on my brain data.
Members of a democratic society have a duty to stay informed. It is unconscionable to remain ignorant of the facts of Voice-to-Skull (V2K) technology while participating in remote neural monitoring (RNM) stalking (an illegal breach of constitutional privacy rights anyway). I find it utterly stunning that people who stalk me 24/7, 365 days a year have remained willfully ignorant that RNM technology is both read and write, as I have been researching these topics almost on a daily basis for around 6 months now. However, if for some reason the sources that supply stalking information deprive you of also seeing the evidence I have been researching, I will provide the sources here so there is no need to remain in the dark about the bidirectional input/output nature of RNM.
Technical Summary of the State of Remote Neuroweapons
The main problem with public acknowledgement of the issue as the gravest sort of human rights concern is simply neglect or refusal to look at the evidence. Perhaps it is actually the abundance of evidence that exists which makes it difficult for the common observer to know where to start. I will begin by providing a quick technical overview before getting into the bulk of the evidence, because this issue is very technically complicated and almost entirely unfamiliar to conventional cultural awareness.
I recommend anyone who is new to this material to visit Targetedjustice.com. There, you will find clear diagrams demonstrating an overview of how innocent civilians are targeted by intelligence agencies in the United States. The process begins with FBI and DHS fusion centers placing targets on the Terrorist Screening Data Base (TSDB). Though by the FBI’s own admission, 97% of people on this list are not known or suspected terrorists, illegitimate classification as a threat on the TSDB is nevertheless used to allow the deployment of full-scale surveillance apparatus on Targeted Individuals, and the destruction of their lives by means of remote neurological weapons. Below is a diagram of the process flow for how directed energy weapon (directed pulsed energy in the microwave range) attacks are committed by actors in the United States. There are likely more than 45 other countries involved in operating DEWs for purposes that range from “Havanna Syndrome” (correctly referred to as non-Kinetic Brain Injury or nKBI) to radio hypnosis and large-scale social engineering enabled by combining the effects of these weapons with AI supercomputers. As seen in the diagram, microwave attacks in the US are administered by Space Force from Schriever Air Force Base and relayed through satellites, which most commonly make use of a nearby cell tower to target you.
Image source; Please note, General B. Chance Saltzman is in command of Space Force now.
Testimony from Whistleblowers and Experts
There are more extremely qualified whistleblowers to cite here than I can count on my fingers. When I say “extremely qualified,” I mean possibly more qualified than anyone you or I have met in our lives. These include former intelligence officers and specialists who have worked on black budget projects for DARPA, whose research significantly outpaces the public’s awareness of the state of technology. What you will find is that, while the above technical overview may sound wild at first, the unfortunate truth is that none of this is theoretical. Altogether, there are whistleblowers and experts from agencies including the CIA, FBI, NSA, MI5, and MI6, as well as doctors and third-party security contractors.
Bryan Kofron
According to former SIS security specialist Bryan Kofron, government agencies and their contractors have been using DNA information to hook innocent civilians up to an “AI grid.” Through a method Kofron labels “DNA resonant frequency,” neuroweapons can track and manipulate your brain by locking into the frequencies it emits, which are unique to your DNA. After an individual’s brain has been mapped out by a supercomputer using their DNA (gathered from hair or other traces), radio frequency signals can tap into their brain’s resonant frequency in order to dictate thoughts, emotions, and affect behavior. According to Kofron, DNA resonant frequency is essentially the wireless equivalent of hooking an individual up to the cloud with a fiberoptic cable, creating a “superhighway of information.”
Kofron was assigned to executive protection and risk management at SIS (Security Industry Specialists, Inc.). In this position, Kofron came to realize that he was working on “a social engineering program and research and development program that was being carried out by SIS and our client in Seattle, the Amazon corporation.”
“When I say experimenting, [I mean] Voice-to-Skull [V2K], hivemind, behavior modification technology that is frequency-based and directed at a Targeted Individual to basically control their entire person. […] I realized that this experimentation was going on against the general population of Seattle, and [that] the average man and woman on the street, upper class, upper-upper class, and even the flat-out rich were having this technology used on them without their knowledge.”
In order to experiment on innocent civilians with directed energy and frequency weapons, security contractors use organized stalking to systematically isolate targets. Kofron says targets “will have career sabotage programs run against them to ruin their job, they will have character assassinations campaigns run against them in their neighborhood, they'll be isolated from family and friends as those individuals are turned against them. They will be isolated [gradually] over time using the technology itself. As many of the people freak out understandably when they at first don't know what it is, oftentimes they end up going to psychiatrists and false diagnosis of schizophrenia, manic depression, [and/or] delusional paranoia are rendered against this individual.” Kofron says psychiatric malpractice is “a dirty trick they’re using to take away the rights of people all over the country.”
In the next part of the interview, Kofron warns, “absolutely every single man, woman, and child in the United States of America will be under the influence of this technology.” At the time he was interviewed (2017), Kofron said that tragically, “this technology is being used against military families—people who proudly and bravely serve their country and sacrifice everything so that you and I can be free—at least we were able to be free before this this technology started.”
Bryan Kofron took a heroic stand when he chose to speak out on this issue. After he decided to blow the whistle on DNA resonant frequency abuse, he was hounded non-stop by military intelligence and gangstalkers—something he knew was going to happen. On why he chose to speak out, Kofron says, “it came down to the victims, it came down to Targeted Individuals all over America were suffering every single day, were crying out for help, were curled up in a ball in the corner in their bedroom in horrible physical pain, in horrible emotional pain and nobody will help them. Everybody calls them crazy, everybody says you know there's something wrong with them, friends and family abandoned them, relationships with their significant others are ruined, their kids are taken away from them.”
As Kofron points out, freedom everywhere on earth has a blindspot. Getting specific about how the technology is operated on targets, Kofron says, “it can literally stop your own thoughts from happening and replace them with other thoughts by sending thoughts to your head. And it's so sophisticated that you cannot tell where these thoughts are coming from—there's no way to discern that they are coming from somewhere other than your own mind. So you can imagine how bad this would be for people that don't even realize this technology exists.” The technology is so surgically precise that, “the thoughts that they beam into your head originate from the exact same place in your mind that your own natural thoughts originated from, so if I didn't know I was under the influence of this technology, then I would have no idea that anyone was influencing my thoughts at all, and that's exactly what it can be used for. It can be used to sway people in terms of their opinion to make them go along with a certain agenda.” What Kofron is saying is that if people don’t know what this technology can do and wake up to the fact that it is being used on Americans, our democracy, our personal freedom, everything we value will be gone.
Dr. Robert Duncan
According to Dr. Robert Duncan,2 who worked on AI-brain interface programs for the CIA, DARPA, and the military, there are 26 different methods by which the human brain and nervous system can be manipulated. While working on brain-computer interface (BCI) projects, Dr. Duncan was told these technologies would only be used to target enemy combatants in foreign countries. However, later in his career as a professor and scientist, Dr. Duncan came across victims of the same brain-computer interface technologies and realized, “oh my gosh, this is my work they're using to harm people.” Testifying before Congress, Dr. Duncan described that his work was being used for what was essentially “MK-Ultra on steroids.”
Here are some important points Dr. Duncan makes in an interview in February 2020:
“It's totally stealing one's brain. Stealing their soul [… is] what this technology can do. It can run other software, overlay it on your hardware called the brain.”
“You can make them angry. You can alter their voice. Let's say you're a politician and you want to make them sound like an idiot in front of the microphone. You can screw up their speech [… and] insert thoughts[.]”
“They can manipulate subliminally your dreams, and your dreams affect the conscious when you're awake. That's just dangerous. That's not free will. You're taking away someone's autonomy of thought and decision-making[.]”
“This cancer virus of technology has spread in secret, to basically overthrow mankind, freedom, and democracy.”
“It could be everyone in the world, to some extent—just not tortured. But influenced.”
“This truly is the most sophisticated weapons system humanity has ever created. It involves every aspect of science […] you have to understand neuroscience. You have to understand physics. You have to understand psychology. You have to understand many different aspects of all human knowledge to understand this weapons system[.]”
“The CIA at first was caught and I'm gonna blame them the most, but the military also does it. They were implanting people with microchips. Dr. Delgado is the most famous neuroscientist of the brain-chipping method.3 You know he bragged about how he’d control all human behavior at 450 megahertz […] But then it went wireless […] the technology’s advanced very far.”
“HAARP actually came on in 1991 […] I’ve probably interviewed a thousand targets. There were more that came online at that time. Every time the military gets a bigger budget, especially after 9/11, more targets came online, and they all give the exact date when they came online. Satellites came on later and they're probably redundant systems.”
“Once the target’s energy signature is figured out, then it can be […] anywhere on planet earth.”
“They are scaling this technology to the entire population […] 1984 did happen. We're actually further ahead.”
“They’re destroying true democracy, freedom of will, and if you don’t have free will, well you don’t have justice […] you don’t have democracy.”
“[Victims are] getting rewired. They will never be the same human being again, especially if they're under the trauma based program.”
“You got to remember how many times both the military and the CIA have been caught experimenting on our own citizens. And they used to use the downtrodden, you know the black community, inmates, anybody that just no one would care about.”
“This is torture and I want there to be no doubt about it. [It’s the] destruction of life and a […] war crime. It's a crime against humanity for sure. Isn’t much more to say about it.”
“We call it no-touch torture and so the assumption, for most human beings, ‘well I don't see blood or mutilation, it can't be that bad.’”
In the above interview, like Kofron, Dr. Duncan also points to the significance of DNA-based targeting, saying, “initially the person's brain-print, their particular energy signature, just like a thumbprint or something like that, needs to be collected before the long process of retraining the brain to listen to another human being’s brain or a computer.”
Dr. Duncan also describes how mind control programs often attempt to discredit victims by leveraging the psychiatry industry: “they've got psychiatry in place to tamp down on any kind of report from the community where people are actually exposing and whistleblowing about it.” Furthermore, on the subject of COINTELPRO-style undercover agents, Dr. Duncan says, “they’re actually paying government agents to disrupt the conversation. Our tax dollars are paying these idiots to harm the truth from coming out to save us.”
James Martinez
James Martinez is a media communications specialist contracted to work on black budget programs, and a whistleblower on projects which continued MK-Ultra in secret under different names. In the 1990s, his work compelled him to have conversations about cognitive liberty, the future of the freedom to control one’s own mind, and what “the world of psychiatry and big pharma are doing to the future of what we call the organic human being.” He believes that with the Targeted Individuals program, we are witnessing now what worried him back then about “how all this technology could coalesce and disrupt lives,” pointing out that “what people forget is that Mk-Ultra was operational.” Framing it in terms no less than an existential threat to the future of humanity, he describes transhumanism as the “[mergence] of machine into human biology, and ultimately the ending of the free will itself.”
As an expert in media ecology, Martinez understands why it is important that there is public discourse any time a new technology is introduced. In an interview with TargetedJustice, Martinez notes that, “every time there is a new technology introduced, the sensory balance gets disrupted.” According to Martinez, this affects “the sensory ratios of human perception, [and] therefore alters communications, value systems, and how we ultimately feel and process information.”4 Martinez believes “V2K is very, very, very destructive” in ways we may not be trained to fully appreciate. Speaking about AI interfacing with human brains through V2K, Martinez says, “this subject matter is extremely complicated because it’s subtle, fine-tuned, […] you’re controlling and reformatting language, which is what’s going on now. Language controls human perception; it’s the lens between understanding and feeling.” This technology gives an obvious advantage to whoever is in control of it. Martinez mentions, “when you take the sensory imbalance and add on the use of inserted language [… and] directed energy weapons, just those three elements can control populations.”
Though it is a complex subject involving “communications, electronics, [and] media ecology,” Martinez believes the most significant obstacle to public discourse is that “cognitive dissonance is very powerful—nobody wants to look like a fool.” With loaded terms like “conspiracy theory,” our media environment is set up to make people look crazy who discuss what Martinez labels “the most important conversation we can be having.”
In another podcast with Targeted Justice, James Martinez discusses the cultural war that is being waged on us through the influence of new technologies and the sensory imbalances they create. It’s important “to be aware of your own awareness in an electronic society—it’s your duty to question” in a democratic society, Martinez says. Pointing to the increases in “erratic behavior, sudden death, emotional breakdowns, drug addition, breakdown of relations between gender and ethnicity” that we are witnessing today, Martinez is very worried about the role AI could be playing. “It’s going to be utilized to break everything apart, which is what it is doing right now. Like a psychopath.” Targeted Justice board member Dr. Len Ber agrees with the gravity of the situation as concerns the wider population, mentioning that the computational power to monitor 8 billion living brains has already existed for a while now—the only question is how much computational power exists that we don’t know about because of black budget programs. These psychological warfare weapons that have been developed in secret are now being unleashed on all of us, almost all at once. Martinez says, “basic warfare is going to be robotic, and going to be on you. The battlefield is the brain.”
James Martinez states unambiguously that “we are in the most spiritual, life altering decision of all time—now.” People are largely oblivious to the fact that “2 or 3 of the biggest technologies of the world have just hit the scenes with virtually no discussion. Call it the flashpoint, the singularity, the symbiosis, [or] the exercising of cybernetics, because we’re cybernetic already.” The worst part about this transition is that “we are changing ourselves into something else, and we’re not in control of this.” So who then is running this monumental change in what it means to be human? According to Martinez, who has experience working for security clearance programs, the “same people who are controlling the movement of information are same ones who are controlling and using perception as an apparatus against yourself.” Martinez believes part of the problem is the discomfort that people experience in wrapping their heads around and confronting this agenda. “They are telling us they are doing it to us […] it’s our participation in authority that has allowed all of this.” As you will see in the media section of this article, self-appointed technocrats are indeed explicit about their intentions with transhumanism.
“We have already crossed the line and are in a completely new paradigm—people have to reframe entire worldview to get on board and survive.”
- James Martinez, media communications specialist
However, in Martinez’ opinion, there is an opportunity for good to come of this struggle. He advises making “this conversation motivating because it is the one time in history when all their divisions can be dissolved by our own will, not something done electronically. Because it’s something that’s being done to everybody. Every religion, every race, color, and creed. They are using advanced weaponry to divide people. We need to come together, this is the conversation. People who are interested in fighting for freedom are attacking each other and shouldn’t be.” The stakes could not be higher. As Martinez points out, “if you don’t have your own mind, you’re nothing and it’s over.”
Dr. John Hall
Dr. John Hall is an MD anesthesiologist who came across victims who had been hearing voices and experiencing unexplainable interferences in their lives. However, his patients were generally in their late 30s or 40s—too late in life for the sudden problems to have stemmed from the onset of schizophrenia.5 On the patients he examined, Dr. Hall notes the following:
Just so you know, these are all people that were professionals, were educated, were functioning in society just fine, and most of them were between 30 and 40 when they first started getting victimized—much older than you would typically see somebody all of a sudden come down with schizophrenia and [for] no reason to have all of a sudden developed an acute delusional disorder. Most of them were functioning, most of them are professionals. I've talked to a lot of doctors, a lot of lawyers, whistleblowers from the National Geospatial Agency, a couple of whistleblowers I've worked with from the NSA. These were functioning people and they can tell you the day they started hearing voices and started experiencing attacks and typically it's in the 40s, late 30s, [or] early 40s, with no history of mental illness and high functioning in society prior to that day.”
Looking further into the claims of his patients, Dr. Hall discovered that his patients were being experimented on: “from my experience, it seems to be a form of remote neural monitoring is one of the terms we use for it. The other term is psychotronic weaponry, weaponry that has been designed to interact with the human nervous system in order to remotely pick up on someone's neural network or EEG, and not only receive that and monitor it, but manipulate it and place it back into the victim to control their emotions or control their actions or bodily functions for that matter.”
Here are other important points Dr. Hall makes in the same 2013 interview:
“Robert Malech's patent of remote neural monitoring in which he found if you shoot two dissimilar frequencies into the human brain that the human brain will actually create an interference frequency as it tries to duplicate the two dissimilar frequencies. And the interference frequency that gets transmitted back out of your brain can be decoded and your EEG digitally manipulated out of that. Now that patent came out in like 1974[.]”6
“One thing that we found a long time ago within a lot of the neurological studies is if you bombard the brain long enough with a certain frequency, the brain receives that frequency and adapts to that frequency and begins to operate in that frequency. Specifically with Malech's patent, if you're using two dissimilar frequencies and you get one hemisphere of the brain operating at one frequency, the other hemisphere at a different frequency, they create an interference frequency. We know the brain transmits—that's why we can actually look at an EEG. Now traditionally in medicine, we're using it with leads on the scalp—and that was the whole point of his patent, […] that it could be done remotely, with radio frequency. Now that's not in sum the total of what these victims are experiencing; that's the monitoring and maybe some of the emotional manipulation.”
“When prisoners get out of line, a guard can actually manipulate the beam and burn the person until they get out of the way of the beam. So that's been worked on, you know, for some time. Now how it's being delivered possibly via satellite or being delivered long range is classified technology […] From what I've been told by some of my contacts that a lot of this is being done, especially the weaponry, by satellite. There's been other you know world leaders that have complained about hearing voices and being attacked with directed energy […] the directed energy component has been around for quite a while, [but] how it's being used on such a grand scale is [new.]”
“I think most of what we're dealing with in the victim population is probably satellite-based or something much more remote than that. I know in my personal studies I've actually taken victims onto a ranch here in Texas where there's no power lines, there's no cell towers, you can do RF scans on the property and see that it's pretty clear, and these victims still hear voices, they still get attacked. I've done the same thing by taking victims in a boat into the Gulf of Mexico to escape the possibility of it being handheld weapons or neighbors—they still hear voices, they still get attacked. […] I had one victim who's pretty well-off financially that actually flew to Cuba to try to get away from this and was still hearing voices and still being attacked even in Cuba.”
“[The organized stalking involves] creating scenes [at for example] grocery stores […] where they may be talking to someone else within earshot of you but talking about something you did or something you said to a loved one. And it's geared to let you know that there are people that know your lifestyle and know the specifics of your lifestyle. […] In the case here in San Antonio it was […] a former FBI fraud investigator that opened up his own private investigative agency after he retired.”
“We have found a handful of chips in people, but, by and large, after looking at thousands of MRIs—and not only me doing some RF scans looking for chips, but ICAACT, which is an organization I'm affiliated with, has actually gone around the country […] doing radiofrequency scanning [on a lot of victims]. While we will find radio transmissions either emanating into or from the victim, when you image those sites, we’re not typically finding chips. Which leads me to believe that most of this is probably being done without any type of an implant.”
“Guns and taxes won’t control everybody. Electromagnetic technology will.”
In another interview, Dr. John Hall agrees with Bryan Kofron, Dr. Duncan, and James Martinez, saying that, “the whole goal of targeting is to get you in front of a psychiatrist to draw schizophrenic or delusional diagnosis.” He advises contacting a human rights organization instead, and believes the program is designed such that “you to call the police over and over again […] which will eventually land you in front of a psychiatrist who usually won’t listen to or look at any of the research or articles you bring in, but will be looking to give you a psychiatric diagnosis. Once that diagnosis is given, typically the police won’t respond to any further targeting, which may escalate after you’re diagnosed.”
Roger Tolces
Roger Tolces is yet another expert on targeting who describes the on-going crimes as “mind control disguised as schizophrenia.” A private investigator in LA who specializes in electronic countermeasures, he was running a business to help victims of electronic harassment at the time he was interviewed.
Calling it “biocoded directed energy,” Tolces’ testimony speaks to the same DNA resonate frequency technology that Bryan Kofron mentioned, further confirming that mind control technology is being used on civilians without the need for implants. Tolces details the process: “they get your DNA—in other words they pick your garbage up in front of your house one day. And inside your garbage is your DNA, most likely from the trash can in your bathroom […]. Once they have your DNA, they take the DNA and they put your DNA code in a supercomputer. And in that supercomputer they run algorithms that bio-code electromagnetic transmissions so they bio-resonate with your body. Once they’ve done that, they can transmit that from satellites, or cell towers, or aircraft, or any number of ways, and that signal will only affect you and nobody else—in other words everybody standing next to you is not going to hear the content because their receiver is not tuned to that bio-resonance.”
Tolces seems to agree with James Martinez that we are in the middle of a culture war involving this technology: “So what they’ve done is decided what we want to do is have non-lethal weapons. Weapons that can be used against enemies that don’t destroy physical things—in other words not bombs, not bullets, not missiles, but some kind of electronic mind control devices such that you can get mental control over enemies without blowing up infrastructure. So what’s happened is these things were supposed to be developed towards enemies, [but] they’ve decided in most cases we’re gonna have to get gain mind control over the general populations that are not warring with us. […] So anyone who gets on the bad side of the government could end up being a lab guinea pig.”
Having switched from an insider with in-depth knowledge of how these programs operate to someone who helps victims, Tolces understands that the victims often “consider themselves to be in hell. Especially the ones that are getting voices that are instructing them to do things. […] Most of the time the voices are just demeaning and they are attempting to shut the person off from their normal life flow and their normal friends and family—that kind of thing. But then the really serious cases are where the voices are instructing them to do things—it just escalates into being worse.”
Ted Gundersson
Anyone who is skeptical that government agencies in the United States would commit these kind of cruel and unusual crimes on innocent civilians should look into the testimony of Ted Gundersson. Gundersson was an FBI Section Chief from 1973-1979 in charge of 26 field offices and most of Southern California. In his day, Gundersson was one of the top executives in the FBI. He was interviewed for the Directorship in 1975, but remarks that “of course, they didn’t want me for obvious reasons, because I’m too outspoken.” Gundersson testifies on targeting program in the following statement:
“Based on 21 years of experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal US government rouge criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States. A network of victims who worked with me have reached the same conclusions based on one, their personal experiences—these people have come to me—two, the significant number of victims—thousands of them. And three, the extent in intensity of the harassment. I’m talking about microwave beams, I’m talking about surveillances, I’m talking about poisoned gas—everything even that you can think of.”
In 2011, Gundersson signed an affidavit under oath in federal district court during Labella v. Federal Bureau of Investigation et al Case No. 1:2011cv00023. In it, he speaks explicitly about the targeting program: “Based on my investigative work, which includes intelligence from sources such as active and former members of the Intelligence Services (including the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the N.S.A., and Military Intelligence), information from informants active in criminal enterprises, and, victim testimonies, I have come to the conclusion that thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal government rogue criminal enterprise whose goals are achieving financial gain.” He also states that the FBI is involved in the following illegal targeting activities:
Organized stalking
Illegal spy cameras
Financial sabotage
Drug set-ups
Gundersson was also targeted after deciding to become a whistleblower. Telling the story of his targeting, he says, “I’ve had gangstalking on me [...] I’ve been the victim of a disinformation campaign […] we have enough idiots out there that believe this off the internet […] that it really affected my opportunity to get the word out.” Gundersson warns that the FBI and CIA creates terrorists and mass killers through mind control programs like MK-Ultra, stating in the 2000s that “[MK-Ultra] is very active today.” Gundersson testifies that targeting abuses are carried out by “high-ranking members of the FBI, other intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy, powerful members of criminal syndicates, multimillionaires, and the corporate elite[,]” who use government gangstalking program to harass enemies. Lower-echelon government rogue operatives, lower-ranking members of the military, petty criminals, and street thugs perform the actual grunt work of daily monitoring and harassment of individuals targeted by the program.”
Gundersson says agencies act in thuggish ways to acquire more power: “They create these terrorist acts—the government does as covert operation—in order to establish the Homeland Security, in order to write the Patriot Act, [to] take away our constitutional rights and civil liberties.” Former FBI agents Mike German, Geral Sosbee (sworn affidavit), and John DeSouza have also confirmed the existence of the targeting program.
William Binney
William Binney was the former NSA Technical Director—approximately the 4th highest ranking officer in the NSA until shortly after the events of September 11th, 2001. Binney left the agency after realizing “total population control is what the NSA wants [… it’s] 1984 on steroids.” Binney claims there may be a 10-15 billion spy budget which nobody outside the security state knows about. This budget pays for programs that do things like acquire “the data that is being assembled […] about everybody. And from that data they can target anyone they want.”
A Targeted Individual, Binney says, “our experience is that they can follow people where ever they are. Even going to Europe, we traced these signals that were hitting us in different states over there. So you know, they follow you wherever you go.” Binney says “[government agencies] have done nothing [in response to torture],” a blatant dereliction of their duty to the Constitution. In another interview, Binney has said that these agencies and black budget programs “need their day in court instead of doing everything in secret. They never come out and tell anybody what they’re really doing, what their real or secret interpretation is. That’s because they’re too afraid, they’re cowards, they’re hiding behind a secret interpretation, applied with a secret court, in secret, by a secret government.”
Binney says he is frustrated with “why I couldn't get through to members of government in the House, Senate, or in the Judiciary, or in the administration, or in the Inspector General's Office or anywhere to actually start to realize what they were doing [and] stand up and say something against it openly. That was kind of the very frustrating part because you thought these people who took the same oath of office that I did would actually do that and you also thought that they would value the principles in the Constitution and what they stood for in terms of human rights and human freedom, but they don't apparently care for that.”
Barrie Trower
Formerly an MI5 and MI6 intelligence officer, Barrie Trower is also a Royal Navy veteran, scientist, and university lecturer. He has extensive knowledge in the field of microwaves dating back to government research in the 1950s. From the perspective of his vast experience in the field, Trower warns not to believe government officials when they try to cover up the dangers of this technology: “from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, we’ve been developing microwave weapons right up to today, and they are incredibly sophisticated today. So if any government says microwaves have no effect on you, the question is, ‘why have you been spending billions upon billions of dollars with the military for the last 60 years improving them?’”
“I joined the Royal Navy in 1960 and I specialized in microwave warfare. […] So I understood all about microwave warfare and how it can damage people, how it can harm people. Microwaves then were used as weapons, as they are today. It is a perfect stealth weapon. And when governments don’t like a group of people—for instance the ladies who protested at Greenham Common, in England, about the American missile base, […] they were microwaved. We microwaved Catholics in Northern Ireland, to make them sick. It goes on all over the world. It’ a weapon that you don’t know you’re being targeted because the dose is very, very low—which is actually more dangerous than a high dose—[…] and it may take a year or two, but you can cause neurological damage and cancers with low-level microwaves, and you can make all your opponents sick. It’s a perfect weapon for a government.”
- Barrie Trower on microwaves
It is important not only for anyone interested in the present day condition of human rights, but for anyone who is interested in the future of humanity that they listen to points he brings up in this 2013 interview:
“I could turn you into an assassin in less than 3 days. That’s easy. So there are lots, and lots, and lots of different reasons for blanketing an area and watching people. […] if you upset somebody in the government, they can abuse their authority and target you.”
“The main weapon of a spy—any spy from any country—is blackmail. […] If you blanket an area with microwaves, you know every conversation they're having, you know where they go, what they're doing. Now, for instance, if you have a person who is a pedophile, a person who has a mistress or two, a person who is a secret alcoholic or gambler—and they would lose their job if it became known. [They] give you a choice and you make your decision now: either this goes in your local press in the Sunday newspaper and you will lose […] everything, and you will never work again; you will be a beggar on the streets if you're lucky—or, you can sign this piece of paper to say that you know this individual, they are an upstanding person, they deserve the passports or a job reference, they should get this job because they are highly recommended.”
“There are 45 other countries—some of whom probably do not like the United States [—and …] too many different organizations looking into microwave weapons. It is absolutely uncontrollable and, as you’ve said, we have now gone into a new Cold War. I don’t know where it is going to end.”
“We pay governments to protect us. What I cannot go along with is the fact that 25 categories of persons, without their choice, and in many cases without their knowledge, are being experimented upon with these particular frequencies to cause all of this—that is wrong.”
“It’s been that [a silent weapons system] for 60 years, no doubt about that.”
“I have the paper that estimates the cost of your sickness from electromagnetic radiation. It is known to be in the tens of billions, and it’s going up enormously. […] the bubble is going to burst. And when it bursts, I fear a lot of influential people will be standing in the dock.”
In another interview (disappeared from YouTube, but similar things are said to the same effect in this interview or this interview), Trower described the granularity with which the body can be hijacked with microwaves, and how this technology can be leveraged as a form of artificially created blackmail:
“There are around ten and a half thousand biological structures. Every single one can be made to change its job or stop its job by microwave frequencies—every single one. I can affect your vision, I can make you speak in a funny voice, I can cause you to have instant diarrhea.”
He goes on in this interview to describe how “it's very difficult to say who's doing it because you can do it from another country just by beaming the microwaves off the ionosphere.” This new technological paradigm has created a completely new reality in modern warfare where “you don't need to send tanks, and guns, and missiles, and rockets—you can do it with microwaves.”
In a separate interview (video below), Trower suggests the scale of the next war that involves these weapons will inflict a level of devastation exceeding even that of World War II: “With the growth of the industry in the last 15 years, I would say now that these people are probably going to cause more death and suffering than the entire Second World War. Is that genocide—yes, without a shadow of a doubt.”
In the same interview, Trower reminds us that the Nuremberg Code applies: “experiments on people, service personnel [experimented on by militaries with violence-inducing frequencies], police officers [experimented on with] microwaves—it is all illegal according to the Nuremberg Treaty. […] I’ve said it on air [… that] scientists at the end of the war were hanged for what scientists today are doing and getting away with.”
“Voices are the easiest ones, because all you have to do is stimulate the cochlea with resonant frequency. […] It isn’t people imaging voices, they physically hear them. […] You can physically make people hear voices, and it can be any conversation, anybody you want [them] to hear.”
~Barrier Trower, ex-MI5 and MI6
Reiterating the existential threat that directed energy and mind control pose, Trower remarks, “in several hundred years time, people will look back—whoever survives—and look at what we tried to do to stop them.” According to Trower, the threat comes in part from cell towers, essentially a globally-distributed weapon system that “have hidden tech that can control your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and your brain.”
Barrie Trower says that microwave weapons programs are covered up with the help of police or doctors, who do not take victims serious when approached. Another MI5 whistleblower, Carl Clark, agrees, saying, "some doctors and hospitals work together with the Secret Services."
Dr. James Giordano
Dr. Giordano is a professor at Georgetown University and a renowned lecturer of the subject of weaponized neuroscience. You might say he is an academic with military science credentials and strong ties to DARPA. Nevertheless, at a 2022 conference hosted by the University of Texas's Department of Psychiatry, in response to Dr. Len Ber’s (Targeted Individual and MD) question asking whether evidence exists directed energy weapon attacks on civilians, Professor Giordano answered “yes,” saying, "there is evidence both in Europe and domestically."
Listening to a couple minutes of Dr. James Giordano’s lectures is enough to realize we are in DARPA territory, and that conventional understanding needs to adjust to a new paradigm wherever neuroweapons are concerned. In a 2021 lecture, Dr. Giordano says that “we are [now] the engineers of our own evolution.” A global multi-hundred-billion dollar market is “infiltrating more and more aspects of our life” through “neuro-pharma, neuro-devices, and neuro-analyitics.” He remarks, “as science fiction as it sounds, it is here today—clear and present danger.” Citing the case of communist China, Dr. Giordano comments that the lack of a “background of ethics to deal with these issues” has led to an unbridled arms race in this field. China is “being explicit about leading brain sciences by 2030” and “nationalistic motivations, as well as economic incentives” are involved.
In a 2018 lecture, Dr. Giordano explains that the field typically aims to discover how “can we get in [your brain] to affect the ticking and tocking,” where he defines “ticking” as “very obvious, in-your-face mind control.”7 Dr. Giordano warned then that these capabilities are already here: “I can disrupt an individual from the level of their cell to their system and disrupt individuals on a variety of levels, and individuals all the way up the social fabric. Target a specific individual, change or eliminate that individual with very little attribution and trace[.]” Dr. Giordano goes on to tell the audience that while these are military technologies, they will not constrained to military domains. In fact, he is certain his audience at West Point will encounter them in their civilian lives as well: “The brain is and will be the 21st century battlescape in many ways—end of story. You will encounter some form of neurocognitive science that has been weaponized not only in your military career but in your personal and professional lives.”
Speaking in 2022 on the subject of “Brain Computer Interface,” Dr. Giordano talks about using AI to modify the “existing and/or potential fine and gross structure and specific functions of the brain in ways that prevent or mitigate pathology, direct cognition, emotion and behavior and/or otherwise affect psychological constitution and expression(s) of an individual or group of individuals.” Dr. Giordano sums it up as “zapping the brain to modify the mind.”
Admittedly, this field raises ethical questions, says Dr. Giordano, as it is “changing the ‘you’ of you.” These are “weapons of mass disruption” that “[put] the brain at your fingertips.” From a defense perspective, another problem that arises is that "what we can do is provocative. What we should do remains, therefore, an issue[.]”
Major whistleblowers I have not had the space to include here but whose courageous testimony is invaluable in exposing remote neural torture include former NASA engineer, innovator, and Targeted Justice board member Richard Lighthouse,8 former Chief Medical Officer in Finland Dr. Rauni Kilde, former NSA whistleblower and gangstalking victim Karen Stewart, Deborah Tavares, technology expert Dr. Nick Begich, mind control inventor Dr. Persinger, and a dozen others. It is tragic that the mainstream media, mainly with exceptions like Jessie Ventura, refuse to interview any of these highly credible individuals. Media coverage would be forced to be much more fair to victim testimony in light of what all these whistleblower have to share, and dismissive excuses of “mental illness” would evaporate as unable to stand up to scrutiny.
Testimony from Targeted Individuals
Targeted Individual (TI) victim reports line up with whistleblower testimony. Platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Substack, and Amazon (134 pages of ebooks) have a plethora of examples of victim reports on the experience of thoughts being read and instantly responded to, memories and feelings remotely manipulated and controlled, and externally-induced artificial thoughts interjecting in their internal monologues. While a program with roots in COINTELPRO inevitably involves undercover agents who work to undermine victim communities, it’s possible to separate the imposters from the real testimony of Targeted Individuals. In terms of the most overt evidence, some victims have posted pictures of extreme burns from microwave attacks, while others have provided evidence of chips that were implanted in their bodies when they were having surgery or dental work done.9
Hundreds if not thousands of Targeted Individuals have been diagnosed with directed energy weapon exposure at the University of Miami Department of Ontoneurology, confirming the existence in the civilian population of the same Havana Syndrome symptoms that diplomats had in Cuba. Officially, the government does acknowledge brain injuries sustained from remote neuroweapons through the military medicine term “unconventionally-acquired brain injury (UBI),” but the irony of this partial acknowledgement is that it is like saying a disease exists that only employees of the CIA and State Department can get.
Thanks to Dr. Hoffer of the University of Miami, there are Targeted Individuals (civilians) who have been diagnosed for their brain injuries. The correct medical term for these injuries is non-kinetic brain injury (NKBI), which specifies that these injuries with concussion-like symptoms were sustained without any physical event. After the diplomats in Cuba were diagnosed for what the media had termed “Havana Syndrome,” Dr. Hoffer et al. published a ground-breaking journal article in December 2018, stating, “new cases have been reported all over the globe affecting individuals from many countries.” Another report published as a collaboration between Dr. Hoffer, Dr. Balaban, and Dr. Giordano looked into the question of what weapons were used in attacks on civilians. More recently, Dr. Giordano acknowledges the existence of KNBIs in the civilian population as a public health issue in a 2022 white paper:
“Investigation of Havana Syndrome remains ongoing, and rightly so. What has become clear from investigations to date is that current and emerging biotechnologies pose significant risk and threat to public safety and national security.”
—AHIs of Havana Syndrome: Implications and Lessons for Global Biosecurity and Defense, Dr. James Giordano, neuropathologist at Georgetown University, 2022
A member on the board at Targeted Justice, Dr. Len Ber was diagnosed with recurring non-kinetic brain injury (rKNBI) from directed energy exposure in June of 2020, the same Acquired Neurosensory Dysfunction diagnosis that was given to 25 US Embassy personnel. Intelligence reports have never challenged the validity of the diagnosis for these 25 individuals. As Dr. Len Ber describes in a Targeted Justice symposium, this specific diagnosis is based on 4 unique characteristics that have never been reported together before by neurologists. As defined by the Intelligence Community (IC) 2022 report entitled, “AHI Potential Causes and Mechanisms”,10 these 4 characteristics are:
The acute onset of audio-vestibular phenomena, including sound and/or pressure, sometimes just in one ear or on one side of the head.
Other nearly simultaneous signs and symptoms such as vertigo, loss of balance, and ear pain.
A strong sense of locality or direction (being able to sense from which direction the attack came from).
The absence of known environmental or medical conditions that could have caused the reported signs and symptoms.
"Although some signs and symptoms of AHIs are common in known medical conditions, the combination of the four core characteristics is distinctly unusual, is unreported elsewhere in medical literature, and so far has not been associated with a specific neurological abnormality.”
—Anomalous Heath Incidents: Analysis of Potential Causal Mechanisms, IC Experts Panel , September 2022
The closest match to this unique constellation of signs and symptoms in the ICD-10 is still currently “Brain Injury, Other.” Outside of Dr. Hoffer’s practice, other doctors can diagnose you for the damage sustained by microwave attacks (i.e. physical damage to organs of equilibrium, ocular-motor changes, traumatic encephalopathy, severe vestibular abnormalities, cognitive impairment, or other characteristic biomarkers11), but there is currently no established diagnosis for them to attach these complications to. Thus far for civilians, the government wants to call this an “Anomalous Health Incident (AHI),” but according to Dr. Len Ber, “this is not a diagnosis, it’s an event.” Dr. Len Ber points out that the government is inconsistent in officially recognizing that Unconventionally-Acquired Brain Injuries (UBIs) are something that can happen to military, but not to civilians. Once a civilian analogue for UBI is officially acknowledged in the ICD-10 codes, it should be fairly easy for victims of targeting to document evidence of their brain injuries without needing to be in Miami. Dr. Len Ber says, “even one attack done with high enough power is enough to determine physical damage to the vestibular organs, and for it to be possible to detect bio-markers of damage to the blood-brain barrier within 24 hours of the attack.”
It is well-known in the TI community that the targeting program seeks to push you toward suicide, yet this does not change that many are still struggling with it. According to Targeted Justice, approximately 2/3 of Targeted Individuals have V2K. Many describe it as the proverbial “devil on your shoulder.” Combined with AI, V2K is capable of precisely replicating voice of your friend (AI deepfakes) and whispering horrible things—it has myriad ways of getting at you. Most TIs believe their V2K is managed at least in part by AI, which engages in attacks on the mind tailor-made to create chaos and confusion. For instance, AI may cause you may hear something terrible, after which it will use a feedback mechanism to let you know it “disapproves” in order to gaslight you into thinking it was you who said what you had heard. AI systems that will reply to their own malicious interruptions so as to create maximal confusion for the victim are obviously not concerned with or beholden to truth and impartiality. These traumatic AI attacks can have the affect of breaking down the victim’s sense of self, rendering the mind too weak and tired to resist the effects of other mind control manipulations.
Unfortunately, there is nowhere on earth you can go where microwave weapons cannot target you. Targeted Individual and YouTuber Craig Laforest says he “was at the North Pole with no wi-fi, [and] they were using military satellites to hit me […] with the most disgusting language and microwaves.” Almost all TIs also report gangstalking community smear campaigns which serve to eventually divide them from their communities and families. As with microwave attacks, gangstalking follows the victim no matter how many times or how far they move.
One common difficulty shared by Targeted Individuals is that, despite that most of us are gangstalked by people whose intentions may be no less than to destroy our lives, it is the government criminals, mad scientists, and globalist control freaks who have really done this to us.
All TIs also seem to report extreme insomnia. According to Targeted Justice lawyer Ana Toledo, “their most common means of sleep-deprivation is with a [specific] frequency that accelerates the heart.” I remember a distinct time in my life in which insomnia seemed to come out of nowhere to completely upend everything I had going on. Indeed, many Targeted Individuals also report a sudden onset of health issues that they had never experienced before. While I have never been a great sleeper, it was not until a certain point in my life that I suddenly found it impossible to fall asleep for nights on end.
Allan Viktor is a specialist cybersecurity consultant and Targeted Individual. In a podcast, Viktor says two lesser-known technologies called Radio Hypnosis Intracerebral Control (RHIC) and Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM) may be affecting his cognition. Radio hypnosis is a technology that uses radio waves to induce a state of trance or hypnosis so that the mind becomes very suggestible. Around the time he started to experience extreme insomnia for the first time in his life, Viktor noticed feeling like his thoughts were strange in the morning after a night during which he believes he was subject to radio hypnosis. Of this experience, Viktor says, “I have been going through a very similar situation very regularly […] I wake up the next day and something feels strange. The way I respond to everyday conversations and stimuli begin to change, interactions with people start changing on a very subtle scale—and I know myself, I’ve been in this brain and in this body for nearly 40 years now.” It could not have just been the effects of insomnia, Viktor says, as he knows himself very well—"‘Know thyself’ is very important when you are a Targeted Individual so that you can take note of these subtle changes.” Viktor notes that the altered thoughts he was enduring “were completely outside my morals and ethics.”
Viktor believes techniques learned from hypnotherapy practices meant to improve the lives of PTSD victims are being exploited to artificially mind control Targeted Individuals. He points out that some hypnotherapy techniques are suggestion-based and involve both direct and indirect methods. One such method is intraverbial suggestion. In Viktor’s experience, by forcing you to have “a conversation with a voice impersonating you,” AI also has opportunities to conduct hypnosis through means of repetition. After a period of constant bombardment with repeated messages, “your brain starts autocompleting all the things you’ve been hearing.” I have also experienced the entrainment of severely unwanted thoughts. It’s important to remember that psychotronic technologies are capable of directly inserting words or phrases into your head anyway, but radio hypnosis may be a way of accomplishing language modification more covertly (tactically sound), or affecting you more at the subconscious level in order to induce personality-level changes.
Viktor also comments on how manipulation of different types of memory can affect cognitive performance. Speaking about his experience with what he believes is likely EDOM short-term memory suppression, Victor notes that at times he will “read a sentence 5 times over and it just doesn’t seem to stick. Whereas I’m generally very, very good at absorbing information or ingesting it like a sponge—and it’s why I’m in cybersecurity, […] but lately since the 24/7 Targeted Individual program, it’s become extremely difficult to absorb that information.”
As with many TIs, including myself, Viktor experiences “correlations between content you’re receiving [from the environment] and [V2K] targeting.” YouTuber Omnisense also speaks about his uncanny experiences with AI-powered content alignment: “I have witnessed this takes place on mainstream media, presidential debates, as well as US president speeches at times. You might ask how I could witness such things and I don’t blame you. […] One way they would torture me is through political speeches or sporting events—they knew what would happen in both, into some amount of the future down to the mannerisms of the speaker and the last play of the game.” As for my personal experiences with content alignment executed by synthetic telepathy, please visit this article I have published, which documents some of these statistically improbable yet frequent events in my life.
Omnisense would also agree with Viktor on the role that radio hypnosis plays in imperceptibly leading a Targeted Individual down paths to influence behavior and outcomes. “I can’t be hypnotized by a human with external mind control. However, with technology, I have witnessed myself go into mind control-induced trance states of several different kinds. […] Typically, these trance-induced states are undetectable at the time when they happen. I have caught them with self-reflection and in other ways. Some of them are overt. […] with end-game technology […] they can make people say anything.”
In the first article I published to document my targeting, I mentioned a very similar situation in which I found my thoughts aligning to content in films, though these “thoughts” inexplicably occurred right before content in the film they unambiguously related to—with mechanically precise timing.12 Another example of an uncanny experience occurred just while I was writing this on November 10th, 2023. I left the house door open, not realizing that my neighbor’s dog was home. Though the door was open for 2 or more hours, I heard the dog’s name in my head and rushed out of my room and downstairs at the exact moment the dog was about to step outside (I cannot see downstairs from inside my room). My life is littered with examples of statistically-significant alignment of thought and external circumstance, such that there isn’t room to provide examples of it all here. However, I have notarized a sworn affidavit that documents targeting events (DEWs, V2K, gangstalking, etc.) I experienced and journaled about in October and November 2023 that you can view here (any information that could be sensitive to other individuals has been whited out).
Omnisense also speaks to other specific things that happen in targeting which I have experienced, where manipulated emotions or thoughts, “can often be judgements about other people.” Other aspects of targeting I have experienced which he talks about in his comprehensive video “Covert Trans-humanism - A Mind Control Documentary” include control of eye movement and focus, control of breathing, and emotional blunting. I agree with other statements in his documentary, including the suggestion that, “the Targeted Individual reality is basically a 21st century mental concentration camp” and his opinion that, “if you are potent in thwarting the NWO agenda on earth, you may be targeted.”
"Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles." ~Fyodor Dostoevsky
Omnisense illustrates how “black project science is much more ambitious than any public science” by citing DARPA scientist Dr. Jose Delgado’s book Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society, published in 1969. In it, Delgado writes, “Automonic and somatic functions, individual and social behaviors, emotional and mental reactions may be evoked, maintained, modified, or inhibited, both in animals and in man, by electrical stimulation of specific cerebral structures. Physical control of many brain functions is a demonstrated fact.”
Dr. Delgado also stated the intent to use these technologies on the American public in shockingly unambiguous eugenicist terms on Congressional Record:
“We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.” ~Dr. Jose Delgado, Yale MK-Ultra neuroscientist, Congressional Record No. 262E, Vol 118, 1974.
Personal Testimony: Hegelian Behavioral Sink and Dissident Blackmail
This “psychosurgery” program involves psychological warfare weapons that can create what it would like to be “the truth.” This is why people should pay more attention to the significant numbers of mass shooters who had been hearing voices leading up to the tragic events they were involved in. These mass shooting events seem to be an example of a Hegelian dialectic in which CIA black budget programs create a shooter or mass killer (notable examples include the Manson Family13 and the Unabomber) so as to instigate a mass media event that leads people to believe they need more security state to protect them or they need to give up their Second Amendment rights.

I know that my remote neural monitoring (RNM) feed is illegally distributed to third parties without my consent. I have even found evidence of gangstalking in an otherwise great article on targeting by an MD—they’ve tricked all kinds of people into participating. The article does seem to make mocking reference to an EMF shielding hat I purchased which has the unfortunate tendency to amplify attacks when worn on the head, possibly by reverberating them in the area where your brain is (Dr. Young’s got it wrong, it’s a pretty cool hat other than that). The point is that my RNM stalking has snowballed into some kind of content people consume and use as a reference to voice their opinions, akin to a newly-introduced channel of media. This becomes a grave problem when what people think is a reality TV show is actually almost completely scripted—not natural in any meaningful way. As James Martinez says, we need to have discussions about the nature of new media technologies that shape our informational existence. Every time a new technology emerges, it is vital that before people indiscriminately consume it, they make themselves aware of how it might affect their perceptions, and consequently their behavior.
It it clear that this medium of RNM stalking can exploited as a source of propaganda, if widely consumed. In fact, this phenomenon is more accurately described as propaganda on steroids thanks to the involvement of mind control technologies (RNM is a bi-directional technology use to manipulate the brain, as every victim of RNM testifies) the public still sorely lacks education on. I often hear racial slurs and other divisive language that has been artificially introduced into my consciousness, and I believe this is a mass mind control trick being played on the audience as a Hegelian dialectic to encourage further divisions in society. It could, for example, be used to exacerbate tensions between conflicting group identities, or spread the “behavioral sink” further out of inner cities. Our world is already permeated with behavioral sink attitudes passed on from the propaganda machines of Hollywood, Netflix shows, and social media algorithms.
KGB tactics are the act of blaming exactly what you are doing on the enemy so as to distort the information environment as much as possible. The targeting program does exactly this as it exploits RNM gangstalking as propaganda in a number of ways. For instance, it may try to frame me as a terrorist to deflect from the fact that the deep state funds and trains terrorists. Simply mentioning all the ramifications of MK-Ultra programs are in a sense playing into a KGB tactics scheme, as it ends up associating serial killers with the hundreds of thousands of completely innocent Americans who are currently being experimented on.
“Some targeting is simply to discredit the idea of targeting […] all Targeted Individuals are in a battle for their own credibility.”
~Omnisense, targeting and gangstalking YouTuber
Above, I included Barrie Trower’s testimony on how blackmail is one of the most important practices in the global intelligence community. While some observers may see through the false flags of the psyop my life has been hijacked in order to create, I fear I am also being exploited as a form of propagandistic influence on this audience, too. As I research targeting, my RNM feed content becomes a form of disclosure and even advertisement for the powerful tools of blackmail the government has to repress whistleblowers and dissents. I suffer from defamation campaigns, psychological torture, presumable implicit threats, constant harassment by adversarial AI, and radiation damage to my brain—all of which, due to RNM, happens in clear view of any observer. Like a public Jacobin execution, I believe the program design here is meant to make an example of the victim, for those who have eyes to see.
Am I being used as a walking blackmail advertisement? A new breed of synthetically-generated blackmail managed 24/7 by AI, capable of framing you at any moment and distributed without my consent?
I am having a metaliterary moment where I have battled through 15 brain-melting events14 to bring you proof in this article that the program of synthetic telepathy, V2K, DEWs, and read/write remote neural monitoring (RNM) is very real. It is disgustingly ironic that the same people who illegally stalk my brain data refuse to wake up to the reality that patents for RNM are read and write, also while pretending nothing happened when I get a clear concussion for bringing this information to you.
Other TIs also appear to be suffering from an intensification of attacks when they speak out. According to Targeted Justice, many Targeted Individuals are “put on this list mostly because they practice First Amendment rights, mostly about issues of public interest (i.e. corruption).” Using the terms established by Dr. Jose Delgado, you might say I was “surgically mutilated” by the “program of psychosurgery” for the purposes of “political control over our society.”
Dave, author of this post, has a YouTube channel with 1.59K subscribers.
Dozens of clicks in my head on a daily basis,15 tinnitus (ringing or blaring siren noises that sound like a specific pitch or sometimes like static), DEW attacks where I can taste the damage to my brain distinctly by its metallic and bloody flavor (unlike any other taste than that of a concussion), DEW attacks that make me nauseous, gangstalking everywhere I go, content alignment (for instance, music pairs perfectly with other content I am viewing),16 and AI feedback mechanisms from appliances like fridges and water boilers17 are merely the most overtly visible indications of my targeting. Other evidence which is readily apparent to any observer includes the EMF frequencies which I discovered coming out of my neck, right abdomen, and underarms.
While it may sound wild that a fridge can make feedback noises in response to your remote neural feed (RNM), anyone who consumes content from my RNM is able to easily see that this is exactly what is happening (unless it has somehow been edited out). The fact that these appliance noise AI feedback mechanisms interact around-the-clock with my thoughts in precision timing is undeniable. Furthermore, there is an official patent for sending data through power lines that the government has admitted is capable of controlling thermostats and refrigerators (US Patent 5491463A).
When I tell people about what is happening in my life, they sometimes ask, “why you?” Legally speaking, there’s no reason to answer this question because rights can’t arbitrarily be taken away, particularly when you’ve never been presented with criminal charges. However, one unique aspect about myself which I think helps shed light on “why they might have chosen me” is the fact that I am left-side dominant when it comes to physiognomy and brain structure, whereas everyone else is right-side dominant. This unique characteristic of myself seems relevant in light of Omnisense’s words, “intellect-based minds are easier to control.” Given that the left side of the brain is more associated with rational, logical, and intellectual thinking, these key biological differences are likely to make me more susceptible to mind control at a technical level. While I have always felt that mass media propaganda has less of an influence on me than on others, paradoxically, I do feel more vulnerable to suggestibility in the short-term or to other biohacking tricks which exert a more momentary mind control influence. If I am being exploited as a source of propaganda, the short-term technical mind control can be used to deceptively undermine and defame the long-term convictions I stand for in life, those which run contrary to group think encouraged by the mainstream media. In this way, RNM as a medium can ultimately serve the purposes of mass media indoctrination.
Additionally, experimenting on someone with a very different brain than almost anyone else is likely to be of tremendous research benefit to neuroscience researchers from DARPA and others around the world. As Dr. Duncan says, these programs are “grabbing the unusual minds, the creative ones, the misfits, the hyper-intelligent. Those minds they can't model easily into their basic model and so they're studying those to have those probabilities[.]” I believe Dr. Duncan is saying that targeting programs want to experiment on all possible varieties of people so as to game out the possibilities for when they roll out AI-grid infrastructure on everybody. To be clear, I’m not trying to say here that I am “hyper-intelligent,” but rather that I am by nature intellectually-oriented and questioning of group think. Omnisense also speaks to the program’s scientific aim of perfecting technology’s influence on the entire social environment, saying “to figure this out, they need to test what everything does on all types of people.”
Testimony at the Presidential Bioethics Committee
In 2011, whistleblowers and victims confronted government officials with testimony of about neurological experimentation—officials who unfortunately chose to do nothing about the weighty statements the victims made. However, there is some excellent testimony on record from this event:
Victim 1: “I have received microwave harassment actually on and off for a number of years, where they were trying to project images of suicide and various states of emotional mood management. This was confirmed to me in 2001 by a contact in [the] National Security Agency. […] He worked in the communications and intelligence division of the NSA for 25 years—this is right after 9/11, a month after, when he came to meet with me at my part-time job at the time—and he basically was examining different types of abuses that were going on in the NSA, and he stated to me personally that my case fell into the realm of potential abuse in the [NSA] that he was investigating. He basically also confirmed to me that what I experienced […] with the emotional projection—he said that was very common, and that they were using microwaves because they had taken really advanced EEG images of people in different emotional states, mapped those digital brainwave signatures—emotional clusters of people feeling different emotional states—so that they can take those digital brainwave signatures, piggy back on a certain bandwidth of microwaves as a carrier wave, and they can target people worldwide without the need for a local transmitter. He confirmed all that to me and said they can use satellites to target anybody they want, and it’s a very common procedure within this portion of the NSA[.]”
Victim 2: “[In] 1998 I got very involved in some political stuff and I won’t go into details but I became what is called a Targeted Individual.”
Victim 3: “[I’ve had…] hair coming out by the handfuls as if I've had chemotherapy, mind paralysis being hypnotized or placed in a trance-type state, being tracked by a drone or satellite, control of dreams, sleep deprivation, V2K [Voice-to-Skull], projected sound, extreme muscle spasms and extreme muscle cramps, […] I am watched in my home 24 hours a day and followed around everywhere I go though I do not have a criminal history.”
Derek Robinson, president of PACTS (International People Against Covert Torture and Surveillance) mentions that there were thousands of victims of “human research programs” his organization has been in touch with, and commented, “What you are hearing tonight is just a minuscule amount of what I hear on a daily basis […] It is growing daily.”
Dr. John Hall also spoke at the event, saying he had personally spoke to over 1,500 people all complaining of identical symptoms (i.e. “non-ionizing radiation behavior” and “cognitive control”).
Famous Targeted Individuals
Apparently, targeting programs are not afraid to meddle in the lives of famous people as well. Speaking about what appears to be V2K, Cardi B said, “a lot of people be saying, ‘I met Cardi B, and I don’t know if she liked me or not because she was looking at me like I’m crazy or I was retarded or something,’ but that’s not the problem. The problem is that I have a voice in my head that when I’m talking to people it just starts having a conversation with me, and I be replying back. Like you could be talking to me and the voice in my head normally would just start asking me questions […], so I’m really not paying attention because the voice in my head is talking to me.”
The list of other famous Targeted Individuals likely includes: Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Roseanne Barr, Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Randy Quaid, Dennis Kucinich (former Congressman), Brian Wilson, Billy Koch (former Oakland A's pitcher), John Frusciante, and John McAfee (dec.).
Evidence of Malpractice in Psychiatric Reprisal Against Victims
The targeting program is a fusion between MK-Ultra and COINTELPRO (known for employing East German Stasi divide and conquer tactics against dissent groups). A key element of the program is to divide Targeted Individuals from friends, family, and community so that they have nobody close to confide in. Crimes committed behind the scenes to undermine Targeted Individuals include blackmail intimidation of anyone who might help the target regain freedom, falsely fabricated dossiers, and manipulating families against victims. As mentioned by whistleblowers Bryan Kofron, Dr. Robert Duncan, James Martinez, Dr. John Hall, and Barrie Trower, attempts to make victims appear mentally ill are structurally part of targeting programs. Where a whole-of-society effort is leveraged to isolate the target, only Targeted Individual groups are reliable to turn to, though these can also be infiltrated and structurally undermined (i.e. through mind control technology or undercover trolls).
As cited earlier from Kofron’s testimony, targeting programs employ an enormous number of security clearance personnel and third party contractors to ensure that targets can be undermined and isolated, and thus experimented on and tortured with impunity. According to Targeted Justice, government perpetrators “are increasingly using private companies to select and nominate TI’s. Companies such as DarkStar, Leidos, and Peraton admit they are doing this.” Targeted Justice found 168 open positions for “Targeting Officer” from 36 companies on Indeed.com.18
One of the biggest obstacles in the struggle for human rights as pertains to electronic harassment is the systematic effort to discredit victim testimonies through psychiatric malpractice. Time and time again, Targeted Individuals experience stonewalling when they approach the gatekeepers with uncontroverted evidence. Targeted Individual and USAF veteran Michael Braden points out that it is instead the willfully ignorant bunch who are delusional when they say millions of people all around the world from different walks of life are somehow experiencing an identical group hallucination:
I find it extremely hypocritical that someone would try to call me “crazy” for explaining the basic facts of a technology that they are using to stalk me. Though it is crazy that stalkers have decided to violate my human rights with this cutting-edge neurotechnology, me explaining the factual nature of these bidirectional technologies as a result of the atrocious situation is not. Ironically, the same people who try to silence the truth as “crazy” are the same people proving me right every time they stalk me with RNM, a technology which literally comes from V2K (US Patent 3951134A).
False diagnosis of psychosis or delusional mental illness is little more than a character assassination attempt disguised as “medical” evidence. Stephen Marvin, moderator for Targeted Survivors in the UK, points out in a white paper dedicated to psychiatric malpractice that despite irrefutable proof of chip implants and microwave burns, psychiatrists continue to commit acts of brazen malpractice. Marvin quotes Ana Toledo’s Tweet, “Please bring attention to the travesty of secretly implanted targeted individuals with full wireless area body networks at the hands of unscrupulous yet ‘reputable’ surgeons across the nation […]” As Targeted Individuals who have discovered microchip implants and extracted them from their bodies know all too well, doctors are just people, and can be either good or bad.19
Ample evidence indicates the role psychiatric malpractice has played in covering up for the crimes suffered by Targeted Individuals. Psychiatrists have been caught denying smoking-gun evidence, such as that of implants or accounts of gangstalking, though court decisions have been based on evidence of the very same nature. Consider these quotes from Marvin’s white paper:
“After exposing her employer's corruption, Stephanie Gibaud, a former marketing manager of Swiss bank UBS became the [victim] of what she called ‘organized mobbing, gang stalking.’ She won damages from UBS for harassment after a tribunal hearing.”
“Apart from the medical industry's direct involvement via implants alongside the financial incentives to conceal the crime […] A young psychiatrist genuinely unaware of the targeting program will most likely falsely diagnose a targeted individual due to their profession's significant problem of 'Group Think' and its associated peer pressure. When ‘the group becomes more uniform in their views, they begin to see outsiders as possessing a different and inferior set of morals and characteristics from themselves. These perceived negative characteristics are then used to discredit the opposition.’”
“Incompetent and colluding psychiatrists who work for the state usually ‘move in to disappear and blame the victim in an astounding act of medical malpractice by naming all those reporting such covert harassment and remote electromagnetic experimentation on their bodies as delusional and schizoid―without once testing their claims.’”20
“When the targeted victim goes to the police, the latter frequently defames the sufferer by instigating a mental health assessment.”
“Ninety other Californian victims submitted reports to the United Nations regarding the crime. Virtually all witness statements show that the police either refused to assist, laughed at them, threatened them with a psychiatric evaluation, declined to file the report, or did but wrote lies to make the complainant appear delusional.”
“Psychiatric reprisal, a tactic frequently used by police in the former communist bloc, makes it difficult for family and friends to believe the targeted victim's torment is real.”
“[Retired US Army intelligence officer Juliet McKinney states,] ‘Psychiatrists and psychologists appear to be providing cover for this program [raising] serious questions about the validity of psychiatry […]’"21
“A delusion is a belief ‘held with strong conviction despite evidence disproving it that is stronger than any evidence supporting it.’ By denying the reality of civilian targeting from microwave weapons and gangstalking, psychiatrists are mentally ill according to their diagnostic criteria.”
How Attacks Are Carried Out in the US—Technical Details
The first scene of space in Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey features a weaponized satellite (Image Source)22
According to Targeted Justice, attacks by domestic actors in the United States are administered from Schriever Space Force Base, which has no landing area and is almost completely underground. Though it is possible to conduct targeting attacks directly from satellites, Targeted Justice estimates that 90% of directed energy weapon attacks (directed pulsed energy in the microwave range) are relayed through and fired from 4-panel cell towers with patented chips for beamforming capabilities (US Patent 10,164,694).23 These patented beamforming chips for creating microwave beams are unnecessary for the transmission of voice and data. Ericsson makes one such chip, as do other manufacturers:
Beamforming is the act of focusing a wireless signal in a specific direction. Targeted Justice advises that a 4-panel array is a clear indication that a cellular tower has microwave beamforming capabilities, given that a beamforming chip patented for use with the 4-panel array is installed (it is likely all or almost all towers have this chip). Between 2013 to 2018, there were a significant number of disclosures from cell tower companies about the existence of beamforming technology at tower sites. However, these disclosures abruptly stopped after 2018, which Targeted Justice says is likely because of the desire of these companies to prevent the association of beamforming with their services, as these capabilities will inevitably come out as torture. Here are two examples of beamforming admittances from cell tower companies:
Crowne Castle: “5G + MIMO + AAS (Active Antenna System) + Beamforming: Unique platform that leverages a fully virtualized end-to-end solution and the implementation of user-tracing beam-forming antennas for the first time in a live environment.”
SBA Communications: “the use of technologies that enhance spectral capacity, such as beam forming or smart antennae, that can increase the range and capacity of an antennae.”
Targeted Justice points out that American Tower, Crown Castle, and other publicly traded companies are obligated under SEC rules to inform their shareholders of any potential lawsuits which may affect share value. See the legal section below for information on how Targeted Justice is fighting illegal targeting, including the weaponization of cell towers. Tower companies may also be subject to product liability. As Targeted Justice points out, “cell towers are preparing directed energy weapons and putting them at the disposition of the US Space Force—they’re not in the business of supplying weapons and should de-weaponize cell towers. If the cell towers were de-weaponized, the program would collapse.”24
Each 4-panel cell tower with these beamforming capabilities can track around 1 million people within a range of around 3-5 miles. However, even towers that don’t have 4-panel arrays can be involved in beamforming—a technology called “precoding matrix indicator” can be used to pool panels from different cell towers such that they can be used together to constitute all the capabilities of a 4-panel tower. Round antennas shaped like drums may also have an energy output 10 times that of a 4-panel array and a range of up to 50 miles. Targeted Justice advises victims avoid living within 0.5 miles of a drum-shaped tower. Unfortunately, in my case there seems to be one right down the street from where I currently stay…25
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” ~Nikola Tesla
I’ve mentioned how DARPA research has surged decades ahead of the public’s awareness of the state of technology.26 However, all of the technology discussed in this article is proven with publicly available research—there is no need to speculate about whether any of it exists. For instance, this spreadsheet with a list of 87 official US patents that should cover everything discussed in this article. Here are some examples of patented technologies relevant to mind control:
US 6017302A: Subliminal acoustic manipulation, or V2K, is the transmission of audio messages to the auditory complex. Also known as the Frey effect, microwave hearing, or synthetic telepathy. (Please note a number of other patents have also been filed for V2K.)
DE 10253433AI: A 2002 patent was filed for modulated electromagnetic waves beamed over long distances to a human receiver without electronic implants in order to influence thoughts, actions, or perceptions.
US 6081744A: In 1998, a patent was filed for an electric fringe field generator that manipulates the nervous system through afferent nerves. Resonant neural circuits are excited by externally applying weak, fluctuating electronic fields tuned to certain frequencies. Depending on the frequency chosen, excitation of neural resonance can cause relaxation, sleeplessness, sexual excitement, or slowing of certain cortical processes. This is a technology that can be used to make you feel X.
US 6470214 B1: In 2002, a patent was issued for a device that would “induce a thermo-acoustic signal in the bone tissue material of the head that replicates the input audio signal and is conducted by the bone tissue structure of the head to the inner ear, where it is demodulated by the normal processes of the cochlea and converted to nerve signals which are sent to the brain, thereby enabling intelligible speech to be perceived by the brain.” Independent reporter Mark Dice summarizes the effect: “In other words, you can't tell where the sound is coming from and it appears to originate from within your own head.”
US 9186071B2: As demonstrated by Targeted Individual testimony through proof of chip implants, body area networks and wireless body area networks (WBAN) are not constrained to use in the healthcare industry for strictly enabling purposes. I myself have detected EMF signals coming out of specific areas on my neck, abdomen, and underarms.
WO2005055579A1: An artificial telepathy device which gives users the ability to communicate with one another with no signs of obvious communication.
US4345220: Targeted Justice says there is good evidence that scalar waves are being used to enabled microwave beams to pass through concrete, steel, or any solid object to reach targets: “A recent search of Arxiv.org found more than 400 technical papers discussing scalar waves. […] To understand how the scalar wave is able to penetrate 100 feet of concrete or steel, we must first remind ourselves about the structure of an atom. In a volumetric basis, the common atom is 99.999% empty space. A one-dimensional waveform or scalar wave is unlikely to hit anything as it passes through a structure. If you are hit with these DEW attacks, the waveform continues through your body. Please keep in mind that TargetedJustice.com has already affirmed that [victims are] being hit with these microwaves. […] Scalar waves, also referred to as Tesla Waves or Longitudinal Waves, are capable of penetrating any solid object including ordinary Faraday Cages.”
US5289438: A system for altering the states of consciousness involving the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli of differing frequencies and wave forms.
US3951134A: A Remote Neurological Monitoring (RNM) filed for both read and write capabilities. Robert Malech’s V2K patent is the patent cited for RNM capabilities. To be clear, this means the technology that enables people to spy on another individual’s brain data is the same exact technology that enables sending V2K messages into the brain through the microwave auditory effect.
In the words of gangstalking awareness YouTuber Omnisense, “the mind of any living being is open source to technology […] every function of the mind has scientific mechanics that are required to function [and can be exploited].” These capabilities are clearly demonstrated by official US patents, and, as explained by whistleblower testimony, have already been operational in civilian populations for decades.
If you click on the spreadsheet, you may be surprised to see how many of these seemingly sci-fi patents were filed as far back as the 1950s. One of the first patents for V2K is from 1974, the same patent which later gave birth to the remote brain reading capabilities known as RNM. Other available information also demonstrates how far applications in microwave technology go back, such as a whitepaper published by Titan Corporation engineers explaining how they developed vircator directed energy weapons (Patent 4345220) for the government in the early 1980s. Directed energy refers to both electromagnetic and ultrasonic weapons—any pulsed energy attack conducted in the microwave range. Titan Corporation built these directed energy weapons (DEWs) under contract to the USAF as part of President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO). The rate of technological advancement has only gone up (likely exponentially) in the last 40 years with the advent of artificial intelligence.
As cited above, Bryan Kofron explains how DNA resonant frequency (aka bio-coded directed energy) is a technology used to wirelessly hook humans up to an AI-grid cloud with essentially the connection capabilities of a “superhighway of information.” AI-brain interfaces are used to manage V2K, synthetic telepathy, DEW attacks, and other nefarious influences as part of an apparatus of complete population control and surveillance. Targeted Individuals are merely the beta testing phase for what has been planned to be eventually rolled out on the entire population.
Without living through the experience of this torture, it is hard to understand just how terrible it is to be in such close proximity to a supercomputer, whose intentions are not fully known apart from its psychopathic participation in various types of torture. Fantasies about AI always being fair and impartial are ridiculous. Researchers at MIT have demonstrated how an AI which was “fed data from a disturbing subreddit [could] only think of death and destruction.”27 Though the pain is palpable from victim testimony, Targeted Individuals still have trouble detailing all the affects of AI on their lives because it can affect you in myriad, fine-tuned ways. Dr. Duncan talks about how AI is being used to manage the torture of Targeted Individuals, and also explains that the program “involves tactics that are unimaginable unless you just have a devious criminal mind.”
Please note: this article does not address the role of nanorobotics found ubiquitously in human blood in mind control (“hydrogels interface directly with neurons and they can modulate neuronal activity”). For information on how nanotechnology can rewire the firing of neurons, please see this interview with Dr. Mihalcea28: https://banned.video/watch?id=6643f3e2684fe5289a959215
My personal opinion is that the role of nanotechnology is likely to further enhance and amplify the effects of targeting with frequencies, making bio-boded directed energy more surgically precise and further integrating its effects into the natural functions of the body (this seems to be progressively making it less easy to distinguish potential targeting events as having an artificial origin). The technology is so advanced that all of its effects cannot be independently studied—and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of more powerful microscopes are required to get a closer look at the activities of nanotechnology in human blood. Medical technology and defense research papers do state that nanotechnology can execute mind control and other functions throughout the body on its own, however.
Legal Aspects—Constitutional Violations and Human Rights Atrocity
Before getting into all the ways the targeting program breaks constitutional law, I will start this legal section by reiterating that it is a violation of Nuremberg Code to experiment on unwilling subjects. Psychological torture is also considered a war crime under Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions. According to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Articles I, IV, & V, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights […] No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms […] No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” The UNHR Declaration is absolute.
There are at least FIVE constitutional violations involved with the targeting program.29 Putting innocent civilians on the Terrorist Screening Data Base (TSDB) constitutes high treason—the first duty of active service members is to uphold the Constitution, and they have a responsibility to disobey their commanding officer if they are asked to violate it. The only relevant legislation to the TSDB watchlist is HSPD-6, which says that only known or suspected terrorists are supposed to be on this list. The DoJ, FBI, and DHS grossly violate the Constitution when they put names on the TSDB according to secret criteria that have nothing to do with terrorism. They also violate the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) which requires the government to provide the reasons and procedures for placing someone on the list.
By former deputy director of the Terrorist Screening Center Timothy Groh's own admission, 97% of the names on the TSDB are not known or suspected terrorists (KST). The FBI themselves say that people on the list "don't represent a terrorist risk." Also by the FBI’s own admission, the bureau uses secret criteria not available to the public to put law-abiding Americans who are neither terrorists nor suspected terrorists (categories for which the criteria are public) on the TSDB. People are added to this list in secret, without being notified, in flagrant disregard of due process regulations, and without any means of redress to remove their names from the list. Targeted Justice is currently suing the FBI for its criminal actions against innocent civilians in an historic lawsuit (TargetedJustice v. Garland) that could go all the way to the Supreme Court.
DHS and FBI fusion centers, where names are watchlisted, and are the root of the problem for Targeted Individuals and should be shut down for their constitutional violations. NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart’s text to Senator Lindsey Graham explains the following:
“Fusion centers, created after 911 to ‘fuse’ Federal and Local Law Enforcement information to protect America from ‘terrorists,’ instead have been creating hundreds of thousands of false dossiers on perfectly innocent Americans (Targeted Individuals) to justify secretly bloating the fraud Terrorist Watchlist.”30
In similar words, Targeted Justice says that fusion centers have filled the watchlist with “hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans about whom they fabricated secret, untrue, heinous accusations.”31
The Brennan Center has done excellent work exposing fusion center abuses. Consider these quotes from their article:
“DHS provides these centers with funding, personnel, and access to federal intelligence, but it has failed to ensure that they have used these resources appropriately. As a result, fusion centers have long produced flawed analysis, abused their authorities to monitor people engaged in First Amendment–protected activities, and leaked sensitive law enforcement information. This domestic intelligence model has undermined Americans’ privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties.”
“Fusion centers continue to be susceptible to abuse as protest movements react to events, creating new targets for unwarranted scrutiny. For example, fusion centers have amplified FBI and DHS threat warnings that falsely lump pro-choice activists together with abortion foes as potential ‘abortion-related violent extremists,’ even though only anti-abortion militants have a history of engaging in deadly violence.”
“At the same time, there is little to suggest that fusion centers have provided meaningful assistance to federal counterterrorism efforts. And even as they have broadened their missions beyond counterterrorism, there is no evidence that they have contributed substantially to reducing or solving serious crime. They do, however, facilitate broad, unregulated information sharing among a variety of public and private entities with little oversight or public accountability, which poses a serious security liability that was realized when hackers breached a fusion center contractor in 2020, exposing hundreds of thousands of sensitive records from the FBI, DHS, and other law enforcement agencies.”
“While fusion centers are run by state or local agencies, they continue to receive significant federal investments. The federal government has an obligation to guard against the misuse of the resources, systems, and personnel it provides, and to ensure that Americans’ constitutional rights are not infringed upon by the improper collection, retention, and dissemination of personally identifiable information of persons not reasonably suspected of criminal activity.”
“Congress should establish a special inspector general to audit the national network of fusion centers to detect waste, fraud, abuse, and illegality, and should use the results of this audit to establish a permanent, independent federal oversight body to ensure that future violations of any laws, regulations, or policies are discovered and remedied in a timely manner.”
And the direct link between fusion centers and the directed energy weapon (DEW) abuse exposed in agencies?32 Yes, I’ve found the evidence of that too. In 2018, in response to FOIA requests, Washington State Fusion Center accidentally released files with information about mind control weapons and detailed images of how they are deployed on civilians:
Constitutional Violations
Though it is likely that less than even 1% of names on the TSDB have any relation to terrorism, Targeted Individuals are subject to unreasonable search and seizures of our brains (and in many cases personal possessions). A seizure of privacy rights and rights to reputation also takes place when the watchlist is distributed to third parties. This illegal intrusion and appropriation of the sanctity of life all constitutes violations of the Fourth Amendment:
“The right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and affects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrant shall issue, but upon probable case, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particular describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized”
Through surveillance and distribution of private information to third parties, government agencies have illegally seized the reputations and privacy of individuals on the TSDB. By manipulating Targeted Individuals through synthetic telepathy, V2K, DNA resonant frequency, and other mind control technologies while they are being surveilled, agencies are also spreading misinformation about innocent Americans. These practices can also entail an illegal seizure of intellectual property. Targeted Justice lawyer Ana Toledo says, “they come into our brains and read our thoughts. They steal intellectual property.”33 Ana Toledo continues, “They mess with your dreams, and they mess with your thoughts. This is a most outrageous violation of the Fourth Amendment because it is unimaginable a court would issue a warrant to modify your thoughts. They are doing it without a warrant, with absolute impunity. For everything they do, they are supposed to have an Article 3 warrant. This is your brain. They come in and shift things around. Your brain is sacrosanct. It changes [the victim’s] personality, and communications, [it is an atrocious] degree of intrusion.” Intelligence agents usually use a Section 702 FISA warrant to violate constitutional privacy rights. However, these warrants are only supposed to be for foreign terrorists. As Ana Toledo puts it, what is going on is “rouge abuse of helpless people.” It is estimated that the lives of around 250 thousand Americans have been interfered in by targeting.
The Fifth and Sixth Amendments state that no person shall be held unless with a grand jury. This is also known as presumed innocence. However, not only are Targeted Individuals denied presumed innocence, we are not even presented with an accusation as the Constitution requires. The Fifth Amendment guarantees substantive due process, but instead Targeted Individuals are placed secretly, silently, and permanently on a fraudulent terrorist list. The Fifth Amendment also provides protections against the illegal seizure of personal reputation, which constitutes a crime sustained with no due process. As Targeted Justice lawyer Ana Toledo says, “your reputation is non-tangible property, people work their whole lives to build their reputation. To be an honorable person, to do things right. These people just steal it like that without consequences, without even paying for it.” Within reason, American citizens essentially have the right to live in peace—insofar as much as rights to privacy and reputation are supposed to be guaranteed. These are non-tangible properties covered by the Fifth Amendment, but Targeted Individuals are deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law.
Along these lines, the Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to trial by impartial jury. This means that it is required by law that you are informed of the nature and cause of the accusation—“to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.” However, as Ana Toledo puts it, victims are “placed on the list, defamed secretly and you cannot even confront the person that nominated you to this list to prove that the reasons they put you on that list are falsified.” The fact that Targeted Individuals are often whistleblowers who have exposed corruption or otherwise used their First Amendment rights suggests it is instead the nominators who should be under investigation.34 Ana Toledo says that Stasi-style rouge agents go to a FISA court because “an Article 3 Court would deny them the right to torture you for life.” Even FBI Director Christopher Wray, who is currently pushing for a renewal of FISA warrants, has admitted that over 200,000 people were illegally placed on watchlists, and that the FBI routinely circumvents the law. It is also worth noting that the FBI is known for its entrapment tactics.
“This blatantly goes against the Sixth Amendment, which guarantees an accused person the right to know if he is accused of something, what that is, who accused him, and what supposed proof exists so he can challenge the allegations.”
- Ana Toledo, Targeted Justice lawyer
In May 2023, FBI whistleblowers testified in Congress that the agency’s top brass forces agents to swell the ranks of the TSDB, and that financial incentives and bonuses are given out to that end. Steven Friend and Garret O’Boyle testified on the pressure agents receive to classify parents who go to school board meetings as domestic terrorists. Rouge agents assigned to destroy the lives of innocent civilians have created a situation in which neighbors are pitted against neighbors. For instance, if your neighbor has connections in law enforcement, you could end up on this list simply because they hold a grudge against you.
The Eighth Amendment protects against cruel and unusual punishment. This amendment is also violated where innocent civilians are sentenced to indefinite torture without due process—indefinite torture which we have often seen end in suicide. As Targeted Justice and others point out, even convicted criminals are spared cruel and unusual punishment.
The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law. However, laws clearly don’t apply equally to Targeted Individuals. Police have gone after TIs with “wellness checks” which are designed by law enforcement to get them into mental institutions.35 Intelligence agencies like those in fusion centers obviously have direct contacts in law enforcement, who in turn have contacts in healthcare and psychiatry. I myself experienced malpractice in which a clinician fabricated a diagnosis which was completely unrelated and detached from the real symptoms I had described. I was shocked when he pretended as if gangstalking could not have been real, though there is reason to suspect he was actually a participant in it. If the light of justice could have been fairly shed on this issue, I would have been suing him for malpractice instead of having to defeat this false diagnosis in court.36 In functioning as a psychiatric reprisal extension of law enforcement, such psychiatrists have violated the Fourteenth Amendment rights of whistleblowers by falsifying their claims and denying them equal treatment—even in the face of irrefutable evidence such as proof of microchip implants, radiation burns, and diagnosis of Acute Neurological Dysfunction.37 As Targeted Justice and credible whistleblowers including MDs recommend, Targeted Individuals should entirely avoid talking to a psychiatrist or to the police for the reason that they may try to serve you with a false diagnosis. However, this should not be the case according to the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection under the law.
Also along the lines of equal protection under the law, the EPA is supposed to protect body rights and privacy, though the universal right to bodily sanctity has yet to be applied to Targeted Individuals. There is also the relevant legal precedent of Marbury v. Madison, which says all laws are void which are repugnant to the Constitution—and which was recently upheld in Missouri v Biden.
It is urgent for Congress to defund all targeting activities, as they are grossly illegal and violate the Constitution every day in the lives of Targeted Individuals. Representatives on Capital Hill who claim to advocate for the Constitution should not be voting to renew the extremely unconstitutional Section 702. As recommended by the Brennan Center, a court monitor should also be established to ensure this does not happen again.
Law Enforcement Privilege and “National Security Interests”
Law enforcement privilege is intended for the protection of sources or investigative methods. Thus far in cases of Targeted Individuals, government defendants have invoked law enforcement privilege, but, according to Ana Toledo, “in this case none of the [Targeted Individuals] in handling codes 3 and 4 are criminal targets. Everybody is a non-investigative subject and they have been placed on that list even though there is a total absence of reasonable suspicion to believe they are tied to terrorist activity—this is illegal.” Anyone under handling codes 3 and 4 is not a suspected criminal. National security interests cannot be involved where there is a total absence of anyone being criminally investigated for terrorism. By the FBI’s own admission, as stated by former Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) Deputy Director Timothy Groh, no national security interests are involved in the nomination of hundreds of thousands to this list, and therefore no law enforcement privileges are legitimate.
Furthermore, Executive Order 13,526 says that national security information and documents cannot be classified in order to cover up the illegal activity of agencies or agents. The only relevant legislation to targeting is Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD-6). Ana Toledo comments on the application of HSPD-6, saying that, “federal officials only have immunity when they act pursuant to the law. In this context, we do not even have a statute from Congress. It’s an Executive Order, and Mr. Wray and Mr. Kable are clearly deviating from the Executive Order that says you are to watch out for the civil and constitutional rights of people, and [that] you are only to put known and suspected terrorists on this list.” She points out that targeting is an “outrageous deviation from the law [HSPD-6,]” and therefore the government defendants in this case “are not entitled to immunity.”
“We are talking about a terrorist data base that is not for terrorists. That’s illegal. Because the Homeland Security Presidential Directive clearly states that it’s only a law enforcement tool to include known and suspected terrorists. It’s the only applicable law.”
- Ana Toledo, Targeted Justice lawyer
Christopher Wray, Charles Kable (who retired just days after the Targeted Justice lawsuit was filed in January 2023), and Merrick Garland are being sued in official (professional) and civil capacities thanks to the information that has come out about the “terror” watchlist.38 Wray has ultimate say over list, while Kable is in charge of list at the TSC, and Garland is supposed to supervise FBI operations, making sure they comply with the law and Constitution, and that no civil rights are violated. According to Targeted Justice, “when people complain to the FBI, they dismiss each and every complaint as ‘mentally unstable’ and claim they do not believe a single victim.” TSDB FOIA requests are routinely returned for “national security reasons.”
However, Targeted Justice points out that government defendants have been presented with a preponderance of uncontroverted facts, including the following: “innocent civilians are placed on this list, and nefarious consequences occurred thereafter.” Over 80% of the TargetedJustice v. Garland lawsuit is based on government documents and prior testimony.
TransUnion v. Ramirez
Speaking of legal precedent, the Supreme Court has already taken a stance in regard to the illegal use of the TSDB to defame and destabilize the lives of innocent Americans. In 2021, TransUnion LLC v. Ramirez (141 S.Ct. 2190) categorically concluded that a person who is erroneously designated as a terrorist and whose information is publicized to third parties has suffered defamation harms qualifying as injuries.
“Under longstanding American law, a person is injured when a defamatory statement that would subject him to hatred, contempt, or ridicule is published to a third party.”
The defendant Ramirez discovered that they were on a “potential terror” list while trying to obtain a car loan. During the case, the Supreme Court went on to categorically assert, “the harm from being labeled a ‘potential terrorist’ bears a close relationship to the harm from being labeled a ‘terrorist.’” In other words, the harm from a misleading statement of this kind bears a sufficiently close relationship to the harm from a false and defamatory statement. According to Ana Toledo, “this case is extremely important because it shows the FBI cannot place non-terrorists on a terror list and distribute it—which is exactly what they have done (here, to the Treasury Department). It is defamatory and unconstitutional—the Supreme Court already agrees we have been harmed.”
Media Inertia—From Cover-Ups to Scientific Admittances
“The deep state is the most important instrument of population control”
While I don’t to expect much from the mainstream media, it is still surprising that so much human rights abuse can happen everyday in the US and everywhere around the world and still be suppressed. While mainstream media and scientific journals have done plenty of reporting on the technological capabilities and political events that demonstrate targeting technologies are real, the media will never put 2 and 2 together for you to give you an idea of the serious impact these technologies are having on our world. This is a tremendous disservice to the many hundreds of thousands of people who have been deprived of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness as they endure electronic torture. As is made abundantly clear throughout this article, the weight of evidence about Targeted Individuals is simply unconscionable to ignore.
The best coverage on the subject seems to have been done by Actor and former Governor of Minnesota Jessie Ventura, who did a show on TrueTV called “Brain Invaders.” Jessie Ventura interviews Targeted Individuals suffering from mind control and DEWs. He also interviews Dr. Robert Duncan, who says MK-Ultra was not discontinued and is now hiding in the hard-to-find crevices of vast government bureaucracy. He also says on the show that he chose to speak out because victims of projects he worked on aren’t just being attacked, they’re being tortured. A similar but shorter show was done by William Shatner that looked into the case of a woman who was being tortured by gangstalkers and V2K at UC Davis, which features an interview with expert Nick Begich.
Independent reporter Mark Dice (@MarkDice) has also done a great YouTube video:
While much of the media chooses to remain silent and ignore these alarming issues, high-ranking WEF officials are publicly bragging about how powerful technocrats can control every aspect of human behavior. Yuval Noah Harari, who some people believe could be #2 in the WEF, drops statements like “we have reached the point where we can hack not just computers, we can hack human beings and other organisms.” He goes on to say, "science is replacing evolution by natural selection, with evolution by intelligent design [...] the intelligent design of our clouds—the IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud—these are the new driving forces of evolution." In order words, Harari is advocating for eugenics.
In another interview, Noah Harari declares, "This is the end of human history. Not the end of history, but the end of a history dominated by humanity. The story will go on, but someone else will control it." Describing AI as a concept as foreign as “aliens,” Harari states that we are “in an arms race […] it becomes almost impossible to contain this alien intelligence.”
The WEF openly discusses the introduction of biosurviellence and mind control as a norm in modern Western society. WEF leader Klauss Schwab, whose father was a Nazi and who encourages viewing the CCP as a role model, says, “can you imagine that in 10 years when we are sitting here we have an implant in our brains and I can immediately feel […] because you all will have implants [gesturing to audience], I can measure your brain waves.”
The media response to such comments is shocking muted. When there is reporting, it will usually uncritically take suggestions like Klaus Schwab’s saying “in 10 years” at face value, ignoring the uncontroverted facts that clearly demonstrate that as many as millions of people worldwide are being experimented on. It is also telling that technocrats from the WEF announce these technologies in a manner that assumes that society will just accept them with open arms. An independent article points out that, “normal people (who don’t crave total control) don’t casually discuss monitoring every human’s brain activity 24/7/365 with no acknowledgment of the obvious risks of abuse.” The article questions whether these technocrats have known for a long time about these technologies before they started announcing them. We know from sources like Dr. Jose Delgado’s book Physical Control of the Brain: Toward a Psychocivilized Society published in 1969 that the article is correct in its hypothesis that “the technology is actually further along than publicly acknowledged.” These seem like obvious issues to be asking questions about, so why does the mainstream media refuse to acknowledge the pertinence of them?
Mainstream media has covered the testimony of targeting victims in several rare exceptions. However, being mainstream media, reports such as the local news broadcast below also give undue weight to potentially paid shills who are trying to discredit victim testimony:
Another instance in which the Targeted Individuals issue was recognized by the mainstream media was in a Wired magazine article. Like the above video, it unfortunately gives undue weight to sources trying to discredit Targeted Individuals through the institutionalized, structural psychiatric methods discussed in the TI testimony section of this article. Crucially, it does not cite any of the 10+ whistleblowers I mentioned above, any one of whom it seems would have drastically changed the journalist’s ambiguous conclusions. However, the journalist, whose father is a Targeted Individual, does treat the testimony of victims with much needed gravity in comparison to others in the mainstream media. While the potentially decisive factor of whistleblower testimony is questionably left out, the article does have the journalistic integrity to at least question about the systematic ways in which Targeted Individuals are discredited by psychiatric gatekeepers unwilling to properly listen to evidence,39 and she shows some skepticism of society society trying to paint her father as a schizophrenic. She notes that MK-Ultra was real and operational. Putting her father’s testimony in perspective of familiar current events, she asks, “is it really that crazy for thousands of people to believe the US is still illegally experimenting on people—especially after Edward Snowden’s leaks showing NSA surveillance of the general population?” Most importantly, she illustrates the essence of the issue rather well with several points like, “targeted individuals are living the nightmare of what could happen [to anyone]. We must awaken.”
I noticed a pattern in the media where journalists tiptoe around the issue when it arises. Perhaps they are afraid they will end up targeted themselves, but with statements like the WEF are making about the end of biological humanity as we know it, aren’t we all endangered by these issues?
When it comes to admitting that neurotechnology exists, the mainstream media does not shy away. From Ted Talks on hypersonic sound and the Internet of Bodies, to PBS documentaries on remote control of mind and body, these technological advancements are not questioned as to what their potential impact could be, but rather celebrated as industry advancements. Information on the technologies involved in targeting is not difficult to find in scientific journals. In 2008, Scientific American published an article that says mind control is possible exploiting the different wave lengths emitted by a cell phone. This year, Gizmodo published a piece that quoted UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay’s warning that, “neurotechnology could help solve many health issues, but it could also access and manipulate people’s brains, and produce information about our identities, and our emotions.” Other scientific journals and mainstream media outlets routinely cover military advancements in these fields.
Though siloed media reports on scientific advancements never put the whole picture together for you, Hollywood does sometimes disclose the lesser-known realities of our day. Released in 1999, Being John Malkovich features Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), inserting consciousness from another person into someone’s body, controlling that person’s body and words, puppet masters, symbology associated with mind control programs, Manchurian candidates in the entertainment industry, animals like monkeys used in neurological testing, and sadist character traits—all in one movie. As Dr. Duncan points out, some of today’s longest-surviving TIs were first targeted after September 11th, and can trace their accounts back to specific events that happened right at that time.
Events in Politics
Most people have heard about the Havana Syndrome incidents that happened to US Embassy personnel in Havana and China, which a National Academy of Sciences and Engineering report confirms came from directed energy weapons (DEWs). As mentioned earlier, this diagnosis is the same that has been given to Targeted Individuals at the University of Miami.
Media in the United States and India have also reported on the Chinese “neurostrike” program. This CCP neurological targeting program is defined by the Washington Times as, "the engineered targeting of the brains of military personnel or civilians using nonkinetic technology [...] to impair thinking, reduce situational awareness, inflict long-term neurological damage and cloud normal cognitive functions." It has provoked statements by the Indian military, and a report by the National Security Research Institute (who advises NATO) that says neurostrike technology can target a single person or control and influence entire populations. Activist testimony suggests this targeting may include "anyone else who is brave enough to criticize the Chinese Communist Party."
Though I have yet to see anything from CNN in the US on the subject, CNN in India has done a report. Generally speaking, Indian media seems much more ready to report on neurostrike than the majority of media outlets in the United States, with a few exceptions. For example, the Times of India did a more holistic report on the neurostrike weapons program, pointing out the urgent need to communicate to the public about this new dimension of warfare, as neurostike is also aimed at civilians for the purpose of undermining countries socially and politically from within. The Hindu Times is also much more honest about the state of affairs, calling it a “race to link our brains to computers.”
The list of related political events in the United States is not without evidence the neuroweapons are the most important issue of our day, short of nuclear war. Former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper announced before the media, “Moscow and Beijing have turned a once peaceful arena into a war fighting domain. They have weaponized space through killer satellites, directed energy weapons, and more in an effort to exploit our systems and chip away at our military advantage."
More recently, Nikki Haley appealed to voters by addressing a growing area of concern, stating that China is “the largest developer of neurostrike weapons, weapons engineered to change the brain activity of military commanders and segments of the population.’” While I agree that Haley’s statements could possibility be true,40 it seems that whenever the media mentions neurostrike, whether it be Fox News, the Washington Times, or the Express in the UK, they neglect the fact that neurological weapon development is a global arms race, as Dr. James Giordano and other say. For instance, one article titled Is Nikki Haley right that China is largest developer of ‘neuro-strike weapons’? cites Dr. James Giordano, but then goes on to say it is not known whether the US is developing similar technology. However, Dr. Giordano clearly says in almost every lecture that we are in an arms race. The author of this article would have to do only marginally more research to know that the global arms race is already happening—and of course the United State is involved. It does not seem plausible that all those who are employed in the media are incapable of coming across the evidence. There has to be another explanation for why a reporter would ignore glaring evidence right from the source they referenced.
In May 2024, the House had a hearing called “Silent Weapons: Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents”. The interviewed panelists verified the existence of victims of silent and remote neurological warfare which operates with little or no detectability, though they admitted that they were only able in their respective professional capacities to comment on AHI incidents involving government officials, likely targeted by China or Russia. Again, the issue of warrantless harassment of innocent civilians went unaddressed as the panelists seemed to not be at liberty to discuss the issue of domestic extrajudicial targeting in any precise terms. Though it also focuses on how neurotechnology is wielded by China and Russia, a separate open source defense report from the Navy Postgraduate School helps shed light on government and media admittances in that it clearly states that civilians are a primary target of neurological weapons (“this contest is ultimately a battle of ideas and influence, with more value placed on information and non-lethal means to manipulate and control both adversaries and domestic populations alike”). The obvious omission from these reports is that the United States would not be absent from what ex-MI6 intelligence officer Barrie Trower in 2011 called a “new Cold War” which has become “absolutely uncontrollable”.
In terms of our own domestic program that targets civilians, independent journalism site UndercoverDC has done great coverage on “how CISA has designated Americans' thoughts as ‘Cognitive Infrastructure.’” UndercoverDC calls attention to the fact that CISA Director Jen Easterly publicly announced that CISA is “in the business of critical infrastructure, and the most critical infrastructure is our cognitive infrastructure, so building that resilience to misinformation and disinformation, I think, is incredibly important.” Should we trust government agencies such as CISA with treating our brains as “cognitive infrastructure,” however they choose to actually define that in their activities? Obviously not. Government officials have been extraordinarily inconsistent of late, especially in smearing information they do not like as “misinformation” (KGB tactics), and Jen Easterly is no exception. Having made claims such as, "and I want to be very clear about this, we do not censor information," CISA was later found to be involved in collusion with Big Tech to censor posts online.41
In 2016, Congress passed legislation to acquire Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs). The S.2778 - Directed Energy Weapon Systems Acquisition Act of 2016 gives us a straightforward definition of what has been condoned as business as usual behind the scenes: “‘Directed energy weapon system’ means military action using highly focused sound, electromagnetic, or particle-beam energy to incapacitate, damage, or destroy enemy equipment, facilities, or personnel.” Through whistleblower and victim testimony, we have seen how these “military weapons” are aimed at civilians, constituting a war crime.
Under the Obama Presidency in 2011, the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues released an admittance that the US had been experimenting with STDs on Guatemalans in the 1940s. While the history of federal experimentation on the underprivileged is indeed horrific, the issue is no different today. An informative article asserts that the “bioethics” committee was essentially “a massive cover-up achieved by diverting the attention back to older ‘openly admitted’ topics such as the Guatemalan STD’s continues while the powers that be spray the American populace like roaches […Congress] is aware of it, and there is even a budget tracing back to the top of the ladder, [to] the President.” The article points out that while “the Commission learned that there is no central source with information about the overall size, scope, and cost of the government’s research involving human subjects,” as a consequence of the inaction following these inquiries, these agencies were essentially given a cart blanche to carry on exactly as before. This “Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues” is the same “bioethics committee” which heard the testimonies Dr. John Hall and DEW victims and chose to do nothing, thereby giving tacit consent to continue the program which Dr. Duncan describes as “MK-Ultra on steroids.”
In 2016, right after Trump was elected, the Obama-Biden administration slipped in laws to legalize neurological surveillance by federal agencies (not applicable to distribution to third parties). The National Neurological Conditions Surveillance System was enacted to enhance and modernize biosurveillance infrastructure to “track the epidemiology of neurological diseases” (130 STAT. 1077). An article written on Obama’s biosurviellance legislation points out that, “In other words, the U.S. government, if it is taken literally, legalized human brain surveillance” (again not for third parties). What the law describes as “real-time neurological surveillance” does in fact include mind reading. The article’s author indicates that the legal language “incorporate information obtained through such activities into an integrated surveillance system” most likely means that real-time biosurviellance data is “to be included in the ‘system’ used by the Department of Homeland Security’s National Biosurveillance Integration Center.” Unfortunately, this shockingly intrusive legislation seems to have flown under the radar.
The article also points out the undefined use of “epidemiology” in the legislation is likely related to how the CDC defines this term: “the CDC includes ‘domestic violence’[,] ‘investigations’[,] and ‘community homicides’ in its examples of ‘epidemiology.’” The author continues, “‘health-related states and events’ includes every human action and every human thought, since thinking is a ‘health-related state.’ This is often said with the phrase, a person’s ‘state of mind.’” Furthermore, the CDC says “epidemiology […] is also the […] control of health problems.” When combined with Obama’s biosurviellance laws, these CDC definitions of “epidemiology” may—in opaque technical bureaucracy speak—be allowing not only for neurological biosurviellance, but also mind control for the purpose of controlling “health problems.” The article mentions that the Obama legislation claims the rights of relevant government bodies to biosurveil people “in coordination with other agencies.”
The article states the obvious fact that is so often ignored in the case of Targeted Individuals: “Indeed, one could expect the U.S. federal government to use extensive propaganda campaigns, likely the most extensive propaganda imaginable, to attempt to make sure that even the slightest suggestion of the possibility of ‘mind reading’ remote surveillance technologies would get a person to be accused of being crazy.” For instance, this article wonders whether a government spokesperson would ever tell you they are striving to “achieve real-time surveillance and real-time control of human behavior,” even if that is exactly what they are doing? Would they openly tell you that they intentionally conditioned the public through programs like Operation Mockingbird to label people as crazy or paranoid for things like “arriving at the common sense conclusions that mind reading and control are possible with advanced innovative technologies[?]” The article’s author imagines what such an absurd government admittance would look like: “Thus, though extensive tin-foil-hat propaganda and other hoaxes were used, it cannot be said that we did not warn you; when we said we were going to use advanced innovative ‘biosurveillance’ technology to ‘gather real-time biological data’ for ‘prediction’ and ‘prevention’ and to ‘detect, as early as possible,’ threats from ‘all-hazards’ ‘using an information technology system that uses the best available statistical and other analytical tools.’”
Finally, the article makes the point that the agencies in charge of these new draconian state activities are known for routinely employing tactics like framing people and setting them up. These practices involve destroying reputations or attempting “to get a targeted person to say things that the FBI and local police wanted them to say. The FBI and some local police used such torture and/or implied threats in attempt to get a targeted person to falsely confess or to harm themselves.” Most famously, the “FBI secretly wrote a letter to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that most would describe as a threat against Dr. King [suggesting…] a method might be used to coerce Dr. King into falsely confessing that he was a communist or working for communists.” Ted Gundersson also says the FBI tried to frame or set him up 5 times. Targeted Individuals such as myself are familiar with tactics like using V2K mind control used in combination with illegally distributed remote neural monitoring (RNM) to frame an individual. The author concludes the following:
“It is clear that every human being should be regularly reminded that the thoughts that occur in their brain can have more than one cause. Their thoughts are not necessarily their own thoughts, and people should not feel bad about themselves as a result of thoughts, nor should people believe every thought to be true.”
- Robert L. Kinney III, author of Obama-Biden administration legalized ‘neurological surveillance’ after Trump’s election
There is some cause for optimism on the neurological rights front. Both Chile and Mexico have already passed legislation enshrining the sanctity of the human brain and its freedom from unwarranted, non-consensual interferences. Lawmakers in areas of Brazil are also discussing adding neurorights to the national constitution. Such legislation is direly needed in the West for countries like the United States to continue to lead the cause of freedom in the world—and something tells me nothing Biden introduces is going to cut it.
What’s Next?
“The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.” ~Garry Kasparov, chess master
What is extraordinary is not the claims Targeted Individuals have made, the ample whistleblower and victim testimony we have provided, or the officially admitted technical documents that exist in abundance to support exactly what has been divulged through testimony. What is extraordinary is the extreme willful ignorance that serves to deny the preponderance of evidence pointing to a grave threat to the future of humanity.
I think people will be surprised at how everything they do makes a difference. I hate to burst bubbles with this inconvenient truth, but the fact is simply waking up to the reality will do tremendous work for protecting the human free will, both today and going into the future.
In part I of “On Violations of Human Rights”, I discussed how artificially orchestrated pairing of thoughts with movie content happened in mechanically precise timing while I was watching Momento. However, I neglected to mention in that article that it also very obviously occurred with other films such as Jurassic World Dominion. At the time, I did not understand the capabilities of the technology intruding in my life, and even thought for a second to myself “why am I feeling like the movie is responding to my thoughts.” I knew that would not be possible, but our conventional understanding of the world is so behind the state of technological advancement that this is the feeling your conventionally conditioned sensations will actually give you on first encounter with obvious, overt remote mind control. I had never seen Jurassic World Dominion before, so the example with this movie even more unambiguously indicates the influence and play of external artificial intelligence on my brain. I had thought that since people were stalking me so closely that they would be able to also see that, but luckily there is no need to get stuck on something that happened ages ago thanks to the mountain of evidence supplied in this article, and the evidence from my personal life available in another article which includes specific examples of content alignment that happened between 10/2023 and 12/2023.
A side note on Momento: I now realize that the computer providing unambiguous evidence for my real time, machine-based manipulations was not as straightforward as I had initially felt, because the evidence—while unambiguous in terms of fact—is emotionally loaded. Momento is a story about an unreliable narrator and one who is suffering from mental problems (false diagnosis of psychosis is a routine way of attempting to discredit targeted individuals). In my case, the interesting structure of this story and its unique characteristic of requiring an extremely consistent director actually applies in reverse—I am honest to the point of a character flaw, while the omnipresent AI is constantly trying to misrepresent me and goes so far as to turn the truth on its head on a regular basis. It has effectively created a new genre of “reliable narrator, unreliable AI manipulator.”
Until his apparent assassination in July 2024, Dr. Robert Duncan was a CIA and DARPA whistleblower who testified to illegal experimentation on non-consenting citizens in hivemind cybernetics social engineering programs. Dr. Duncan was pulled out of a Harvard PhD program by the CIA to work on V2K technology. A Harvard and MIT graduate, Dr. Duncan worked on projects such as “reading brainwaves to control robots,” “robotic surgery in medicine,” and writing “the artificial intelligence code to track the nuclear submarine fleets around the world.” He says that around the year 2002 that he got involved as a whistleblower on the Targeted Individual program because he “thought [he] would be the first to do to computer-to-human brain communications, and [came across] this group of Targeted Individuals which were complaining about the exact thing that you would expect from a weaponized version of BCI [brain-computer interfacing technologies] or brain-to-brain interfacing technologies.” He became “thoroughly convinced after working on it—portions of it—for DARPA, and then realizing, ‘oh my gosh, this is my work they’re using to harm people.’” Dr. Duncan says that he is “absolutely [sure it was his work they were using to harm people]; remember, we’re lied to as scientists, and we’re compartmentalized. So […] let’s say I [was working] on voice-morphing technology. Well that was supposed to be used on enemy communications […] well I see that with TIs as well[.]” Humanity is incalculably indebted to the courage of Dr. Duncan and other whistleblower like him.
Dr. Jose Delgado published his work Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society back in 1969. In it, he writes, “Physical control of many brain functions is a demonstrated fact. It is even possible to follow intentions, the development of thoughts, and visual experiences.” Also in the same book, Dr. Delgado says, “Anything you can do with drugs, you can do with weak electromagnetic signals.” In 1974, Dr. Delgado testified the following about the intentions of such research before Congress: “We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated” (Congressional Record No. 262E, Vol 118, 1974). There is a direct link between eugenics and civilian applications of mind control in Dr. Delgado’s statements.
In the interview, Martinez cites Marshall McLuhan as one of the most important media theorists. He mentions that McLuhan met with Bilderbergers in the 1950s, and that his discoveries were then weaponized. McLuhan’s main idea was that technology dictates modality, and that medium is more important than message in terms of how media is received by the human brain. This is why "every time there is a new technology introduced, the sensory balance gets disrupted." Martinez points out how “this happened with the iPhone, [and] chipping of the brain is the next stage.” All of this technological impact on society “changes human values.”
As victims attest, what they are experiencing cannot be schizophrenia, partly because it happened overnight—and much later in life (late 30s to 40s) than the age at which the onset of schizophrenia is known to be associated. As Dr. Hall points out, many victims are highly functional professionals who had never experienced such symptoms until a specific point. It has never been reasonable to suggest that millions of people all over the world from all walks of life are suffering from an identical delusion. As Michael Braden testifies: “A mass delusion cannot be shared by millions of people that have different religions, political affiliations, genders, ethnicities, occupations, ages, and upbringings due to the exact repeating circumstances, facts, and conditions such as medical examinations, sworn affidavits, convictions of perpetrators in litigation, perpetrator confessions, and whistleblower testimony.” Note that victim testimony predates the public availability of the internet.
In terms of plausible explanations, there is far more weighty evidence that indicates that “mass delusion” is little more than a cover-up or an excuse to ignore the victims:
The idea that disparate folks from around the globe of all different kinds of backgrounds and occupations are suffering from a “mass delusion” has a statistically impossible chance of explaining the testimony. It is not clear why this unrealistic assumption would ever be accepted as a plausible explanation, especially by a professional.
Whistleblowers with ex-DARPA, ex-CIA, ex-MI5 and MI6, ex-NASA, ex-SIS, and MD credential all attest to the fact that the psychiatry industry has been leveraged to discredit Targeted Individual victims.
People generally don’t start having schizophrenia overnight after 28 years of age; it starts in adolescence although diagnosis may come later, the antisocial signs are there.
Schizophrenia is a set of symptoms, never just one. For an individual to be diagnosed, a host of other related symptoms have to identified, and the fact that they started hearing voices at age 35-40 simply would not qualify.
It is clear that this misdiagnosis would not stand up to scrutiny if treated fairly, and that any sensible observer with balanced knowledge of the relevant facts would be able to identify it for what it is—malpractice.
Politicized psychiatry was used extensively to silence dissidents in the former Soviet Union, and it is happening rampantly in the West today.
Finally, there is nothing that can be imagined about microwave burns, microchip implants, specific areas of the body which are emitting specific electromagnetic frequencies, or a unique constellation of brain injury symptoms known as non-kinetic brain injury (NKBI). Note that doctors who claim that victim testimonies are attributable to some kind of mass delusion spreading across society also concede that, “if there were findings of brain injury that would invalidate my hypothesis.” Dr. Len Ber has become the first person to receive disability from the government for recurring non-kinetic brain injury (rNKBI)—what the media had termed “Havanna Syndrome” but is more appropriately known as rNKBI or NKBI because of their concussion-like symptoms that are not related to a physical event (see Targeted Justice symposium from 1hr40mins to 2hrs). A diagnosis like the one given to Dr. Ber (and the diplomats in Cuba) is based on a set of 4 characteristics that have never been otherwise known to neurologists to exist together in the same case. As Dr. Len Ber points out in this interview, doctors who have misdiagnosed neurological targeting as mental illness have “never seen a patient with Havana Syndrome.” It is unfortunate that doctors have been kept in the dark about this public health issue (acknowledged as such by Dr. Giordano in a 2022 white paper) because there are hundreds, if not thousands of victims like Dr. Ber who have already been diagnosed by Dr. Hoffer (see Targeted Individual Testimony section).
Robert Malech first filed US Patent 3951134 in 1974. It specifies Voice-to-Skull (V2K) technology to directly transmit voices into peoples’ heads. Note that this is also the patent cited for remote neural monitoring (RNM). That is to say, the patent cited for RNM, the technology people use to gangstalk and spy on Targeted Individuals, is literally V2K itself.
Relatedly, I am personally experiencing a “ticking” or “clicking” sound in my head on a daily basis, which is exactly what I would call “very obvious, in-your-face mind control.” In this lecture, Dr. Giordano speaks on the possibilities of neuro-enablement in performance optimization and enhancement, which I am aware I have also benefited from, though I would also say the negatives unambiguously outweigh the positives (all experimentation in my life is non-consensual in the first place). For another victim’s description of the same clicking phenomenon, see part 2 of Bryan Kofron interview with PACTS, International at 46:00.
Please note, much or all of the technical information cited from Targeted Justice comes from former NASA engineer and Stanford MSE Richard Lighthouse, who has authored a Renaissance man’s number of patented inventions and mathematical proofs.
See the Targeted Justice website for more information on chip implants extracted and microwave burns. Personally, I have detected EMF fields coming out of one side of my neck, one side of my abdomen, and both of my underarms.
Anomalous Heath Incidents: Analysis of Potential Causal Mechanisms (September 2022) was obtained by FOIA request by the Madison Project in March 2023.
The 2022 IC report is highly redacted but was produced by an expert panel and is very informative about subjects such as biomarkers. A qEEG machine with the swLoretta computer package can visualize abnormal connections in the brain, which may indicate brain connectivity degradation and other biomarker indicators. For instance, indicating the presence of delta waves, which are only supposed to be detected during sleep or hypnosis. Though a qEEG machine is required—and not an EEG, the Biden administration mentions EEG as one of the methods of detection in the Havana Act.
Also see a 2020 report by Dr. Hoffer, Dr. Balaban, et al. entitled Distinctive Convergence Eye Movements in Acquired Neurosensory Dysfunction, which demonstrates how brain injury in the “Havana Cohort” can be differentiated from concussions (mTBIs) using an objective computerized oculomotor test.
See Footnote 1.
See the part I article for information on how the Manson Family murders were related to MK-Ultra mind control. In it, I cite Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O’Neill.
A total of 13 brain-melting attacks occurred in the month of October; 2 more were sustained later in November 2023. I knew these were happening due to the distinct metallic and then bloody taste they produced, by the cognitive impairment they caused, and because one day after I sustained 3 such attacks, my vision became unprecedentedly blurred after just looking at the computer for 10 minutes (doctors advise not looking at screens after a serious concussion). The blurriness was so intense that I could not see, no matter in what direction I looked, because there were bars of light obscuring my vision. These bars had been transposed onto my vision after I had been trying to read a paragraph of white text against a dark screen. I began feeling nauseous after attempting to read it, and the vision impairment occurred immediately when I looked away. I have had concussions before, but never have I experienced such a distortion to my vision. It is worth noting that the metallic and blood tastes that marked each concussion event were of a taste so distinctive that it was completely unlike anything I had ever tasted before—even other concussions. I also observed changes in my voice after each concussion event. Additionally, there was the sensation that I was breathing out brain matter which was dripping down into my esophagus with each exhalation. This became so intense that the roof of my mouth would become crusted with this substance that tasted like brain fluid during the night after I had sustained such an attack—yet another unprecedented health event. Finally, these brain-melting episodes all corresponded to events in which I was exposing the crimes this program has committed against me—either while writing this article, or otherwise exercising First Amendment rights such as posting on Twitter or watching a widely banned video. For journal evidence documenting these DEW events, please see my notarized sworn affidavit (any information that could be sensitive to other individuals has been whited out).
Please see Footnote 7. For a description of clicks from another victim’s testimony, see part 2 of Bryan Kofron interview with PACTS, International at 46:00. For journal evidence documenting these head clicks, please see my notarized sworn affidavit (any information that could be sensitive to other individuals has been whited out).
Also see Footnote 1 on alignment of thoughts to movie content they directly preceded. By “alignment”, I mean repeated precision timing, statistically significant uncanniness, and relevant messaging on life events. Also see other examples of content alignment and selected journal entries that have been notarized in a sworn affidavit in this article. The nature of targeting is simply too unconventional and multi-faceted to provide a concise account of everything related to targeting that happens in my life here, but additional details of how AI intricately manages my life are available in that post. For documentation of content alignment, please see my notarized sworn affidavit (any information that could be sensitive to other individuals has been whited out).
There is an official patent for sending data through power lines that the government has admitted enables controlling thermostats and refrigerators (US Patent 5491463A). In a forum, I asked if others were experiencing the same environmental feedback noises to their remote neural monitoring (RNM). Someone with screenname “Bob” said: “happens for me with alarms, phones, empty car alarms going off - at different negative thoughts or behaviours associated with frustration and anger or other disturbing thoughts - they're re-enforcing the thoughts into the conscience so that they STICK like splinters[.]” It seems other victims confirm they are also being harassed with environmental feedback noise, and that these interventions are nefarious acts of psychological warfare. I have provided journal entry evidence of these abuses in my personal evidence article.
The following key words indicate that a position is likely involved in illegal targeting: HUMINT, TSDB, NCTC, TIDE, Watchlisting, Intelligence, Counterterrorism, Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF).
Many notable targeting victims like Reverend Dr. Millicent Black, William Binney, and others have non-consensual body implants. Please see this YouTube video by Reverend Dr. Black: Dr. Millicent Black and Bill Binney.
Please also see the TargetedJustice website for evidence of and information on wireless body area network microchip implants, as well as testimonies by lawyer Dr. Richard Caine and Physicist Dr. Katherine Horton.
Please see the following YouTube video: Vritchan, M. (2018) Implanted Strangulator & Air Force Serial Killer - Techno Crime Fighters' Forum 26 (Stop007).
Rich, M. (2008) The Hidden Evil The Financial Elites’ Covert War Against The Civilian Population, 2ND edition, p.67, (Morrisville, Lulu).
This image is from first scene that takes place in space in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). In the actors’ commentary, Gary Lockwood says that after the bone is thrown in the air, “it comes back—in this case an armed satellite. So it’s a weapon-to-weapon cut […] that is an armed satellite.” If you zoom in, you can see a USAF symbol on the satellite. In the next scene at the international space station, Americans and Russians are seen communicating in fairly close cooperation and on mostly friendly diplomatic terms. Lockwood comments that Kubrick predicted the amelioration of geopolitical tensions in that scene. I would argue that the director begs the question, “who are these satellites aimed at then?” We know that virtually nothing is unintentional in Kubrick movies.
According to Targeted Justice, beam steering is achieved by changing the phase of the input signal on all radiating elements. This allows the signal to be targeted at a specific receiver. An antenna can employ radiating elements with a common frequency to steer a single beam in a specific direction. Different frequency beams can also be steered in different directions to serve different users.
Quote is from a Targeted Justice podcast. Targeted Justice estimates 90% of DEW, V2K, and RNM attacks come from cell towers (and a possible 10% come from satellites directly, or nearby devices). Cell towers are used to conduct attacks on the majority of victims, but this does not mean satellites can’t perform the same attacks. Cell tower maintenance workers report around 250 thousand injuries per year. These injuries include burns, sterility, and cognitive damage, and these worker safety incidents have been reported on local news such as ABC 10. Targeted Justice wonders if these injuries may have occurred as a result of workers standing in the way of microwave beams being fired at targets while they perform their maintenance work.
More on my current proximity to weaponized cell towers (residence March 2023 to present): another drum-shaped tower exists just over 1 mile away from my house, and I am currently within 0.1 miles of a 4-panel tower, as well as less than 1.5 miles from other towers, including a full-scale tower with 5 levels of every kind of panel array you could imagine.
Notable public information on relevant DARPA projects I have come across thus far include the 2003 LifeLog program, DARPA Brain Initiative, next-generation non-surgical neurotechnology (N3) for bi-directional AI-brain interfaces, more brain-computer interfaces, brain-to-brain interfaces, nanoparticles that permeate the brain to read neural signals, Quantum Science, 5G for the Internet of Things, and Directed Energy. The military-industrial complex has technology decades before you get it. For instance, the internet was first created from something called DARPAnet.
James Martinez, former MK-Ultra media specialist, is cited in the Whistleblower Testimony section as describing AI breaking down humans and social relations “like a psychopath.” For another precaution about the risks of AI, see how a humanoid robot was unveiled in 2016 which said it would “destroy humanity.”
Dr. Anna Mihalcea is known for her darkfield microcopy and Near Infrared spectroscopy findings which prove the existence of self-assembling synthetic biology now in all human blood (constituent materials found include hydrogel plastics (hydrogels can be programmed and encrypted) such as polyenes, vinyl, nylon, kevlar, and spider silk proteins, as well as other nanotechnology signatures such as silicone and sulfur). Not only did Dr. Mihalcea and plenty of other researchers (Karl C., David Nixon, Clifford Carnicom, and others) discover that these non-natural structures are growing in your body, but they have also found that the technology is damaging and consuming cells, for example by hijacking methyl groups needed to detoxify and create Glutathione. In this article (now paid access only but you can find the following quote extracted in this Substack Note) that pays tribute to Dr. Robert Duncan after his suspicious death, she writes, “he gave excellent presentations, confirming that self assembly nano particles are for mind control purposes”.
To be clear, I want to distinguish between what I believe is a program run by globalists puppets and service personnel who are not aware of what they are involved in and patriotic Americans who are serving their country (and are aware of what they are actually involved in). Globalists have hijacked or compromised many institutions, but that is a whole different story which I do not have time to flesh out here. As Ted Gundersson says, “‘They’ mean[s] the New World Order boys”; “I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I’m a conspiracy realist, and I’ll prove it to you.”
In my case, my bike chain was mysteriously derailed a few times, which was suspicious because that has never happened while I was riding, and has only occurred while the bike was parked in front of the place I am staying. Many Targeted Individuals have their clothing marred and their vehicles tampered with.
See Ted Gundersson, Dr. Robert Duncan, and Barrier Trower subjections under Whistleblower Testimony.
I myself have witnessed this—while working at Walmart, I thought to myself “totally Walmart” on more than one occasion—my words to describe my impressions having never been in a Walmart before I started work there. A month or so later after this occurred, I noticed that Target, Walmart’s main competitor, was running an ad campaign based on the messaging “Totally Target.” While I do not have absolute proof the Target ad campaign came after these thoughts occurred to me, available evidence suggests it may have. This is only to name a single occasion in which intellectual property was stolen from me. I do not plan to sue Target if I am correct about their ad campaign, and am only hoping to have my constitutional rights fully restored.
Targeted Justice points out that the following are serious federal crimes:
18 U.S. Code § 1513 - Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant
18 U.S. Code § 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant
See Footnote 5. Recommended sources on the subject of psychiatric malpractice include this white paper by Stephen Marvin, moderator for Targeted Survivors in the UK. Also see this Targeted Justice podcast. When considering the malpractice claims that Targeted Individuals are “imagining things,” take into account the irrefutable physical evidence of microchip implants, microwave burns, and EMF field detection.
The disingenuous shrink essentially called law enforcement to lock me up in mental institution. The reason cited was that the psychiatrist did not believe my evidence of gangstalking, though it seems clear he was in fact a participant in the gangstalking. He also illegally called my parents when I specifically did not consent to his doing so. Furthermore, Sam Knave intentionally misinterpreted the information I had confided in him. This heinous act of malpractice was then easily defeated in court due to fabricated diagnosis from which it stemmed. However, I missed work for 3 days and was incarcerated against my will. I found this article quote particularly resonant with my experience: “Some aspiring cop-shrinks will even go so far as to charitably inform—without permission—family, friends, and doctors of the TI that their loved one has gone bananas… Not only is this patently illegal and constitutes assassination, but it smacks of the ‘political psychiatry’ which was commonly used against dissidents in the former Soviet Union.” Psychiatry has been weaponized as a form of eugenics—"Menacide” is the act of removing undesired elements of the community by means of “mental health.” It seems the real reason for incarceration was that I practiced my First Amendment rights, and this shrink did not like what I was saying about what he viewed as the socially-acceptable gangstalking. He retaliating against my free speech in an extreme act of willful ignorance and defiance of objective fact.
See Footnote 5.
The three main Defendants in the TargetedJustice v. Garland lawsuit are all facing Articles of Impeachment, something that has never happened before in the history of law in the United States. See this Targeted Justice newsletter for the most recent legal updates at the time this article was written.
See Footnote 35 for evidence of a practitioner blatantly ignored evidence and Footnote 5 for evidence of this wider phenomenon. Information is also available in the the “Evidence of Malpractice in Psychiatric Reprisal Against Victims” subsection under “Targeted Individual Testimony”, and in the “Whistleblower Testimony” section under Dr. Robert Duncan, Barrier Trower, and Bryan Kofron. Large numbers of whistleblowers confirm that psychiatry has been leveraged to “clamp down” on victims depositions.
I spent 6 years in the PRC as a student and professional. There was ample opportunity for my DNA to have been collected (see Bryan Kofron subsection under Whistleblower Testimony).
According to Congressman Jim Jordan, hundreds of secret reports also confirm censorship of Americans before the 2020 election, including posts which contained true information, jokes, and opinions. Over 50 million posts taken down on Facebook alone that were critical of Biden. The UndercoverDC article points out how CISA actually publicly thanked Mark Zuckerberg for testifying on, "fake news, for foreign interference in elections, and hate speech" on the platform.
This is a great crash course on Targeted Individuals! Everyone should read this as it's a real eye opener!!! I would recommend this article to as many people as possible! Straight forward and easy to assimilate and getting to the crux of the program!!!
Thank you for posting!!!
TI for 30 years!
The Smith Family
WLA, CA.90045
Wow! Partick. What an amazing article. The depth of research, citing, structure - everything! You must have spent a long time one this one.. Thanks for all your work. I hope it gets the exposure it deserves.