Beyond Proven: More Unequivocal Evidence of Neurological Targeting 📢🤌🏼
If I were a betting man, I would have made some serious money off the group think denialists by now... Even they wouldn't be able to wriggle their way out of this one!
An ordinary megaphone acts as a simple scientific instrument to detect frequencies. It contains a coil of wire between poles of a cylindrical magnet, which creates an electromagnetic field that causes the diaphragm at the speaking end to vibrate when exposed to local acoustic or electromagnetic fields. As such, it can be used to objectively detect EMF fields. You can clearly see in the below video that the right side of my neck is emitting frequencies. There is no reason that my neck, armpits, or right side of my abdominals should doing this—the shrieking effect occurs every time I run the megaphone over these areas. Controls verify that this shrieking noise cannot be feedback noise or anything other than an electromagnetic field, which has been localized to these specific areas on my body, every time I have done the megaphone test. This sharp, blaring noise does not get triggered by breathing, no matter how heavy, and I remove any metal from my body prior to conducting the test. The noise that consistently occurs in these 3 specific parts of my body is exactly the same as in the implant detection demonstration video from the Targeted Justice post, where I found the instructions for this test.
Please note: these diagrams represents findings from rounds of testing that were conducted before and after the time the article was published. After the 10th session in which frequencies were detected each time on my neck, I also detected the frequency once toward the back of my lower right jaw (part of the jaw nearest the neck) and once in the top left corner of my neck (frequencies were detected only on the right side dozens of times across 13 testing sessions, while only once on the left side of the neck and lower back jaw). It is not clear whether these EMF fields that were localized to a slightly different area actually originated from the original spots of detection on right side of my neck or Adam’s apple and were projected up through my jaw or across to the left side of my neck, or whether they are different sources of frequency altogether. However, it seems likely that they either came form the original area of detection or somewhere buried deeper within the neck since they only were detected there once. The signal has thus far been overwhelmingly detected from the right side of my neck and Adam’s apple, as in the diagram.
At first, as more implants found when conducting the test while standing, it seemed that this was due to certain constrains of conducting the test while sitting:
On the 11th and 13th test sessions, I also detected unmistakable frequency from my right abdomen between the rectus abdominus and oblique (around the kidney), then in both underarms very close to the armpit. It seems the abdominal EMF field did not get detected until the 11th session because I primarily conducted the test while sitting down, and my gut/muscle got in the way of detecting the field, which is nestled deep between the muscle groups. Though I had run detection tests on my stomach before and found nothing, I confirmed this was because of the position of my gut while sitting down by repeating the test again in the same area, which yielded no while seated, but produced the same result when I stood up again. Though I had tested my armpits before, it was likely also because of the seated position that I did not find these implant EMF fields, as the chair arms make the angle impossible (the area of detection is on the underarm, almost at the armpits). It may be that when I tested armpits, I ran the megaphone over too quickly, and the frequency wasn’t picked up because the actual origin is a bit further down the underarm. I doubt that these EMF emissions are likely to be manipulated by mind control handlers, since every single session still yields the same results in terms of localizing frequency to my neck, and now abdomen and underarms. Since finding more implant locations, I have become more meticulous in testing, directing close attention to the arms, legs, chest, feet, etc., and other parts of my body have not yielded the same results, except for a bit of frequency further down my right arm, which may originate from further up the underarm.
However, after seeing plenty of information about the self-replicating qualities of nanotechnology implants containing mesogens (various micro-antennas and micro-routers), I believe that the technology is simply rapidly growing in my body, which accounts for the increasing number of areas of the body where frequency is detected during the test:
Finally, there is a possibility that these EMF-emitting structures developed recently, expanding to other parts of the body (!!). The frequency detection is likely stimulated by self-replicating nanotechnology that have been found ubiquitously in human blood, so it seems that the reason that further tests yield an increasing number of locations where frequency is being emitted is due to the fact that this technology is growing in the body. (Trials 14 to around 20 have all yielded the same results from the three locations of right side of the neck, right side of the abdomen, and both underarms, but I have now also detected frequencies on other parts of my stomach, abdomen, forearms, and under my foot—depending on the degree to which sensitivity is modulated using the volume adjuster, more areas across the upper body are detected to also have some degree of frequency emissions when the megaphone is run across the skin. Thus far, I have found nothing on my lower or upper legs.)
Here is a screenshot of the frequencies I recorded using an audio frequency analyzer during the first 5 sessions of testing:
The following is an explanation from Targeted Justice for how an ordinary megaphone works as a simple scientific instrument to detect frequencies on the body:
“The megaphone has a small metal diaphragm (blue) which vibrates by talking at the end. A coil of wire (red) is between the poles of a cylindrical magnet (green), which creates an electromagnetic field. What we are doing is using the sensitivity of the EM field to pinpoint where chips or implants can be found in the body. The megaphone will not react to an ordinary piece of metal - it must be energized.”
See the original post:
This new variety of targeting proof is the icing on the cake in terms of all the evidence I have already provided, which clearly demonstrates I am neurologically targeted and manipulated throughout the day. Though the proof I have given is plenty unequivocal and unambiguous, I hope this implant detection test will help new audiences open their eyes to the reality of 24/7 neurological targeting, where real-time, bi-directional transmission of my biometric brain data enables the manipulation of my thoughts, emotions, memories, and even dreams. While I’ve already provided a direct link between events in my life and the mountain of evidence that proves that innocent civilians are being experimented on with psychotronic technologies, the fact that I am able film EMF being detected in very specific places on my body provides a more readily tangible and digestible variety of evidence that can easily be shown to and seen by others. I can’t “show” you the taste of blood in my mouth from an electromagnetic concussion or “show” you the head clicks I get on a daily basis, I can only journal about and document the details of each event as sincerely and accurately as possible, which I have done in a notarized sworn affidavit that can be used as valid court evidence.
The proof of EMF emissions from my neck, abdomen, and underarms also dovetails with the other evidence to illustrate a picture of complete technological intrusion and interference in my life—people who are due for a Nuremberg Code court date have not held back on anything in experimenting on me. You would think that if they are trying to convince the public to overlook the overwhelming evidence of transhumanist experimentation that they would not leave such obvious traces. This is also because the key cover story transhumanist operators use to hide their illegal experimentation on civilians is the “mental illness” label that they discredit their victims with. There are plenty of reasons why this cover story isn’t actually viable and doesn’t explain what thousands of victims have reported experiencing, but one of the most direct methods of exposing it as a cover story is the evidence of implants that have been extracted from Targeted Individuals’ bodies. The majority of Targeted Individuals have discovered implants on their body, though microchip implants are not necessary for remote mind control with technologies such as DNA resonant frequency.
Targeted Justice says that the neck and armpits are some of the most common places to find implants, and suggests that EMF fields detected on the neck are likely to be macroimplants that can be removed rather than microimplants. However, Targeted Justice’s advise about the likelihood of certain implants being chip-scale macroimplants is likely due to their 7-year experience of working with Targeted Individuals, with the targeting experience of many victims going back to around 2001. More recent research suggests that the implants I detected are likely to be self-assembling nanotechnology structures. Microimplants are nanoscale biosynthetic materials (nanotech) found in the blood that have self-assembled into microantennas or other structures that can only be viewed under a microscope. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing the real nature of the EMF-producing structures on my neck until I get an ultrasound of the locations and bring that to a plastic surgeon to try and have the implants removed (in the case that they are macroimplants). Despite certain concerns I have, such as the large numbers of Targeted Individuals who have reported and documented experiences of being implanted while they were having surgery done and the fact that nanotechnology has been found in anesthetics, I currently believe that what I have detected is more likely to be nanotechnology than macroimplants.
Though I have yet to go to a plastic surgeon or have my blood analyzed by someone with a viable microscope, the megaphone test I used to detect EMF emanating from my neck, abdomen, and underarms is clear evidence of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) technology. The noises I recorded cannot be feedback because the megaphone will only react energized source—meaning this cannot be because of metal somehow otherwise deposited in my body—and the shrieking noise is detected every time I run the megaphone over these 3 locations. Though, as mentioned earlier, nanotechnology has been shown to be rapidly growing in human blood, meaning that as I continue to conduct the implant detection test, I will likely increasingly find more areas of my body that emit frequency, there are still large parts of my body (such as my upper and lower legs) that do not yield any frequency detection results). These areas where nanotechnology has yet to assemble frequency-emitting structures serve as a control that stands in stark contrast to areas where the megaphone makes noises every time I do the test, replicating essentially the same set of frequencies. Targeted Justice has also backed up the validity of the megaphone test by testing the same EMF field areas with an electric massager pen so that the results are confirmed using 2 different devices. Thanks to the megaphone test evidence, the “mental illness” cover story shills should—if there is any honesty in them—have a much harder time trying to ignore the absolute mountains of thoroughly credible evidence, such as that which I have complied and written on in my last article.
There is nothing that can be imagined about microchip implants or the detection of EMF fields on the body. Psychiatric swindlers who may have succeeded in dodging their due diligence obligations to look at the evidence that proves the testimony of Targeted Individuals aren’t going to be able to draw on excuses like “delusional” when it comes to physical proof in the form of implants that have been removed from the body. The “mental illness” cover story was never anything more than a character assassination attempt masquerading as medical evidence. Evidence documenting EMF emissions from the body or the removal of wireless body area network (WBAN) implants is significant. Literally the only “evidence” (and I mean the ONLY “evidence”) I have seen from anyone attempting to discredit the testimony of Targeted Individuals is malpractice misdiagnosis of mental illness. I will not go into the many ways this cover story is problematic even without this variety of visual proof. People who liberally apply the atrociously defamatory label of “mental illness” to victims are covering up for and complicit in human rights crimes—crimes which should see their day in court according to the Nuremberg Code, US Constitution, and Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions.
To be clear, there is no way I am “imaging” these frequencies emitting from my neck, nor is there any way I was imagining things when they melted my brain and I could taste it, when they head click me dozens of times a day, or when I experience obvious artificial tinnitus. Furthermore, the towering irony of the “mental illness” cover story is that I cannot of course be called “crazy” for explaining to people the nature of the very same technology that said people are using to illegally stalk me. The same people who violate the Constitution to foolishly gossip about and spy on me using Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) are the same people who brazenly defame me as a “conspiracy theorist” for telling them about Voice-to-Skull (V2K) malfeasance in my life without realizing that the RNM information technology they are using literally comes from V2K. RNM technology has always been bi-directional—in fact the write abilities came before the read abilities. The patent (US Patent 3951134A) which is most commonly cited for RNM is the quintessential V2K patent. In that sense, gangstalkers are ironically themselves providing evidence that proves my point, as not only is gangstalking one of the hallmarks of targeting, but they are using RNM to conduct their gangstalking, a technology that comes from V2K and other techniques for writing into the brain. As a general rule for these clueless folks, anything that can be read can usually also be written, and therefore manipulated. There clearly needs to be a lot more discussion every time new technologies come out that affect the way we consume and communicate information.
There is no question about what is happening in my life. The unfathomable hypocrisy of a situation in which people will try to label you mentally ill for explaining to them how the technology they are using to unconstitutionally stalk you works cannot be understated. It instead seems as if the denialists may be suffering from some delusional disorder—either that or they have resigned their critical thinking to blindly follow group think.
How did you Nazi that??
I find it generally appalling and sad that people who stalk me 24/7, 365 days a year don’t notice the most important things there are to notice—how I have experienced DEW attacks that are so damaging to my brain that I can directly taste blood and brain fluids seeping into my mouth, how I am constantly attacked with head clicks, how the appliances in the place I live harass me throughout the day by making noise at any potentially defamatory situation or bad news for me, or how I am being manipulated as a source of propagandistic lies which have nothing to do with me. I have a hard time understanding how it is possible, when scrutinizing the details of my life, to ignore the obvious clues that AI is constantly interfering in it. For well over a year, I have not infrequently been experiencing incidents where song lyrics pair exactly to something I am doing or thinking about, or “coincidences” repeatedly occur that are not easily explained by natural phenomena. There seems to be a dearth of critical thinking where gossip about someone is prioritized over noticing the clear signs that highly invasive technologies managed by a supercomputer are dictating events in that person’s life. Though the details of my life are scrutinized, obvious indications and direct proof of far more consequential transhumanism phenomena are willfully ignored and swept under the rug, even though these are paradigm-changing technologies that threaten to affect everyone’s lives. Transhumanism is an existential threat, and is even acknowledged as such by its proponents.
As I noticed that people were seeming to not take notice of the obvious influence of transhumanism in my life, I decided to journal about daily events which prove targeting, and notarized a collection of my journal entries between late October to the end of November this year (2023) in a sworn affidavit. In this comparatively short period of time, I documented a hefty amount of evidence on brain melting DEW attacks, daily harassment by head clicks, insidious appliance noise feedback to my manipulated RNM feed (sometimes it’s making noises at itself), and heinous V2K defamation attacks that enable gangstalkers to further defame me with misinformation—a facet of the mind control program which boils down to propaganda. Everything that was recorded is real, and I took pains to make sure that if I was even slightly unsure about something that I either denoted such with phrasing like “it seems” or “I believe.” Even with this highly reductive approach, I gathered a huge body of evidence in around 2 months.
“I was just thinking about how the WEF has openly stated that they will read your thoughts[,] which will become [public property,] and [at this exact moment after I finished reflecting on this,] I heard “so [that everyone could] read [one] [an]other’s thoughts [clearly]” in the audio book I was listening to[.] [This content alignment occurred] immediately, not a second afte[r] this thought. This means they triggered this thought so it would precisely coincide with the content of the audio book in exact timing, though this artificial thought stimulation was done so precisely I [was not able to] notice [it was artificial] until after the [obvious] content alignment occurred.”
- June 2, 2024 at 2:20pm
I was thinking about the implicit threat in Eyes Wide Shut: “[Life goes on, until it doesn’t.] But you know that, don’t you Bill” and the toaster oven in the kitchen started beeping. Nobody has used the toaster oven today—I know this for an absolute fact [it is also highly likely nobody used the toaster oven in the past 4 days over the weekend]. This is obviously from intelligence community as it is not possible any physical human action could have caused this. The beeping noise lasted for about 2 seconds and went away. The lights on the toaster oven also turned on at that time.
- March 27th, 2024 between 1:00 pm and 1:02 pm
Below you will find selected journal entries that illustrate what is unequivocally going on. The entries from October through November, 2023 can also be found in the sworn affidavit, while journal entries from December 2023 through September 2024 have not been notarized at this time (most entries not in the sworn affidavit are from December 2023 to Aril/May 2024, but a few key entries are from later in 2024). Though I do not condone RNM stalking of any kind, I encourage anyone who wish to challenge the authenticity of these records to go and have a look to verify that everything I recorded happened exactly as it did.
Life events indicating where the targeting emerged as out in the open:
10/31/2023: [In] 2021[,] gangstalking was everywhere I went [in] Honolulu—people [were] watching me [and] referencing things in my life [that were unnatural for them to have knowledge of, and honking throughout the day in front of my apartment—a known gangstalking practice reported on ABC news—it seems in response to real-time brain data from remote neural monitoring (RNM). Honking activity also happened for months while in San Francisco in response to RNM.] I had been experiencing nausea. Marijuana had never made me feel this way before [I was not drinking or taking anything that could have caused it, either]. I guessed [then] it was device radiation and because I was living merely a few floors below a cell tower deployed on [an adjacent] building. I remember saying to a friend in April that I believed the cell tower was affecting me negatively, that I wanted to get out of my place. I remember him saying “yeah, it’s probably zapping yo[u].” [Around that time,] I came across a video from WION which talked about Havana Syndrome, and I remember thinking […] this is could be what is causing that sickness, but why would anyone do that to me, I don’t work for the State Department—it must be China, […] the United States wouldn’t do that to me[,] would they? I remember being very apprehensive about watching the video, because some of the AI content recommendations from YouTube were very adversarial, even sadistically so (i.e. there was a [feeling] they would attack me [again] during the video). [YouTube] did not even try to hide its ill intent [while suggesting videos]. Low and behold, after I started watching it and reached the part with […] animated radio waves and [the] news presenter talking poignantly about weaponized frequency […], I felt more nauseous (same type of nausea experience as I had previously[…]) than ever before[,] plus I became dizzy, which to my recollection was the first time this had happened. It was overt, as if this unknown adversarial actor wanted me to know what was going on. I immediately turned off my phone without finishing the video and went to the side of the flat furthest away from the cell tower [panels].
Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs):
10/20 at 3:35 pm: [I was] browsing [X, formerly] Twitter and saw a post by some guy [on someone else’s page] who did alternative military events reporting, esp[ecially] in Ukr[aine]. [I] used to look at [t]his page for info about [the nature] of modern war[,] but [I] did not end up looking at this tweet [this time]. [I] scrolled past it, but felt [an] immediate attack on the brain. [I experienced] pain [plus the] tinge of brain fluids entering [my] mouth. [The] refrigerator also ma[d]e a noise at the same time. This makes 10 times in the past 11 days I was severely microwaved such that I could taste the brain damage. [At] 3:40 [pm the] refrigerator ma[de] a noise again, confirming significance of their intent to punish me for “wrongthink[,]” [even though I had not even stopped to look at the post.]
11/2: When I woke up in the middle of the night [this morning while it was still dark], [I found] the roof of my mouth was crusted with the vaporized brain fluid from them microwaving me. It was a bit cakey and sticky for my tongue. This has only happened twice in my entire life—once this morning and once about 29 days ago [during the night after I had 3 such attacks in one day]. The taste was very much the same as the brain fluid previously described. […] The 14 devastating brain-melting episodes that occurred in the past 30 days began when I watched a video exposing [… alleged controlled opposition in the alternative media]. I received 3 brain melting attacks in that one day. [The day after these 3 attacks, I had the worst vision distortions I have ever experienced after just 10 minutes of looking at a computer screen, which is known to be a strain on the brain during concussion events. After looking at a block of white text against a black screen for a minute or so, I felt dizziness, then looked away from the screen only to realize everywhere I looked was distorted by stripes of light resembling the lines of text, only much more blurred. I had to excuse myself from work that day because simply looking at the screen was causing this extreme health issue.]
11/2 around 6:30 pm: [The] metallic taste occurred again today while I was working on the article ([it] went away while I was at the gym). I said “ban TikTok” and sensed it again. I had just [returned] home when it happened again.
11/2 at 7:41 pm: [I] continued work on the [targeting proof] article [and the] metallic taste returned and is still present[.]
12/15: […] I sense my brain has suffered extensive damage from the [16] DEW attacks in October and November. Last night while I was thinking about my dog and how I left him to go abroad before he died, I experienced an emotional “lighting up” of the brain. However, it was not nearly as extensive and explosive and far-reaching towards the out[er] reaches of the brain folds as it used to be when [such a poignant recollection] happens to me. I can tell my brain is not as it used to be before this happened. These chemical/electrical reactions in my brain used to be far more complex and forceful than they are now. I am sure of this. I also feel […] reduced cognitive performance today in the difficulty of recalling memories and in [my] word choic[e].
4/22/2024 at 12:22 pm: I had to use my phone to call insurance brokers and it was microwaving me the entire time. My brain feels completely different from before I turned it on. I have been being attacked every time I use my phone.
4/24/2024 at 11:26 am: About 5-10 minutes ago I was speaking with my friend [on the phone] and my right side of my skull began to hurt. The pain has just gone away. My shielding hat helped with some of that, but I just took it off after a separate part of my head started to hurt.
5/2/2024 at 6:57 pm: I turned on the [wi-fi] and my brain feels different. It feels slightly more pressured and the feeling is difficult to describe, but I can say without doubt it feels less healthy.
5/4/2024 at 1:28 am: I suffered a very likely DEW concussion around 10-15 minutes ago after transferring the latest journal entries to this article. There was the unmistakable taste of blood originating from the back of my mouth for about 1 minute straight. I don’t see any other possible explanation for this, and the timing is uncanny.
5/14/2024 around 7:30 pm: I tasted blood in my mouth for about 20-30 seconds and my vision became wildly distorted. Though I was hiking and looking down at the trail, which can cause vision to change, I have never seen my vision change this dramatically—it actually looked like the trail was moving like waves in the sea. This was at least 10 to 20 times more distorted than my vision normally gets after looking at the trail. I then felt tired and rested, which I normally would not have done on a short hike, and experienced changes in cognition. I believe this is very, very likely to be a DEW attack (virtually certain), and that it was in retaliation for the targeting evidence I had been looking at earlier in the day and because I spoke verbally about how well-proven the war crimes are. I believe this DEW attack may have been more mild in comparison to the last one I experienced after updating this article on 5/4. The fridge downstairs clicked (though it did not make a loud sustained noise as it most often does), which mildly suggests that this was a lighter attack might be the case. I am currently still much more tired than before the attack, and the garish brightness of the computer screen is uncomfortable to my eyes.
8/13/2024 2:02 pm: I had to use my phone for a while, and it was unambiguously microwaving me the whole time. My brain feels significantly different from before I started using it, as if I had an alcohol hangover or had a head injury. My phone attacks my brain about at least 50% of the time I use it. That’s why I don’t use it often and don’t even keep it in my room. The difference is significant: my brain felt very healthy before I used my phone, and now it feels absolutely poisoned.
8/24/2024 at 3:23 pm: I opened my phone and almost immediately I could tangibly feel the effects of a directed energy attack on my brain. I had to use the phone for 5-10 minutes to do banking things, and was attacked the entire time. Before I opened the phone, I had enjoyed a sense of well-being in terms of brain health, but after I turned it on, I immediately felt that I was suffering a degraded state of brain health, and my brain was no longer in a state of sanctity unaffected by external forces [that is, some harmful effect could be felt which took away the untouched sense of constitution and natural state wholeness the the brain had previously enjoyed. It is hard to describe the exact manner in which the attack can be discerned with complete certainty, but it is mainly the prestine condition that one realizes one had before the attack that make it so obvious that the brain was damaged by the phone, in addition to the reducted cognitive performance after the attack]. I experienced a very obvious sensation that something was affecting my brian health negatively and there was a tinge of metallic taste on my tongue [for 5-10 minutes, pretty much during the whole episode]. I cannot use my phone without fear of an immediate attack on my brain health. Cognition suffered in [terms of] clarity and sharpness after [the attack], and V2K attacks increased [as the brain seemed to have less resistance to suggestibility. [This incident happened before I planned to spend a lot of time on Bible study, which is an activity that alleviates targeting symptoms by bringing me into a mental state where it is harder for perpetrators to keep me in the mind control matrix. The DEW attack severely affected my progress in Bible study, which may have been an added motivation for the attack.]
9/16/2024 at 4:37 pm
[I was both] head clicked 2 times and ma[d]e sick with DEWs for adding content to a draft on Dr. Charles Lieber and reviewing my article about [how] the RNM stalking proves [that] V2K is happening. [I was] feeling so sick [that] I ha[d] to go outside, though I would [have] like[d] to be at my computer for work. [I was hit with another microwave attack about an hour later after I left the gym. This one was a bit stronger and made me dry heave, and occurred at the moment I was passing by a cell tower. Cognition suffered tremendously after the attack. It took me forever to read a small amount of text after these two attacks, which was very frustrating. I also felt that V2K and synthetically overlayed thoughts much more easily intruded on my brain after the attacks, which is what experts say about the effect of microwave attacks on susceptibility to mind control.]
10/3/2024 at 10:41 am: Threatened by the fridge about 20 minutes ago for researching nanowire networks. Yesterday at about 5:20 pm I was microwaved for about 30-45 minutes for thinking about workin on an article about Dr. Charles Lieber’s work in this area; though there was no dry heaving, this attack affected my cognition. [Upon recollection, I was merely looking at evidence of nanotechnology when I began to get microwaved. I actually decided to work on the article after being microwaved, at which point the DEW attack likely became stronger, so as to incapacitate me before I began working.]
10/16/2024 at 12:34 pm: I had been spending the morning reading the bible and grounding on the grass, with the computer disconnected and placed outside. As soon as I plugged in the power (no even turned it on), my head started to feel different, and then there was a distinctive pain on the top right side of my skull for around 3-5 minutes. This is yet another demonstration of how my devices are clearly attacking me, in particular my brain.
12/4/2024 at 7:30 pm: Last week on Thursday (11/28) around 11 am, after I sent emails [regarding Targeted Justice v. Garland] to all 9 Supreme Court Justices [because the rehearsal hearing is this week], [and the targeting program] [attacked] me with a DEW to the point that I started dry heaving. [This occurred around 15 minutes after I sent these emails.]
12/8/2024 at 1:51 pm: I was heavily microwaved to the point where I started dry heaving twice while I was just writing down a request for prayer for my Sunday Bible study group today. The request for prayer was for protection against the death threats and other abuses from the targeting program. The DEW attack lasted about 3-5 minutes. I was sitting at my desk and had to get up and start moving around because I started feeling sick, and immediately identified the feeling as resulting from a retaliatory DEW attack from experience. I went outside to start grounding on the earth for relief, but at that point the intensity of the nausea produced by the microwave attack quickly escalated to dry heaving. [15 minutes after the attack I am still feeling sick, and my brain is feeling significantly impaired in terms of cognition. There is a vey acute and unmistakable loss of well-being in the brain which has resulted directly from this attack].
12/10/2024 at 6:02 pm: I went downtown in Piriapolis, Uruguay, where there are a great many 5G panels (you can tell because they are smaller and in the shape of boxes instead of oblong panels) to drop off a piece of mail. After I left the downtown area, were I spent about 1 hour, I felt immediate relief in my brain. About an hour later, I am still feeling the effects of having been microwave attacked steadily (slowly cooked) for an extended period of time. There is a steady stream of metalic taste that comes down through the back of my mouth, and I know this is from my brain and indicative of the damage done by the attack.
12/14/2024 at 1:36 pm: I was attacked with a DEW attack around 3 hours ago. I felt sick for around 15 minutes, which ended once I started dry heaving. I experienced dry heaving and after which the attack ended right before I went into a store to buy food. I am not sure if the attack stops right before I enter into a store for safety reasons or for some sort perception management reasons. This was the fifth DEW attack in 7 days. It certainly affected my brain health and cognition. There were two attacks that happened yesterday at about 12:44 pm and 7:14 pm which came before and after work. I could tell they came from my computer because they also happened right after turning on and then also right before turning off my computer. Also today, at about 1:30 pm, my computer attacked with with frequency that disrupted my brain health just as soon as I turned it on to journal about these attacks [then increasing it 6 attacks in 7 days]. This is why I do not use my smartphone. [It is an important distinction that DEW attacks which make me dry heave due to nausea are stronger and more severe than when sitting by my computer results in a loss of a sense of well-being in my brain. The DEW attacks which culminate in dry heaving are better described as attacks, while those which come from being in proximity to my computer or phone are better described as exposure (intentionally poisoning my health). Both varieties of attack result in clearly discernible effects on the brain which are comparable to the difference in the quality of as peach before and after it has been dropped on the floor. Before it was dropped, it was nice and firm and healthy, and after it was dropped it is mushy and loses its quality. In addition to this unmistakable “dropped peach” sensation in loss of well-being, I can also taste the brain damage seeping down into my mouth almost immediately during and after an attack.]
12/16/2024 at 2:55 pm: My brain started being attacked with poisonous exposure to EMF fields after I began amending the above note on 6 DEW attacks last week, where I mention how my computer attacks me is better described as exposure, while the DEW attacks that cause dry heaving are better described as attacks. This is the second time since yesterday, and it seems I cannot use my computer without fear of being poisoned by EMF in a way which severely affects my health. This directly interferes with my professional life because I am supposed to be at my computer to receive work by email.
12/16/2024: 9:39 pm: A DEW attack caused me nausea to dry heaving again today. This makes 10 DEW attacks and poisonous exposures in the last 9 days.
12/18/2024 at 3:44 pm: I am being microwaved every day, as soon as I open my computer. It usually stops for a while to let me do my work, but then attacks me again just as soon as I finish work. I will filling in the timesheets for projects I did at work when I realized how many entries were missing from this and last week—I rarely miss filling in these entries because this is what my pay is based off of. If I miss an entry, I almost always remember to fill it in the next day, so this situation almost never happens. Yet I can see it happened 2 times in the last 7 days. I can literally see from these missing entries where I finished work and at what time they started microwaving me, because I had turned off my computer before filling out my timesheet, since my computer was making me sick. This is obviously interfering with my professional life, and these are all situations where I can unambiguously feel my brain being damaged, as unmistakable as the quality of a peach before and after it has been dropped and become mushy.
2/8/2025 at around 5:00 pm: There is a large cell tower [in the central part of town]. […] I thought to try it today, but same thing. Before today, I had [never] approached this area of town (again where everything is) […], but always [for over 1 month] turned back after feeling obviously too sick. Before today, I had been everywhere on this map [of town] except here, because the cell tower here always makes me feel sick—the closer I am, the more sick I get. Yet everything in town is here. I always look for cafes and can’t find them—they’re all here. There are other cell towers that attack me in town, but for some reason this tower always makes me sick 100% every time. Perhaps it is because it has more panels, is higher, or because they want to deny me access to this part of town. [This speaks to the technocratic authoritarianism part of this program where these microwaves are performing an area denial function that prevents me, as a second or fourth-class citizen, from going to this part of town. In a similar way, I am being microwaved on a nearly daily basis the whole time I have been here, for more times than ever before, because the targeting program does not want me to live here.]
2/12/2025 at 5:25 pm: I am persistently getting attacked by the wi-fi with DEWs that harm my brain almost every time I have it on. It happened 3 times yesterday and 2 times so far today. Yesterday and today, after getting attacked, I made significantly more mistakes while writing down notes on paper than usual, and could tell this was because the DEWs had negatively impacted my cognition. The DEW attacks make me sick with nausea and though I had been quite hungry before an attack, my appetite goes away after the attack. I feel the lingering effects of the nausea for around 1 hour after each attack, but the damage lasts throughout each day, and I can tell this is taking a significant cumulative toll on my brain health over the passage of weeks and weeks this has been happening. Though attacks are not as frequent as the first 2 weeks of January when the attacks happened every single day after I moved to a very remote location where I can turn off the wi-fi completely (and there are other reasons the program might not want me living here), I am still getting attacked many times each week. [It is more difficult to read and do physical exercise after DEW attacks make me sick).
[Last month, the number of DEW attacks (pulsed energy in the microwave range) must have amounted to over 20 times. It would most often happen while I was sitting at the computer, before or after I finish work, or while I am looking at evidence of targeting. Several times, I was attacked just 5 minutes after turning in my work, before I had a chance to turn off the wi-fi. It has become so detrimental to my health that I had to ask to reduce my work hours, which I would never have done, both because I am dedicated to my job and because I need more money.]
2/12/2025 at 6:14 pm: I turned on the wi-fi again, and it made me sick with a DEW attack for the 3rd time today. I can tell it is the wi-fi because I plug it in quickly to check email, and I start feeling sick shortly after. I suppose I have been attacked 3 times today because I looked up the Human Rights Museum in Santiago, Chile, and for looking at a list of pastors who are dedicated to resisting tyranny. [I realized that because the right side of my brain is facing both the computer and the wi-fi router, it is sustaining the worst of each DEW attack. The disproportionate damage done to the right side of my brain may be why I am feeling particularly unwell lately. I moved my computer table out of the living room into the bedroom in order to protect the right side of my brain from being attacked so directly pretty much every day].
[As Dr. Len Ber points out in a video titled “Bringing Understanding to “Havana Syndrome” and Anomalous Health Incidents”, a strong sense of locality or directionality is common to Havana Syndrome attacks. When my desk was positioned such that the right side of the brain was closest and facing towards the wi-fi, there was a discernible decline in the right side of my brain health, marked by less robust or slightly withered physical corporality and also a seeming decline or impairment of social skills (difficulty communicating, less ability to establish emotional connection, and quickness to anger or loss of ability to negotiate difficult situations using social skills). This sense of directionality is always experienced with these attacks, not only while my desk was in the aforementioned position, because the damage that incurs from an attack always stops once I turn off the device from which it is originating, such as the wi-fi router, computer, or cellphone (or when I move farther away from a cell tower—diving underwater also can shield me). This is how it is always plainly and obviously known what the culprit is, because the damage stops when the device is disconnected from the power or when I move far away from it. As I have been able to stop attacks in this manner since 2021 now, and almost on a daily basis over the past 6 months, there is more than ample data to prove this beyond any shadow of a doubt. The microwave attack is clearly coming from a device, and I am clearly experiencing damage to my cellular function which can be felt in nausea and impaired brain function.]
2/13/205 at 10:00 pm: I am shocked to find that today I forgot to do an important task at work for the first time in a very, very long while. It seems likely due to the fact that I was microwaved 6 times in the past 2 days because I usually never forget to do such an important thing I have agreed to do. I am very disturbed by what this seems to indicate in terms of all the damage that is being done to my brain.
2/18/2025 at 12:42 pm: Yesterday, after having done a lot of research on mind control weapons, I was attacked by 2 DEW attacks which made me sick and caused dry heaving while doing recreational activities at the beach. The first made me sick right up to the point where I felt like dry heaving, but seemed to taper off just before the automatic, involuntary response of dry heaving. It seems the attack may have been modulated in order to disguise the attack in that I could not say I had involuntary dry heaving (though I did start coughing out of significant discomfort while running), as the Remote Neural Monitoring system imposed on me has awareness of mental states such as nausea, and thus consequently would be able to provide the data on my nauseous response. However, this first attack did escalate to the point of very severe nausea in a matter of seconds, which is indicative of its technological nature. The second attack happened while I was [about knee or waist-deep] in the water, and it did cause involuntary nausea, but there were many waves around me, so I suppose there is the plausible deniability of “sea sickness” at play, although you would have to ignore the sheer statistical improbability of my having severe nausea that escalates to dry heaving in a matter of seconds so many other dozens of times which I have journaled about. [I never get sea sick and swim in the ocean almost every day, especially after being microwaved.] Then there is also the clear and obvious damage to my brain which these events cause, where I can discernibly sense that my brain has been poisoned or damaged, and is impaired (brain feels pristine before, and then like a peach that has been dropped on the floor and is now mushy afterwards). Many times after these attacks, I forget something I would not normally forget. Another clear indicator which obviates the fact I am clearly being attacked by DEWs is that the damage stops being inflicted after I unplug my wi-fi router, get more distant from a cell tower, swim under water, turn off my cell phone, or move away from my computer. [Over the past 48 days, I have been attacked with DEWs almost every day, although these attacks have almost always occurred without causing me to dry heave.]
Voice-to-Skull (V2K):
10/30: [I] heard many racial slurs last night, and many today. [I] thought about writing about it in my journal [as a measure to counteract these things] and [paradoxically] heard the racial slurs repeated. [Having] just watched [a] video of [an] ex-MI5 [and MI6 whistleblower] explaining these weapons and how blackmail is the most important function of intelligence agencies[,] I believe I am being used as a blackmail advertisement that operates in a new way by artificially generating the content of a defamation.
11/1: [I] experienced severe entrainment[,] hypnosis, [and] synthetic V2K after waking up.
11/1 at 7:47 pm: Heard several defamation attacks beamed into my head, [and the] heater starts making loud noise.
11/8 at 9:50 pm: [I am] hearing more inexplicable assaults via V2K. I would not be able to understand how they [these words] got in my head otherwise.
12/13 at 7:50 pm: This program has framed me non-stop over a year as a “Nazi,” a “homosexual,” a “racist[,]” [as well as other defamatory things like “terrorist”]; just about everything under the sun I have been framed for. […] These are very serious defamation crimes, which attack me [virtually] every day.
12/15 It’s like a non-stop, all-day press conference with ultra-aggressive robot reporters who keep putting words in my mouth.
4/10/2024 8:59 am: I have been hearing “Ephesians chapter 6” repeatedly in my head over and over, without knowing what this part of Scripture says. It seems absolutely clear that this is V2K, which is a Machiavellian political interest response to my question, “am I to give in to their threats and stop telling people the truth about what is happening to me, just because the “anointed ones” or political authorities are demanding it through the information channels of this psyop—and as I also witnessed on the mainstream media?” Everything I have come across in terms of telling the truth and checking that the nature of this psyop is not aligned with Scripture (mainly directly contrary to it) tells me that communicating to people the truth about what is happening and protecting natural law plus the sanctity of the organic human being is the right thing to do. And that is of course the case. But here is indeed in Ephesians chapter 6 a Scriptural argument against disobedience against political authority “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people”. I now know that when I hear “Ephesians chapter 6” that has been V2K (the delivery mechanism is extremely similar to the same way you sound to yourself in your head, but in retrospect, this was suspicious all along since it was very much out of left field, being so specific). When V2K contains highly specific language that I do not know, but that the psyop handlers want me to know, that seems to me to be an obvious indication that it’s information they want to convey to me[.]
4/10/2024 at 3:14 pm: [A] video [I am watching] mentions that in 2016 Zuckerberg said the Facebook of the future is going to be accessed telepathically by mind reading (likely will also be bi-directional) technology. This sheds light on how I am constantly saying “Facebook” when I want to distract myself and clear my head (give myself a break from stress) and referring to this whole program at times as “Facebook”. It seems likely that this tendency has been taught to my brain via synthetic hypnosis, because at the moment I am trying to distract myself, I am really saying “Facebook” and that is not V2K, but the catch is that this word and its usage context seems highly likely to be entrained in me over time, possibly during sleep.
4/15/2024 at 8:13 am: I was writing “Know a man by *his* fruits, not by the CIA’s…” and the BCI attempted to defame me with rabidly blasphemous language, which is too disturbing to write down. It was such an immediate response, and I knew nothing of it, nor was my brain in anxiety mode, such that it became obvious that this was nothing but the BCI’s desperate attempt to defame me and put down my character. It was all too obvious, especially because the language was so extremely and specifically profane that it was hardly random, especially given the precise timing. [The] BCI [functions as] an extremely profane psychotic [AI like the one which was trained on violence-related data from] Reddit[.]
4/15/2024 at 8:20 am: I have been hearing “tough guy” over and over lately, which is a low-key threat, it seems. It happens after I do things such as copy links like the [below] one about “neurological directed energy”, which seems to be a “medical” term for bio-coded directed energy, AKA DNA resonant frequency[:]
4/26 at 10:59 am: I just read “What am I to do with myself?” in a book, and immediately heard “computer games”. I am sure this is 99.99999% likely to be V2K, as this does not sound like me at all, occurred with conspicuously instantaneous timing, and the sentence formed extremely rapidly, much faster than my natural thinking when it takes the form of words. This variety of V2K occurs extremely frequently, virtually every day, making it virtually statically impossible for it to be anything other than V2K and brain-computer interface symbiosis.
5/2/2024 at 10:31 am: I just heard “schizophrenic” while polishing the above journal entry, which seems to be around 99.999% likely to be V2K, from the BCI. It is so aggressive and seemingly desperate it is laughable.
AI-powered content alignment:
11/2: [I remember that] earlier this April or March, I kept hearing “Kurzweil.” This was before I knew anything about his speaking on transhumanism[:] “Computer can make a copy of me, I won’t even know they scanned my brain from inside, […] capture every detail of my synapses and neurotransmitters and create a virtual Ray Kurzweil […] and it will be indistinguishable, he will pass a Ray Kurzweil turning test.” [Before this summer,] I just thought he was someone who invented IE [Internet Explorer] or something. […] I had no idea [this name] had so much relevance [to the transhumanist technologies I am being experiment on with].
10/19: [I] was reading a post on [X, formerly] Twitter about [the] WEF, plans to incubate humans out[side] of womb[s,] [and the] desire [of] globalists to prevent humans from naturally breeding anymore. [I] thought to myself “Mustafa Monde” (Brave New World). [I] clicked on the link and came across quotes from “Mustafa Suleyman[.]” Mustafa Suleyman is [a] co-founder and former head of applied AI at Google Deepmind. [Harari of the WEF says AI will be] “the end of human-dominated history[.]” [This seems like AI-powered content alignment because] Suleyman was an Ottoman sultan, [and] the Ottoman empire spanned [continents and ethnic or] national boundaries. [Very seldom do I come across a “Mustafa”; it is not likely that I would hear this name right before opening content that also mentions it. Brave New World is not only directly related to the subject of incubating humans, but to the ideas of global governance, genetic engineering, and technocracy. I had never heard of Mustafa Suleyman before.] [The video’s cover photo] also contained [an] image of people wearing “101” prisoner clothing [a number that has consistently had significance for RNM stalking]:
10/25: [I] was watching the Joe Rogan interview with Graham Hancock when they were talking about parallels between [the] Taurus constellation and [a] cave painting of [a] bull, [and] I remembered I wanted to look up [the constellation] Pleiades. As soon as I pulled up an image of the constellation, they mentioned “Pleiades” on [the] show. It seemed like artificial alignment, [as the] statistical probability [of this being so precisely aligned is] quite low, [and] I had not thought about [the Pleiades] for a while. [… The] precise timing seems to be [more than just a] coincidence. [Below is a screenshot of a Pleiades constellation image, timestamped on 10/25/2023.]
More on the above journal entry (please note the below information is not the in sworn affidavit, though the above journal entry is):
[At the time, I had no idea that the Pleiades was a star cluster within the Taurus constellation—I was completely unaware there was any relation there. I know almost nothing about astronomy, so it is highly unlikely the relationship between Taurus and Pleiades was somehow in the back of my head. However this very, very slight possibility which provides a plausible deniability excuse is probably why the system was confident in performing such an overt act of AI-powered content alignment. But when the statistical significance of such events is considered in the context of the wider picture of the other content alignment events that repeatedly happen, one doesn’t have to get stuck on any particular plausible deniability detail. The fact that, without being aware of any relation between Taurus and Pleiades, I looked up “Pleiades” before it was mentioned on the podcast, and then brought up the image and heard “Pleiades” immediately right after, indicates a high statistical significance. All such “coincidences” that occur repeatedly are part of the data that provides statistical proof content alignment. This is evidence that I was, for example, being artificially triggered to look up the Pleiades constellation at that precise moment by a brain-computer interface that was aware that I was thinking about looking this constellation up—a thought which may also have been implanted or artificially stimulated.]
11/10 at 12:55: I very stupidly left the door open while the dog is home. He could have wandered off but [did not until I rushed down to see]. The computer let me [… hear] “[dog’s name redacted]” [and] I rushed downstairs right at the moment he was about to wander outside. [It was] not just my instinct [involved]—it can do [such things] on occasion, but this is statistically significant in observation of all else that is going on. I do not think I would have been so oblivious to this danger if my instinct was this engaged. If I was in such a state, I would have realized earlier what was going on, and shut the door long ago. [I have since calculated that, because the door was open for at least 2 hours—if not 3—while the dog could have walked out, and that I stopped the dog right as he was about to cross the threshold, there is around a 0.000139 to 0.004167 probability of this happening without the help of V2K or other technology.]
11/30 at 9:50 pm: [I] was working on [a] copywriting project in which I wrote the words “on your merry way.” Minutes later, I also hear [these very words] in a song. This happens often with song lyrics pairing uncannily to things I am doing or content I am viewing, but usually [with more much statistically significant] precise timing [that is not easily explained by coincidence].
12/13 at 10:26 pm: Content alignment seemed to occur when I was listening to a podcast which said “Elon commented with two exclamation marks” at the exact time I typed two question marks on [this personal proof article] document in [… a] headline.
12/15 at around 6:20 pm: […] Several weeks (maybe 2) leading up to the Walter Isaacson article published in Time about Elon Musk, I had been hearing “Walter Isaacson.” This happened repeatedly, though I never knew who it was until I saw Elon Musk post about the article. I […] was not even sure at the time if I had ever heard [his name before]. This is more clear evidence of V2K, which parallels with the experiences I had with “Kurzwiel” before I knew about his affiliation with transhumanism and I believe also “John […] Calhoun[,]” before I knew [the] significance [of this name] to psychology [namely the term “behavioral sink,” an important concept for MK-Ultra experimentation]. When his name came up, obviously through V2K in hindsight, I remember being very apprehensive because I thought it [the V2K] was framing me as a racist etc. because there is another “Calhoun” who was a pro-slavery politician[.] […] I learned a month or [so] later that [John B. Calhoun] was the behavioral sink psychologist. [I had been hearing “John B. Calhoun” or “John C. Calhoun” over a year ago, and my memory gets a little fuzzy on the details of just whether I was hearing a “B.” or a “C.” for the middle name, or both. Some of the things I hear are vague and I cannot totally grasp what they were, though RNM may arbitrarily record them as one thing or another. In this instance, though I cannot determine whether I was hearing “John B. Calhoun” or “John C. Calhoun,” I strongly believe that either way there was an intentional reference to the behavioral sink concept in psychology.]
12/25: [In another parallel example of content alignment with name mentions happened] in March [or] April this year [2023], [when] I was hearing “We[g]horst” and “Sabitzer” quite often It was not until May that I started ([…] well after these events) watching football again, and realized that both of these players had transferred to [the] team [I am a fan of]. I had stopped watching football or consuming any news or digital content about it entirely, so there is no way I could have known both these players had joined Man United in January. Before I stopped watching, I was also not consuming any sort of transfer news, and had heard nothing about either player as [far as] transfer rumor[s]. I don’t think either transfer was very much anticipated either. Neither seems like it would have been a n obvious choice. It was not until well after I had been hearing these names that I saw games and highlights and knew both had joined [that was how I learned of the transfers].
4/9/2024 at 1:46 pm: [I experienced a] content alignment threat: horrific images which AI algorithms for content curation sent me [through a content feed] preceded the words “a visible confirmation” in the video I am currently watching. It goes without saying that all of this is not a higher power speaking to me, but one that impersonates and plays God in order to deceive and inflict moral panic on me in [acts of] spiritual [warfare].
4/12/2024 at 2:18 pm: Three factor content alignment just occurred with me remarking that I don’t feel anything psychoactive from the distillate I consume, which makes it basically like CDB, and I heard “That’s exactly right” in the podcast I was listening to, after which the fridge made noise. So even things where I think it is definitely myself speaking, it’s actually the AI speaking through me and aligning it perfectly with environmental feedback[,] [perhaps] to demonstrate its capabilities as a threat.
4/24/2024 at 10:13 am: I heard blatant V2K which would be completely misrepresentative of me. Because I do not wish to give entirely undue emphasis to the lies imposed on my life, I will not mention the vile and disgusting things I have been forced to hear. At the very moment of hearing this, the water heater leapt up into making a loud rumbling that I have successfully blocked out between my earplugs, music, and fan noise, but it still came through because it caused the floor to rumble. In this, you can see it is very obviously trying to lie about me and enforce the campaign of deception involving my life. This program will try through speculative V2K and non-stop repetitive. bio-hacking techniques and synthetic telepathy to create a straw man image of me with every negative connotation imaginable (anything to hinder the truth). Unfortunately for this relentless misinformation campaign, before I lost my social life after the Remote Neural Monitoring human rights abuses were imposed on my life, around 70% of my friends post high school were black and latino, a fact that stands in utter contrast to the V2K I am forced to hear every day, non-stop. Not only does this statistic speak for itself, but upon meeting new people, I believe I likely always felt most comfortable and eagerly disposed, simply by nature, when meeting black and latino folks, probably because of who I had happened to get along with throughout my life, post high-school graduation. These are accomplished facts that no amount of V2K and straw man psychological warfare can take away.
5/5/2024 9:28 pm: As I am thinking of writing to my mom that this may be the last card I send her due to the almost daily death threats I am receiving, I see this on my AI-powered content feed on X:
[Please note this and the next content alignment example is different from other content alignment evidence in that it does not follow the format of V2K which immediately precedes content to which it is directly and obviously related to in a movie I am watching or song I am listening to.]
5/5/2024 9:28 pm: X “For You” content feed gives me more content related to the death threats I have been receiving:
5/19/2024 at 2:39 pm: I [very strongly feel] that it is quite coincidental that [one of] the last time[s] I went back on Twitter after a long respite, it was 3 days or so after the terrorist attack on the Russian opera house and the same day the container ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore, and today I went back on after 2 weeks off and the Iranian president has been seemingly assassinated only three hours earlier. It very much seems like the impulse to go online was mind control both of these times, since they did end up being so very coincidental.
6/2/2024 at 2:20pm: I was just thinking about how the WEF has openly stated that they will read your thoughts[,] which will become [public property,] and [at this exact moment after I finished reflecting on this,] I heard “so [that everyone could] read [one] [an]other’s thoughts [clearly]” in the audio book I was listening to[.] [This content alignment occurred] immediately, not a second afte[r] this thought. This means they triggered this thought so it would precisely coincide with the content of the audio book in exact timing, though this artificial thought stimulation was done so precisely I [was not able to] notice [it was artificial] until after the [obvious] content alignment occurred.
7/1/2024 at 8:58 am: I was looking at an X post about AI and at the same exact time I started reading [the second half of] it, I heard “there is an enemy playbook, we know who the different factions are, we know what their plans are, we know the dangers, we know how to stop them, we know their next moves” in a podcast I was listening to. This was so coincidental, it seems fair to say it is virtually statistically proven to be self-evident content alignment. This is the post I was looking at, and before, this morning, I was thinking about predictive hyper game theory supercomputers (learned about this from Dr. Robert Duncan, whose page I was visiting) and said to myself “probability matrix”:
This means that even while I think I am visiting someone’s X page because of my own interest, it is actually the supercomputer connected to me via bio-coded directed energy that has triggered this impulse (though the impulse may align with my actual innate desire in this case). [Note that this variety of frequently-experienced content alignment is virtually an admittance of guilt on behalf of the program imposed on my life—and a demonstration of its capabilities.]
9/1/2024 at 8:22 pm: X threatens me with the first post I see on [the] “For you” [feed]. In it, John MacAfee says “they will inculpate me in horrific circumstances”. After audio stopped playing, my speakers made clicking noises at me twice, [something which only happens when the targeting program is sending me messages. It never happens for any technical reason, ever. These speakers are on as long as the computer is on, and have only been observed in conjunction with the messaging of the targeting program. There is statistical proof here that the speakers are sending messages to me from the targeting program because the speakers make snapping or clicking noises at me 4 times in a row after watching this video, and the probability of that being down to coincidence must be one in something like five hundred million. This is another clear death threat, as John MacAfee was murdered.]
9/1/2024 at 8:32 pm: The speaker made a clicking sound at me again [while no audio was playing], an obvious threat [drawing attention to the content I just watched related to death threats].
9/1/2024 at 8:37 pm: The speaker made another clicking sound, an obvious threat.
1/30/2025 at 2:20 pm: Two days ago on 1/28/2025 at around 11 pm, content alignment occurred with a fairly low probability of having occurred by coincidence. While I was creating an album of images with proof of Targeting and watching a YouTube video at the same time, the words “a line has been crossed” (quoting approximately) came up in the YouTube video. It only took around 30 seconds or less to take the images from a folder and move them over to make this photo album, and once I had finished creating it, these words occurred. As I had not been looking at any targeting evidence all year thus far, it seemed very likely that this probable content alignment was a kind of threat messaging from the program. It would have known about my intent to create this photo album for about a week, and it seems to have triggered my idea to follow through with this previous idea in precise timing while I was watching this video. I had no knowledge prior to the content alignment that occurred that I was being artificially nudged to create this album. The precision of the unsuspected nudge was quite remarkable, as these words occured as I finished making the album. When observed with all the other statistical proof from other content alignment incidents, this sort of content alignment can demonstrate how much manipulation is more than just likely to be happening without my knowledge—speaking on the basis of demonstratable evidence. My testimony is that I am certainly being more manipulated than I realize, and that this sort of evidence is the tip of the iceberg. The fridge made a noise as I started to write this journal entry.
2/17/2025 at 12:30 pm: Yesterday around 3:45 pm, “papa Francisco” was suggested to me by the subvocalized thoughts technology, where, because I am a highly suggestible individual (a common trait among targeted individuals singled out for neuroscience experimentation), I start mumbling things which are suggested to me by subliminal frequency and other technologies. Today, I saw on Twitter that it was trending, because in Spanish/Portuguese, this is an accolade given to a […] pope. I had no idea this was the case, nor any notion that today he would be in the news. The probability that this all happened just by coincidence is quite low—it seems certain that a supercomputer was involved, knowing that the pope would get sick and be in the news today, for whatever reason it chose to subliminally manipulate me into saying those words yesterday afternoon. At the time, I was strolling the beach and I saw a man and his family, which included a small child. I suppose I may have been ruminating to study or appreciate the lives of others in another part of the world, because I am in South America. At the time I also had some sense that there was some combination of natural stimuli and technological nudging that caused me to say this, but I thought that it was a commonplace, rather than extraordinary manipulation. Here are some screenshots from today’s trending X posts on “papa Francisco” (the exact words that were subliminally suggested to me yesterday:
[With content alignment, it is demonstrable that I am getting external influences that suggest and make me hear words, proven by the sheer statistical improbability of these content alignment events happening by coincidence. You might say the likelihood of a single of these event occurring without the influence of the write functions of Remote Neural Monitoring supercomputing is “near” statistically impossible, but when you gather the data from all these content alignment events together, you can then say there is “total” statistical proof.]
Feedback noises from appliances (US 5491463A) and head clicks:
10/17: As with every day, V2K is maximally appalling, and everywhere I go the appliances and infrastructure responds to what I am hearing to try and reinforce [it… and] create [conditioning] effects [which] ingrain those things into my mind. Not only was it coming from the appliances in the house, it was the generators outside the food bank as well. [My fridge in San Francisco also made noise at me in the same exact fashion of giving feedback to remote neural monitoring.]
10/17 (cont.): I thought to myself this [program] is tearing me down, destroying my life in every which way, and at that moment I had painfully acute heart palpitations and a simultaneous head click which struck viciously and loudly. The timing was absolutely simultaneous—it was [one hundred percent] AI [managed]. Another “light” head click occurred when I recorded this [to gaslight or punish me].
10/20 at 3:42 pm: [I had] severe ringing in [the] left ear (tinnitus) [after the DEW attack minutes earlier]. [I] was just thinking to myself about how I have more evidence than I can possibly synthesize into one article, and the water heater, then fridge start making noise[.]
Date unknown: I just heard “…make it difficult for yourself” [presumably V2K,] and the refrigerator started making a noise.
10/26: [While] walk[ing] to [the] food bank and back, [I] sustained around 15 head clicks within a 1-hour period. Each occasion was over something very trivial. They have no qualms about violating human rights, no matter how trivial the occasion[, it’s] outrageous.
10/26 (cont.): […] The refrigerator and water heater are hyperactive in responding to the slightest emotion which could be cause for defamation. [There are] hyperactive response[s] even to what is clearly its own manipulation [belonging to the apparatus which it is a part of]. […] The attacks by [the] fridges and water heater are extremely stark and shamelessly adversarial. I could be walking by it and it will spring a surprise attack to amplify the unsettling psychological effects of appliances in your residence attacking you.
11/7: Head clicks have occurred around 10 times today, in around 3 hours. [This] happens mostly during conscious thoughts [both natural and synthetic]. [There is the] definite sense it is punishing me for my thoughts [… or trying to interrupt them]. However, on other days it also punishes me for artificially-induced thoughts or telepathy, so as to create maximum confusion.
11/8 at 9:50 pm: [I] got a head click for yawning, among other trivial, functional activities today. [It would seem I am] punished for existing [especially when I go against the aims of the psyop fashioned out of my life by neurotechnologies].
11/8 at 4:50 pm: [The AI-brain interface] led me down [a] thought path I was too tired to manually pull out of. [I] didn’t realize how it was going to [defame] me [at first]. [Right after] it did, [the] low rumble of the water heater began [to go off]. [In contrast to the fridges which only make noise,] the water heater has the additional [effect] of making the house vibrate slightly.
11/9 (cont.): I think the water heater [and fridges] are also trying to condition me to make me aware of the [false] narratives the same apparatus is generating about me. Another example [occurred] just minutes later: I hear “disaster” and it starts making noise—even though it knows fully well that the apparatus controlling it is the […] one causing the damage. This shows how its function is [in] propaganda. People are fooled into believing this [synthetic V2K information], [and] it wants to make it more realistic for them by gaslighting me all day, which it is doing again right now—[I think the] unusual amount of noise today likely has to do with people waking up. It normally stops making noise right when I make my point—[when I am] talking back or journaling about its crimes against me—another indication it is trying to psychologically condition me by means of environmental feedback, gaslighting [… through] the deep, rumbling noise it makes under the house [which] affects you at a subliminal level. It emotionally conditions you in ways you absolutely cannot stop[,] since [vibrations and noises register] below the conscious level. It stops making noise when I make my point […] to take the focus away from the truth [and] slowly and gradually undermine [my] will power to fight back. It started making noise again while [I was] writing the last sentence. I imagine this is to [interrupt] me so that I cannot normally think in peace.
11/10 at 11:03: [I am] getting writer’s block [and the] fridge makes noise to psychologically attack me [during moments of vulnerability when it’s important to have peace and quiet in order to find creative solutions]. […] The fridge and water heater start[ed] making loud noise[s in response to defamations via V2K].
11/11: Head clicks [are] aggressive, [and] vicious. [I] tried to distract myself with things that are almost meaningless [… and sustained an] instant[aneous,] super-loud head click. [It is] like getting walloped on the head with an electric fly swatter—but with[out] much surface area.
11/11 at 10:11 am: [I] said to myself “law enforcement privilege illegitimate[,]” [and then got a] head click [while] massive water heater noises [also] instantly went off.
11/20 at 10:44 am: Another head click [occurred] while [I was] in a moment of indecision about what to do with the rest of my day. This head click apparatus assumes you should function like a robot.
11/21 at 10:12 am: [I] heard V2K which I objected to in the extreme, but they are trying to make it seem like it is coming from me. I explained why I object to it, [and] the heater in my room made a significant noise, even though I [had] turned it off already.
11/24: The [wall] heaters in my room [are] currently gloating me over [my journaling about a synthetic dream] through clicking noises […], though I have already turned off the hea[t]. While writing this, the power cord for my monitor and computer disconnects without any physical event which could have caused it. A patent exists for sending data down power lines [US Patent 5491463A].
12/6 at 12:54 pm: More head clicks occurred today compared with yesterday. I was head clicked just for trying to do my work [from my part-time job].
12/8 at 1:49 pm: I had to explain something in more detail over the phone to social services and I got a head click for thinking about whether I should add more clarity. However, after explaining the content I was head clicked over, I learned that it was probably useful or correct [information to provide] according to the[ir] procedure, [demonstrating] more evidence of how inaccurate, opportunistically aggressive, and arbitrary [head clicks are]. This is a mechanism that attacks me while I am trying to go to sleep.
12/10 at 11:20 am: I got quite a few head clicks today, some of them vicious, though I haven’t done anything today but tr[y] to read in quiet. Last night, the heater made noises in a way I could tell it was trying to frame me. I am noting that it was blatantly dishonest in its attempts to influence me, and that it knows it is being dishonest in the sounds it makes toward me.
12/11 at 9:42 am: The heater [is] mak[ing] noises at me this morning, even though I turned it off 30 minutes ago. It just made a noise at my thoughts […] possibly in order to make me feel self-conscious or attack [my peace…]. Again, there is no reason the heater should be making so much noise after it is off for half an hour.
12/11 at 9:53 am: The heater is still making noises in precise timed response to my thoughts, 40+ minutes after being turned off.
12/11 at 10:41 am: The heater, which has been off for 1.5 hours, just made a noise at the exact moment the opposition team in the game I am watching scored. This seems related to conditioning. Why would it be making noises at precise moments an hour and a half after being turned off? It performs the same environmental feedback mechanism purposes as the fridges and water heater. It doesn’t even try to hide its adversarial nature.
12/13 at 9:53 pm: I was just downstairs thinking about how I don’t have the same rights as others and the water heater starts making a lot of noise.
12/13 at 10:05 pm: I just heard “… treason” in the V2K, and the water heater started making a very loud noise.
12/13 at 11:41 pm: [The] fridge, then heater in my room [started] making sounds at me to disrupt me while I am writing [this] article about targeting. The heater in my room is not on.
12/19 at 11:46 pm: The water heater has been making frequent noises toward me at any opportunity there is to insinuate a defamation. It has been making a lot of noise today at what is clearly nonsense, [simply] V2K I am hearing which has nothing to do with me. While reading a journal entry about the water heater making noise, it started making noise at me again, as if to say, “you can write about the way I am making noise at you, but I’ll only make noise at you again.” Its brazenness in human rights abuse is a constant theme of its communications[.]
12/15/2023 at 7:14 pm: It’s very obvious how the V2K and water heater feedback are connected because, as just happened now, the water heater made noise before the synthetic telepathy was able to complete a sentence. It’s too aggressive for its own good—very Nazi [preemptively exposing itself through an excess of belligerence. I do feel these characteristics could actually be traceable to Operation Paperclip].
12/16/2023: The refrigerators [and] water heater have been making noise at me all morning over what I know to be V2K. They are clearly dishonest and adversarial.
3/27/2024 between 1:00 pm and 1:02 pm: I was thinking about the implicit threat in Eyes Wide Shut: “[Life goes on, until it doesn’t.] But you know that, don’t you Bill” and the toaster oven in the kitchen started beeping. Nobody has used the toaster oven today—I know this for an absolute fact [it is also highly likely nobody used the toaster oven in the past 4 days over the weekend]. This is obviously from intelligence community as it is not possible any physical human action could have caused this. The beeping noise lasted for about 2 seconds and went away. The lights on the toaster oven also turned on at that time.
4/8/2024 at 9:01 pm: The water heater made noise when I recalled how surprised I was when I heard that someone who lived here hadn’t really been paying rent. The implication was that I haven’t paid something I owe […] This is my life you have stolen from me. Imagine somebody steals everything in your life and forces you into nonconsensual slavery where they exploit your existence and even DEW rape you, and then saying you owe them money. That is beyond ridiculous. They already stole all of my life and deprived me of my human and constitutional rights (not to mention intangibles like my reputation), and now that I am speaking the truth, they are pretending that I owe them exorbitant amounts. Not only have my human rights been trampled on daily, but I never received any contract, nobody told me what was “expected” of me, nor have I been compensated for what was stolen from my person, which belongs to me only under natural law.
4/8/2024 at 9:19 pm: Refrigerator makes noise at me to accost me for something which passed while I was basically distracted and not thinking—i.e. nothing was going on in my mind or in my actions, and only vague impressions momentarily past, which it tried to make a big deal of. It is intentionally trying to misunderstand me, and intentionally trying to spread negative information about me that just isn’t relevant at all. I know for a fact that not only am I being manipulated, but that the device which is “reading” my “thoughts” is doing so extremely arbitrarily and inaccurate.
4/8/2024 at 9:41 pm: The water heater is making a cacophony of noise in response to my citing a scientific article confirming that DEWs are very likely the culprit for Havanna Syndrome.
4/8/2024 at 10:21 pm: Saw social media about a gang of service member who beat up someone who didn’t take the jab and which mentioned the words “dubbed an insider threat” and the wall heater, which has been off all day made a clicking noise. Super obvious, totally all-out deceit. Clearly, there isn’t anything I overlooked—I’m absolutely not guilty of anything, not even a single thing though my rights have been trampled on, and I am being exploited as a propaganda asset for things which are entirely against my values 100% of the way. It’s nothing but evil piled upon evil. This is shameless atrocity, and them trying to fabricate some kind of mysterious blame I wasn’t able to put my finger on is simply part of their deception game and evil plans.
4/9/2024 at 2:02 pm: Water heater makes noise at a “thought” that flitted through my head for less than half a second. [The] wall heater has also clicked at me while writing this down. It is making a big deal of things which have no salience for me, and are also, even if they are at all real (and then, like in this case, only a consequence of the surveillance situation imposed on my life because the worries all stemmed from the illegal surveillance anyway), only lasting a split second. People are forming false opinions on me (as confirmed by the water heater drawing attention to this that this was distributed) based on “thoughts” which last less than a second. Not only is a half-second of “thought” exploited to form a narrative (as exhibited by the insistence of the water heater in drawing attention to it), but these thoughts are merely a consequence of the paranoia induced by the unnatural circumstances imposed on my life. Again, these are thoughts which have nothing to do with my actual character, and are highly misleading, but apparently this non-consensual system sees it fit that not one single opportunity to defame me should be wasted. Even if it lasts only a half second, this is viewed as an opportunity to create a narrative[.]
4/9/2024 at 2:51 pm: I was watching a video that talks about how elites are pursuing artificial immortality and the fridge downstairs made a noise at me as a threat.
4/10/2024 at 3:12 pm: Watching a video about brain surveillance and control which mentions that the UN only intends about 500 million to survive as slaves in the future, and the fridge makes noise at me. This is an obvious threat because, based on precedence of these communications, this is a confirmation, and it is well understood they would not want me to be one of their slaves as I cannot but talk about truth.
4/10/2024 at 7:12 pm: I received an email about TI conference calls, and thought to myself that Google seems to be more lenient than the wall heaters. At that moment, the wall heater made a noise, though it has been off since early morning. I’d like any given denialist try to explain all these away, with their obvious relation to thoughts in my mind. I would also like to hear them attempt to explain the 10-20+ head clicks that have been inflicted as a feedback mechanism from what is clearly the thought police. It is beyond my comprehension why anyone would want to cover up for a thought police and the self-evident human rights crimes they inflict. As I wrote the previous sentence, [the] right side of my head started hurting for around 10 seconds, and stopped when I covered my head and decided to write about this war crime. The pain returned for another second shortly after I took my hand away [from my head].
4/10/2024 at 8:41 pm: Water heater has made noise twice in the past 5-10 minutes in order to speculatively attack my character.
4/10/2024 at 8:46 pm: Water heater makes noise again.
4/10/2024 at 8:48pm:
I see the above X post and the water heater makes noise again to threaten me. It has been making extraordinary amounts of noise all day.
4/10/2024 at 8:55 pm: The fridge just made noise to compare me to agent Smith from the Matrix. The absolute irony [is shocking]. When I say it’s dishonest and seeking to invert the truth, it’s literally seeking to put the truth on its head [and flip it] 180 degrees. That is [also reflective of] the quality of information people get about me. This penultimately dishonest behavior is very much representative of the nature of the entire psyop.
4/10/2024 at 10:03 pm: [The] water heater makes noise to threaten me for looking at nanotechnology evidence.
4/10/2024 at 11:55 pm: [The] water heater again makes noise [in a fashion that is] extremely inaccurat[e], interpreting responses in a way which would entirely falsify them. Either the computer managing these feedback mechanisms cares nothing about the truth, or it has serious problems with interpreting brain data which it does not actually understand, though it believes it understands everything about me.
4/12/2024 at 2:33 pm: Heard “on the wrong side of the law” and the water heater made noise for 20 seconds or more. Noise stopped as soon as I said “human rights violation” and “constitutional violation”.
4/12/2024 at 2:40 pm: My human rights were just violated with a head click, which I could not only hear but also made my head feel uncomfortable by causing it to unnaturally vibrate. My estimation is that, on average, this occurs between 10-25 times per day.
4/12/2024 at 2:48 pm:I was head clicked again for iteration while working. I knew I was not going to use the words I was head clicked over writing, because many times I start out with something I’m not going to use just to warm up. This is always how my creative process has worked, but the totalitarian system imposed on my life has made no attempt to understand this.
4/12/2024 at 4:33 pm: I am ideating about the best approach to a marketing email and the water heater makes noise at me for about 10 seconds. [I was just trying to do the best at my job, though it might not look glorious to someone spying on me because it takes time to come up with the best creative solution and some of the beginning stages turn out not to work at all—though I know I will not use the content I come up with first.] It stopped after I journaled about this crime and started speaking out loud about [it].
4/12/2024 at 7:06 pm: There were between 9 and 10 head clicks in the last hour alone, which all occurred over trivial subject matter. They have more to do with exercise of the First Amendment and the information I was looking at [earlier today] than [the trivial details] they are supposedly persecuting me over. [Almost everything the program does is seemingly deceitful.]
4/12/2024 at 7:16 pm: [I] thought [that] I need to shave, which triggered head click [number] 10 or 11 [of] the past two hours [alone].
4/13/ 2024: The water heater clearly made noise at me when I thought about writing to my parents about telling them to contact their representative to say they do not approve of unconstitutional FISA 702 and to tell them it is likely Dick Cheney who lead the early stages of the targeting program.
4/15/2024 at 11:14 am: The fridge made noise at things which had nothing to do with m[e], further proving how frequently it lies to me.
4/16/2024 at 3:03 pm: I was watching a sermon on YouTube and the pastor said “abortion is murder” (opinion not my own), and the water heater began making noise.
4/16/2024 at 11:00 pm: The water heater [has] [made] at least 5-10 times as much noise when I [was] on X these past two days.
4/17/2024 at 12:00 pm: The wall heater just clicked at me for thinking about how the email I am writing might not be palatable to all viewers, some of whom may not be interested in electric vehicles, which all contain a considerable amount of computers and which even give you about the same amount of radiation as a cell phone. This is a consideration which does not take sides, but which was strictly to avoid negating a quite sizable portion of the population, who are at least highly skeptical of the green agenda, in so far as much as it seeks to establish technocratic authoritarian rule. These cars come with a kill switch and would likely be gathering data on the drives. But again, I am just considering the element of the audience which is not especially interested in driving electric vehicles. I also think the language I suggested as an edit is better than the current language. This wall heater harassment in my room is clearly politicized, and thinks it is a given that the opinions of a large demographic can be entirely negated.
4/17/2024 at 1:19 pm: I was just thinking I am cornered and without meaningful help, and the wall heater clicked at me. It has been off for over an hour but is still repeatedly making noises at me.
4/18 at 7:27 am: Went on X, formerly Twitter, and my mouse stopped working. the wall heater also loudly clicked at me twice in less than five minutes. I believe I was woken up too early this morning by artificial insomnia. The wall heater started rapidly making noise at me several times right after getting up, making it virtually impossible for me to sleep again. I had V2K this morning in, it seems, at least several instances. They attacked me with DEW rape but only for a second at a time. The X platform algorithm that picks which trending subjects to show you reads “Treason” and “Leak” (though in terms of absolute numbers, these are not the highest trending subjects), as I think to write this down, the wall heater makes a loud clicking noise again. I strongly disagree as I am defending my God-given rights and the constitutional rights of all citizens. Until I unplugged the moust and plugged it back in again, the mouse had not been working properly for at least around 5 minutes. This never happened before.
4/18/2024 at 1:11 pm: I read “Chicago Fire” in an article and the refrigerator makes an obvious and distinctive noise, lasting around 2 seconds.
4/18/2024 at 2:35 pm: Threatened by [the] “For You” content feed on X.
4/19/2024 at 10:41 am: I was trying to consider the best options for the copy I am assigned to write, and they inexplicably delivered a minor electric shock head click in the midst of my decision process, thereby cutting it short. I can’t see how that could be justified in any way. These kind of things clearly demonstrate the adversarial nature of the entire program. I am just some person trying to live my life and do my work, and I am entirely within my rights. None of the bad things they pretend to blame me for would have ever happened if they had no imposed this ridiculous human rights violation routine on my life. I wouldn’t even know or speak about the vast majority of things I know and find it necessary to speak about (so as not to harm others) if they had not been doing this to me, and manipulating me as propaganda toward ends which are entirely contrary to my beliefs. These kind of incidents seem intentionally provocative, just as the whole program is.
4/19/2024 at 11:07 am: Some head clicks, like the “quiet” one that just occurred now, are not as disagreeable. Often, the head click mechanism can express a kind of “duh” sentiment to me. When the head clicks are softer, they are not really so objectionable since the hard and loud ones do seem to affect the cranial area in a very minor way, but a way which adds up, especially if my head is healing or if I have not had great sleep. I am sensitive in this area of the body, so a loud a borderline physically disruptive head click is bound to tick me off, especially if I am in the middle of a delicate thought process and not just thinking idly.
4/21/2024 at 1:15 pm: Living room fridge made a noise at false information, revealing its dishonesty and desire to add hype to misinformation about me. It also seems highly intent on creating divisions, possibly so that a potential assault on society which it is surely part of will go unhindered.
4/24/2024 at 1:15 pm: I was head clicked for hearing “tough guy” in the back of my head when I was entirely preoccupied with my work and not thinking about what I was hearing in the background at all, when it is they who have repeated this over and over to me as a sick kind of domestic variety “Dad joke” mingled with cover threat issuance. It is obvious this was completely done with V2K and with subliminal messaging, and repeated so many times that I just automatically regurgitated it again while going though similar motions that mirrored when it was subliminally messaged or V2K-imposed on me before, dozens upon dozens of times in the past weeks. So it is as if they think it is good practice to punish me for what after all they have constantly repeated and caused to get stuck in my head. There is no accountability for what they have done to me, in fact they think it suitable to punish me for the problems they cause. “They” refers to the mind control handlers and the people responsible for deploying the Brain Computer Interface system which has created this entire situation, though it preposterously wants to blame me for it. It does not seem to matter that I had none of these problems (although plenty of other, natural ones) before this situation was imposed on my life.
4/24/2024 at 9:19 pm: I was just thinking about how I have seen a UFC fighter on JRE when talking about contemporary culture say something like “dude you’re not going to get into Heaven, just screw some girls, and enjoy your life, etc.” I thought that this kind of talk is some of the worst things you can say to a young person to influence their life and that the types of people who say that don’t know what they are talking about because God would never want them to influence others like that, and that there are influences in our culture that want to drag you down to hell with them. At the time I was thinking “drag you down to hell with them,” the living room fridge made noise at me for about 5 seconds. I ignored it and then the water heater also started making loud noise lasting about 20 seconds, which confirms that this water heater is conducting spiritual warfare against me and that I was right not to choose to obey it because I fear God’s punishment far more than their synthetic punishment. If I had fearfully complied with a satanic influence such as this, I would be much worse off for participating in their sin, and allowing their deception and divisiveness. I am glad they have made it a simple matter by exposing so nakedly their satanic intentions and affinities as this allows me to eradicate any lingering (I have no idea why it was there in the first place, however insignificant, but the mind is funny and I am being manipulated all. the. time.) doubt that by religion, I have made the right choice not be abase myself as their slave. Their intentions with me are as satanic as they have exposed themselves to be. I never really doubted this before, but now it is crystal clear, and no part of scripture that tells the believer to obey authority (when not asking them to sin) can cause me to doubt my decision going forward[.]
4/25/2024 at 8:03 am: I decided to stop receiving emails from “Michael Page China” and the living room refrigerator made noise at me for under 5 seconds. It appears I am not at liberty to choose which emails I receive (think I already unsubscribed a long time ago as well) without the refrigerator seeing it as an opportunity to undermine me.
4/25/2024 at 8:27am: I was reading prayers and was head clicked. The water heater started making its very loudest variety of noise when I began writing this down. This is outright spiritual warfare, and I am being attacked while reading prayers, a completely innocuous activity. This is completely ridiculous and means that this program hates Christian prayer, and does not even wish to hide it. I was able to hear the water heater over the noise of my music, my earplugs, and the kitchen fan. It also lasted very long, about 20 seconds. This makes me want to go on X or Substack because I am being attacked and there is nothing I can do about it. I decided to read prayers and got attacked even worse. This attack from the water heater began when I read “Abba Father — breathe out — I belong to you”. In religious terms, this is clearly an outright Satanic influence trying to take me away from God and claim that I am not one of his children. I have noticed the constant deception of these feedback mechanisms and do not consider them at all trustworthy.
4/25/2024 at 8:47 am: [I was] head clicked for reading religious information which would obviously indicate that this program goes against the Word of God.
4/26 at 9:40 am: I got head clicked 3-4 times over recalling (at times mostly involuntarily) what I said to the dog while sweeping around the house. The war crime barrier is nothing to them; they are willing to cross it no matter how trivial the occasion.
4/28/2024 at 9:50 pm: I was head clicked five times for thinking about weather modification, such as that which the government has publicly admitted it does in documents since the 1990s [see also recent statements by CIA Director John Brennan at Council on Foreign Relations]. I don’t see how I can be blamed for something you are publicly admitting in official open source documents for decades, let alone why it would be cause to violate human rights. I also suffered extremely defamatory V2K (99.9999% probability since I was not thinking it at all and I know it is trying to cause me to mess up). every day we see the weather modification chem trails above in the sky, and we know that sites like HAARP are used for this as well[;] [recently, it was revealed that weather modification experiments were being done in San Francisco]. The head clicks are clearly dishonest and are seeking to [repress] the truth. The idea that I would ever go along with a program attacking the truth with cattle prods to the head is absolutely absurd. How could I ever consent to a program built to deceive, which furthermore violates my human rights and dignity to provoke me with these insolent clicks to the head. They were never realistic about this program being livable for me [see below 5/5 entry about being head clicked for yawning]. It goes completely against my values (try finding anyone at my age who has read [books by or on] Dostoevsky 17 times in [6] years[.] [Dostoevsky was adamantly against social engineering, providing a philosophy which is diametrically opposed to this entire program imposed on my life; it is therefore a sick joke that I have been chosen for this unwanted, nonconsensual human experiment. I literally take Dostoevsky to the heart to the point where I see everything through his lens—”a man is not piano keys”. There is no way they would not have known this about me. I have not only obsessed over his works, reading 5 more than twice and two works 3 times, but also have lived these books as I inevitably examine anything of worth through his philosophical lens.]) [That is to say,] I am demonstrably more committed to the diametrically opposed philosophical opinions than likely anyone else they could [have found] at 33 years old[.] [This program] violates my rights in extremely objectionable ways, and they cannot but know that I was bound to tell the truth and be unable to stomach the inversion and deception [they are provoking me to do so every second the indignity of this program goes on]. It’s merely that people are realizing the truth and that I was successful—[either that] or they planned it all along—that they are now threatening me. Totally nonconsensual. Totally unreasonable.
4/30 at 8:48 pm: I thought “what do they want me for?” and received a very high powered head click which caused discomfort in the back of the cranial area. I am punished for things which are inadvertent (after they have messed with my head and every aspect of my life), and am also punished for things which are only natural to ask or complain about. If a situation is impossible, they try to put the blame on me and with appliance noises, such as the living room refrigerator which made noise at me at 8:50pm [for around 5-10 seconds]. For example, if I hear something completely inadvertently, which no prior notion of the fact that I was going to hear it, and after all the distortion this psychological operation has caused, the system will try to claim that there was intention where there was none. It is hard to tell if this is just a front for revenging themselves on me for telling the truth, and they need an excuse for that, or if they want to blame me for the pitfalls of the situation they have created and imposed on my life. They never accept any accountability for this situation and always put the blame on me. I don’t want to go out of my way to harm any institution that exists to protect freedom, but unfortunately that is clearly not what these mind control handlers have in mind, and their actions demonstrate that they are not even willing to be fair, let alone play by the rules of the Constitution. It isn’t fair when something completely inadvertent with zero (0) intent involved and which is only made possible by an artificial situation imposed on my life is blamed on me, as demonstrated by head clicks and aggressive refrigerator noises. Highly inequitable and of course unconstitutional.
5/1/2024 at 11:12 am: This morning while making breakfast and getting ready to work over the past 40 minutes, I was 1) head clicked for saying “hey buddy” in a natural way to the dog, 2) threatened by the living room refrigerator, 3) harassed with assorted frequent head clicks, appliance noises, and likely V2K[.]
5/1/2024 at 11:24 am: [I was] head clicked again for pushing out unwanted thoughts. I’ve been up for an hour and it’s happened likely almost 10 times. Particularly with the instance where they head clicked me for saying hi to the dog, it seems there is something deeply wrong with the algorithm, but they never bother to fix it.
5/1/2024 at 11:37 am: [I was] head clicked again, this time much more severely for talking to myself about which version of a song I like. At least ten war crimes this morning, which don’t help me do my work or go on with life in any way. It’s just this kind of senseless brunt of an attack on humanity. The program is overwhelmingly dark in the way it sees things, and acts as kind of self-fulfilling prophecy where it’s attacking the subject and imposing a combination of crippling manipulations and relentless surveillance that causes the victim to fail and verify their cynical hypothesis of humans. As someone who does well mainly in at least somewhat favorable circumstances and who gains much from momentum, it’s hypocritically judging me at the same time it does everything it can to make me fail. I have yet to see any glimpse of honesty about what’s going on, apart from its propagandistic efforts to cover up for its constant crimes against humanity here.
5/1/2024 at 1:01 pm: Water heater (20 seconds) and living room refrigerator (about 5 seconds) make noise at me for trying different options to find the best solution for the copy, which is due tomorrow. There is plenty of time to finish it, and these noises don’t help me do my work.
5/1/2024 at 1:20 pm: I heard “sawchester”, which is the BCI’s lingo for threatening me, and the water heater made noise for about 15 seconds, until I started writing this down. There has been a shocking amount of targeting this morning, which has made me feel sick to my stomach and unable to think and do my work[.]
5/2/2024 at 10:22 am: I thought about behavioral analysis from [someone else’s hypothetical] mistaken perspective of ignorance and speculative cynicism, and I was head clicked. Unwittingly, this head click obtained evidence that this program does not really understand me or my underlying emotions (I really was anxious almost all day yesterday, which they played an absolute and unnatural role in), but rather operates on the perspective that suits its pre-drawn conclusions, and produces data in order to prove its own assumptions, which are not based on scientific fact. Because it is so excessively aggressive toward me, it gives itself away, and I am able to see that it is #1 not honest even while insisting on converting everything in my life to “scientific facts or data” (extremely adversarially disposed toward me, even in its methods of data collection) and #2 it does not actually understand the brain that well, or at least my brain. I was head clicked again at 10:27 at the exact moment I realized what the second point there was. I simply cannot trust these head clicks, or any aspect of the program, as they themselves have proven.
5/2/2024 at 1:28 pm: I went downstairs to make lunch and the appliances made noise at me a total of 9 times. I am only half way through making lunch. It got very upset that I noted that the constant V2K messaging about “lamentable” morphed naturally into “lamented and abused”, which I believe got stuck in my head because it is from a song lyric—in any case there was no conscious decision or effort to be saying that, it just came about naturally. The words that ran through my head while I was really preoccupied with making food were not really right or carefully chosen (I believe they were: “that’s what happens when you…”), and what I meant was “what can you really expect from all this”, especially when I didn’t even choose to repeat this phrase consciously and it is naturally arising of itself. At the same time, they have done things to me like 10 minutes of DEW rape for telling my mom about the human rights abuses in my life. I had to get off my bike and yell at them to stop. So how can they take exception to the word “abused” when it is self-evidence that they are doing that, and when that word has really only occurred to me in passing, as something as natural as the grass that grows on the hillside? They are the ones who have created this situation, to which I never would have consented, and then they harass me to the point where I cannot go downstairs and make food without being prepared to endure psychological warfare for having a natural human response to the situation? There is never any accountability for the problems this situation has caused (because, of course, many of them are intended), and everything, including their own abuses, are always blamed on me. This is why I could never trust this source of information, even under threat of the worst evils they were able to come up with. Now, at 1:39 pm, the water heater is again making noises to emphasize these threats, which proves that this living conditions are intentionally traumatic—they always were, but the trauma has really only been enhanced through now communicating threats through the same mechanisms.
5/2/2024 at 9:10 pm: I inadvertently heard something my head which I had no intention of “saying” and the living room refrigerator made noise for 2 seconds. It does not care if this is happening totally without any intention on my part and is something that occurs because of the entrainment with V2K and due to unwanted thoughts which I never suffered from prior to the gangstalking. It just automatically blames everything, even when it is totally inadvertent and unwanted, on me, and then does other manipulations to make it seem like it is my fault, when I never could have wanted this situation in the first place and am demonstrably the last person who would ever have consented.
5/3/2024 at 11:37 am: I heard the lyrics “I know you’re dying and I know you know it too” and the living room fridge made noise for 1 second.
5/3/2024 at 4:09 pm: I saw a picture of the CIA heart attack gun on X and the living room fridge made a clicking noise lasting less than a second. I also heard “heart break” while I was writing the above [which was very, very likely V2K due to the timing].
5/3/2024 at 4:54 pm: I was looking at content created by a private investigator [Keeneye Investigations] and the water heater started making noise. It is obviously attacking me to threaten me so that I cannot regain my rights. It isn’t even trying to hide this activity—it’s fairly simple for me to catch it out.
5/3/2024 at 5:18 pm: The program does sensory overlays to frame me, and then the water heater makes noise to frame me. This has happened at least 5 times while on X. These appliance noises are 100% false [in the messages they imply].
5/3/2024 at 5:19 pm: I just heard “they are going to kill you” and the fridge clicked.
5/3/2024 at 11:21 pm: I am listening to a podcast which is saying that the state will kill people in the media and in politics “they will kill [such and such a person]” and the living room fridge made a loud, distinctive noise for 3-5 seconds.
5/4/2024 at 1:29 am: I was head clicked painfully, with the highest possible strength of minor shock to my head, around 5 times while transferring the latest journal entries to this article.
5/5/2024 7:08 pm: I was head clicked today for yawning around 4pm. though it was at a meeting, I was holding a book and it was an involuntary, natural response that I could not repress. This demonstrates how arbitrary and evil the head clicks are, and exposes the unrealistic and unlivable nature of the program imposed on me.
5/6/2024 at 4:07 pm: I was looking at the below post on X, and the water heater made noise for about 10 seconds, until I opened this article to write down this war crime:
[Please see note under hacking of devices and accounts on 10/2/2024 at 4:54 pm for further information on the program’s messaging here—reach was “444” the last time I checked this X post.]
5/8/2024 at 10:59 am: I was thinking about their torture threats toward me and the lights above my head flickered not once, but twice. The wall heater has been making noises at me all morning while I try to work[…], but I am now wearing ear plugs and playing music to drown out their harassment and threats through the appliance noises, so I believe that is why they used light flickering to threaten me. The two light flickers occurred right after I heard “Sawchester” and thoughts ensued about their threats related to synthetic sensory overlay. While writing this, a weird pop-up window, it seems which contained a “loading bar” appeared on my desktop [but] vanished in less than a second, making it impossible to screenshot. I am really being threatened on a daily basis.
[5/16/2024 at 12:12 pm: A popup resembling the loading bar observed in the above journal entry came up while actually opening Microsoft Word, though I am not 100% sure it is the same loading bar encountered on 5/8/2024 and at other times:]
5/8/2024 at 11:16 am: I was thinking I drank too much caffeine and about the pressure I feel on my heart and I heard “heart attack-worthy”, which [looks like] another threat, this time delivered by V2K.
5/10/2024 at 11:43 am: [The following is my thoughts on my situation which I wrote down in preparation of talking with my parents:]
[“]I don’t know what will happen, but what I can tell you is that I have been threatened in the worst possible ways imaginable (water heater makes 30 seconds of noise while writing this, wall heater [then] also clicks at me though nobody is using either for at least 3.5 hours or more; it does this every time the subject of its threats come up—it threatens me on a daily basis and I don’t even want to be at home), so I am preparing for that by trying to finish the bible in the next couple of months and by saying what needs to be said to you. Namely, I may be killed (living room refrigerator made 5 seconds of noise while writing this down—nobody is using it, I am the only one home), likely by [a] frequency attack to the heart during an episode of civil unrest [or] possible infrastructure blackout following false flag events, you should know that I am not the person I am [constantly] framed as being (my brain data is manipulated, and even the technology used to distribute it is bi-directional—both read and write), and finally[,] we were likely socially engineered [against each other] so that they could isolate me and make me defenseless as they violate my human rights and lock me into their mind control matrix program—social isolation happens to all the victims, as [do] false claims of mental [ill]ness.[”]
5/12/2024 around 2:30 pm: I was head clicked while hiking for the entirely involuntary and natural reaction of turning around to look at a dog who had nudged his nose on my hand from behind [and for reflexively saying “hi” to the dog that had greeted me]. It was one of between 20 and 40 head clicks that occurred today, mostly over trivial matters or even unavoidably natural responses such as this one.
5/19/2024 2:07
I was the ‘444th person to like the below tweet and the water heater made noise [at the very instant I liked the Post].
5/19/2024 at 3:10 pm: Just read the [below] tweet and the water heater made noise [at the exact second that] I read “guess they just want us dead”[:]
5/20/2024 at 8:49 pm: I was head clicked for deciding to write down Acts 4:19 (“But Peter and John replied, ‘Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”).
5/20/2024 at 10:04 pm: The water heater made noise at me 3-5 times while I was doing work. Once was for considering whether something was grammatically correct (being circumspect) and another time served to draw attention to unwanted thoughts, thereby perpetuating them and forcing me to constantly be hyper conscious of the fact I am being survielled. While writing the last phrase, it started making noise at me again and turned off when I decided to get up and show how obvious it was making noise at me.
5/20/2024 at 10:11 pm: Again, as I try to do the best and most earnest job I can, the water heater makes noise at me for 30 minutes. I don’t see what is wrong with doing the best job possible. It does not seem to want to let me be honest in my work, either.
9/23/2024 at 1:02 pm: The appliances/electrical circuitry clicked at me while I wrote down “oversteps” in reference to what the government is doing in my life via transhumanist technocratic control and coercion. It also make clicking sounds yesterday when I was listening to Pastor Chuck Baldwin (a pastor who preaches contrary to mainstream interpretations), disagreeing with his interpretation of Revelation. It is showing itself to be very biased and trying to intimidate me into abandoning certain viewpoints.
10/18/2024 at 12:20 am: I said “I am concerned for my life” [out loud], and at that exact moment they head clicked me. [Another] head click also occurred [a little later] while I was talking about my concerns on a personal safety level. [A] finger shoc[k] occurred while I was thinking about how I started to feel a slight pressure on my heart after I wrote the above note [about head clicks that occurred this evening]. The pressure [on my heart] was not[ice]able, but not nearly as strong as pressures I felt before in this area.
10/18/2024 8:46 am: I was head clicked after I was thinking about how they want to shut down sources of information which tell the truth, and as I started to [then] get a feeling of fear for my life.
11/13/2024 at 2:40 pm: Today, around 1.5-2 hours ago, I was head clicked for thinking “Chuck Baldwin”, a postor who the government does not like. Just now, while watching one of the pastor’s videos (though I picked an older one in order to avoid aggravating the people running this program in my life), my heart started hurting severely with painful pressure coming in waves for around 15 minutes. This is obviously to threaten me into stopping watching this pastor’s videos, though I was watching for the simple reason I wanted to understand the bible better. When I decided to journal about these abuses, I was head clicked again.
12/14/2024 at 1:34 pm: Today, I was woken up by an ear pressure pop which specifically happened while I was thinking about the threats to my life. I was drifting in and out of sleep, and can clearly remember this happened to unmistakably issue a death threat. [These ear pressure pops are obviously non-natural when they occur when you are at sea level with no water in your ears or congestion in your nose. With the significant number of DEW attacks this week, it has felt like there is a major escalation in targeting.]
1/24/2025 at 3:49 pm: The air pressure in my ear just popped loudly to accuse me for a mistake while I was working. This incident is obviously artificial as there is no natural cause for the air pressure in your ear popping loudly as it does in an airplane while you are ascending or descending. This specific type of targeting harassment incident occurs regularly (for instance also yesterday), about 5 or more times per week, not counting any time when there has been water in or near my ear.
1/24/2025 at 3:53 pm: I was head clicked 5-8 times while sleeping last night. I could tell it was intentionally done to disturb my sleep. I was lightly dreaming most of the times it happened. These head clicks succeeded in waking me up, after which I was not able to go back to sleep for several hours. Though this has happened before while I was sleeping, it has not happened so many times in a single night. There was an obvious intent of disturbing me as I was falling asleep and waking me up in the middle of the night. This is a clear example of how the targeting program imposed on my life is adversarial in nature, and how the feedback mechanisms which accuse me for making a “mistake” are hypocritical in nature at best (as if it wanted me to do well, it would not have intentionally disturbed my sleep or microwaved me especially as it has done throughout the previous few weeks). However, it seems clear also from the documentable evidence that the targeting program as a whole is just entirely dishonest with the occasional truthful input to obfuscate its real actions. I know that the program is designed for the purposes of deception, but it seems that this is also demonstratable from raw quantifiable data as well.
2/17/2025 at 2:17 pm: My speakers made a loud, and very irregular and distinctive clicking or snapping noise at me the very second that I liked the following post on X:
This snapping noise is obviously a feedback noise because it only happens at such times when the program wishes to send me a message, particularly a threat over practice of First Amendment rights.
2/21/2025 at 1:28 pm: During the month of January, when frequently woken up in the middle of the night, likely by artificial means, I was blinded by an extremely bright flashing light that blindingly illuminated a small hallway area and both adjacent rooms. The light was so bright I could not open my eyes in order to traverse this space where the ceiling light was doing this in order to go to the bathroom. When the light was ordinarily on, it shone a mild yellow color, but when it flashed in the middle of the night, it was exceedingly fluorescent, like the lights used in special effects, or musical performances and festivals. Because the light only did this in the middle of the night, and because its effects were so extreme that I could not open my eyes while it was flashing so blindingly, it seems fairly certain that this was caused by the same apparatus that is used to cause nearby refrigerators or other appliances near me to make noises in precise timing to respond to my thoughts. It has been made clear to me by the drastic increase in DEW attacks and by other indications such as my debit card suddenly losing its NFC ability and not processing transactions (it often would take about 3 tries), that the targeting program does not want me to live in this location. That may be because I am able to unplug the wi-fi here, am more shielded from cell towers by trees (the cell towers where I am have far fewer panels than in most places and I only feel DEW attacks from them when I walk in closer proximity to them), and because I am not as close to wi-fi networks in neighboring houses as in most locations where I can rent a place to stay.
[I ended up unplugging that light, though it is very useful, because these exceedingly bright flashes are disruptive. Flashing bright lights are known to increase suggestibility, and have been used in the history of mind control experimentation. However, I believe the main purpose of this incident of likely targeting would be to threaten me and try to get me to move out of this place I am staying.]
Hacking of accounts and devices:
10/23 (cont.): Videos would not load again [on YouTube], falsely claiming I am without internet service. [I] switched to Firefox, [and] got the worst, clunkiest quality I have ever seen on YouTube.
10/23 (cont.): Again, [YouTube] refuses to load. [The video I am trying to watch] stops at 1:01. I say “c’mon man[,]” and video loads instantly, [with] plenty of buffering too. [From these seemingly intended service errors, it feels like it wants me to play along with its narrative.]
11/2: I believe [X, formerly Twitter] is currently suppressing my [reach]. Yesterday, [X] tried to stop me from ‘liking’ a post. On May 28th, I had to try around ~25 times to post something about V2K. [I] posted today on [X] [with evidence] debunking [the] malpractice diagnosis excuse [to suppress evidence about targeting]. [My post] only reached 13 [users]. [I am] not sure if I might be getting shadow banned, because posts used to reach at least 25-30 in the first day, even without retweets.
Date unknown (between 11/2 and 11/5) at 1:51 pm: [A] startling number of typing errors [occur] while working on [a] live document—does this have more to do with [my] keyboard, [or the] live webpage […?]
11/9: [I] was reading about FBI framing and entrapment, and […] thought “that data goes to China” [… The] keyboard switches to Chinese (Simplified) without my noticing [any key inputs, which likely did not happen at all]. In all my time at the computer this year, I cannot remember that having happened once [inadvertently]. [Was this a] statistically significant coincidence [where I accidentally pressed the keys that would have resulted in precisely-timed keyboard language input switching], or is my computer doing [things] without any actions taken by me?
11/10 at 10:30 pm: [I am] working on [the] Bryan Kofron testimony [part of the article]. Without touching anything, [the] power suddenly cuts, shutting off monitor [and] computer. [I] plugged it back in and thankful nothing was lost.
11/10 (cont.): Earlier, Substack shut down [without cause] whereas this had never happened before. I lost about 20-30 minutes of work at “3:17:17 pm” [time recorded when I took a screenshot of the malfeasance]. [See below screenshot of DNS attack on 11/10 at 3:17 pm:]
11/11 (cont.): [I] reviewed [the] section I worked on yesterday. Work in the Dr. John Hall section [was] erased—likely countless hours of work have been wiped in total across the document. [This is] atrocious interference with whistleblower testimony. I [absolutely] had reworked content from Dr. John Hall quotes that had obviously, scandalously been reverted to prior state of unworked, raw quotes. [Original copy I wrote was also lost.] [...] Looking further above, [I] notice other changes [that] had not been saved—though I saved the document dozens of times yesterday and the webpage said everything had been saved[—]each time. This is the second time in 2 days I discovered Substack was lying to me about “saved” [“Draft — Saved”] changes and my content had been deleted.
11/24: [I] discovered that not only has Substack erased my content, which the platform falsely said it had been saved [“Draft – Saved”], lagged while I was typing which resulted in obvious omissions from keyboard input, and not responded to my complaints, but it has also hidden the “restacks” of my article and arbitrarily changed the date back and forth from November 11th to November 12 and back again. This amounts to 7 “technical errors” which interfered with the publishing of my article that provides evidence of the targeting program. [See the below screenshot which shows Substack hid 2 “ likes,” as notifications clearly shows that 2 users in addition to 9 others liked the post, as well as one more later, but the post still only has 10 likes.]
11/29 at 6:20 pm: [I] discovered spelling errors and other changes in this [affidavit] have been erased, even though I have meticulously saved the document. The only possible explanation is hacking. I specifically remember fixing these typos and discovered today that my changes were somehow not saved.
12/13 at 9:19 am: Substack is hiding and also manipulating views. There were “444 views in the past 30 days” 5 days ago, while now there are 433 overall views—a[n] […] impossibility. [Y]et another “coincidence”? I don’t think so[.]
12/15 at 2:47 pm: I was writing texts […] about targeting proof, and the iPhone repeatedly tried just about everything it could to stop me from being able to type—switching screens, registering touches in places I obviously did not touch, which then took me to another screen, etc. Though my screen is cracked and there is tape at the top, the phone ONLY does this when I am texting about targeting proof. It does it constantly, and every time I text about this [recently].
4/16/2024 at 10:07 pm: The speaker made a noise at me, similar to the noises you might get when connecting cords and turning it on, but it didn’t work once I started playing a YouTube video.
4/18/2024 at 7:43 am: [(Continued from note from 7:27 am in the appliance noises and head clicks section)] [I] see that Reese Report did more information updates on nanobots, and now realize why I have been attacked so viciously this early morning. Mouse still not working. Even the scrolling thing doesn’t register. None of this with the mouse has ever occurred before.
4/18/2024 at 8:08 am: I’ve noticed that every time the Reese Report does something about nanotech I get in big trouble. The threats [I earlier received from appliance noises and content alignment] came right off the back of [earlier videos of his also on nanotechnology found in the blood].
4/18/2024 at 8:55 am: [My] mouse is still malfunctioning. It freezes for around 5 seconds at a time and then becomes usable again.
4/21 at 12:24 pm: Around the time I was inquiring about buying coffee at a coffee shop for my morning caffeine, Amazon sent me an email saying the energy drinks I had subscribed to buy on a 2 month basis were being shipped to me. The price was drastically lowered than last time I saw it, making this purchase seemingly a no-brainer to me. But I had a suspicion that somehow this energy drink was the worst for my specific condition of unwanted thoughts, as caffiene inhibits GABA, which inhibits unwanted thoughts. When I tried to cancel the order despite the price and taste of the drink being so enticing, Amazon had locked me out of my account and would only let me log in by verifying with a phone number I no longer use or a card I no longer use. I was planning to use these best hours of my day to finish my work, but I instead had to call customer service to get the order canceled. But even with customer service it was very difficult to cancel and we had to try all sorts of things before they manually canceled for me and I was able to log in afterwards—it seems that they finally let me log in because the order was canceled anyway. It also seems they wanted to lock me into this order of drinks, which though they are my favorite energy drink, seem to cause sever unwanted thoughts, due to the timing of the order occurring precisely after I found my favorite coffee was not available, and because I had been able to log in to my Amazon account freely up until this time. [Furthermore, it seems when adding this evidence to the persistent harassment of appliances noises which exacerbate unwanted thoughts that the program fully intends to nudge the unwanted thoughts situation. The coffee I had from the coffee place this morning was not quite as triggering of anxiety and unwanted thoughts as my usual favorite energy drink, which unfortunately seems to have cost me dearly, despite Amazon having generously lowered the price coincidentally each time I ordered it or my subscription renewed.]
4/25/2024 at 9:23 am: After banging the table in frustration, my mouse did not work for around 30 minutes or so. Now it is fully working again. It is almost as if it was pretending not to work, not registering clicks, at times registering a double click where there was none, and not being able to highlight text. Now, all of these functions are back to normal. I don’t think there are devices that “heal” in the space of half an hour to regain their functionality; certainly not a $10 mouse. This is as I am reading religious reasons why it would be impossible to participate in the sin of this program.
5/1/2024 at 11:43 am: I was looking for the next song I wanted to listen to on a playlist (Love Reign O’er Me), and iTunes had already highlighted it for me although I had not even scrolled down to where I could view the song yet:
7/17/2024 at 5:18 pm: I was going to send a fellow church member evidence of the recent assassination of Dr. Robert Duncan [the main whistleblower I tend to cite] to explain why it is absolutely necessary for me to leave the country this Saturda[y] by forwarding what I had already sent to my pastor. However, a search for this email revealed it had been mysteriously deleted. Before searching for this email [should have image attachment icons and send date of 7/16], I was thinking about forwarding him the news about Dr. Duncan and was head clicked. They could have wiped this email in response to my thinking about forwarding the relevant information. It’s also possible that the email I sent was deleted and never reached the pastor. I know for an absolutely certainty that I sent the email, [and learned after meeting with the pastor later that he received it]. [After recording this journal entry, I remembered that I deleted a draft email in the same thread, but NOT the email before it which I sent to the pastor about Dr. Duncan’s suspicious death. I would say there is a one in 10 to 100 thousand chance that I deleted the email above the draft by mistake, as that simply never happens to me with other emails.]
10/2/2024 at 4:54 pm: Another update on the consistent death threat messaging—number of views just so happens to be “444” [please refer to note under head clicks and appliance noise feedback on 5/6/2024 at 4:07 pm:]:
12/18/2024 at 3:44 pm: Today and the last time I opened this article to add journal entries on 12/16, Substack arbitrarily opened it with the article scrolled all the way down to the following journal entry, which documents a death threat:
The implication is obvious—they are threatening my life because I am journaling about the war crimes committed against me. They wanted to make it obvious because it’s easy to remember what this image is about.
2/23/2025 at 12:09 pm: For the past 2 days, I have been unable to access any website, including Gmail, as both Brave Browser and Firefox are saying my connection is not secure. [At the same time as my internet stopped working, my computer date and time changed, an event which seemed designed to directly piggy back directly off of this internet problem, as the coincidental timing is quite striking. The date and time change has never happened with my computer before, and I unplug the wi-fi router multiple times on most days.] [The fact that it occurred at the same exact time as the internet outage produced quite an impression, because this all happened right after I published] targeting evidence several times this week. [A computer repairman told me that a date and time change problem could have been caused by power issues with my computer battery having problems, but did not mention wi-fi problems. However, I have had this problem with my computer for several years now (2.5 I think), and this never happened before, so the coincidental timing again seems statistically significant.]
Also, [I found it remarkable that] my computer inexplicably reset the date to the year “2001”[,] [which could be a reference to the supercomputer in 2001: A Space Odyssey, as the Remote Neural Monitoring brain computer interface knows I am familiar with that movie, or 9/11/2001, a significant year in the advent of police state programs like this one. The fact that this strange occurrence is explained with the word “reset” as in “The Great Reset”, which has predictively programmed to be presaged by massive infrastructure blackouts, also seems like it could potentially contain some intentional imbedded messaging connotations.]
This week, I published journal entry evidence on DEW attacks, posted on X about a whistleblower on hyper game theory brain computer interfaces, and commented on articles, protesting transhumanist abuses. I also communicated with my pastor or Bible study leader about gangstalking and neuroweapon abuses. […]
[There is usually an element of plausible deniability when the program sabotages my life, because super computers and intelligence agencies are not stupid, and of course would not make their crimes very obvious. Actually, this event seems to have its element of plausible deniability aggressively built-in so as to cause me to assume too much in the beginning, as my excessive internet usage was to blame for the internet outage (not that hyper game theory supercomputing isn’t easily capable of causing this, but it’s not quantifiably or qualitatively evident to the same degree that other information in these journal entries), though that does not explain the coincidental and dramatically-timed date and time change. Nevertheless, the sheer statistical significance when you take an honest look at these highly improbable or suspicious events repeatedly happening cannot be ignored, especially when observed in light of the journal entries that do unambiguously prove the imposition of artificial technological influences (see ear pops, head clicks, content alignment, and DEW attacks, all prove the activity of neuroweapon technologies at the prima facie level). Even events such as this, which seem clearly designed to have that plausible deniability excuse and cover story, should also at some point stand out, to anyone who has taken a serious look into the matter.]
[Trying to get my computer fixed and going to cafes to get internet caused me to spend a lot of time right next to the largest cell tower in town, which resulted in a lot of DEW attacks on 2/24, and on 2/25, I could discernibly tell from self-analysis of synthetic overlays on my thoughts that my brain was significantly reprogrammed during the time I spent near that tower (see the V2K section of journal entries for further description of related issues). The computer repair shop is less than half a block away from this most powerful cell tower in the area, which I normally avoid because I have always had DEW attacks in that area (see journal entries under the DEW attacks section from 2/8/2025). This could also be planned as the result of a path I was manipulated to walk down because of the initial date and time change seemingly intended for dramatic effect.]
2/27/2025 at 9:11 pm: [My debit card has not been working properly almost the entire time I have stayed at my current spot, and it often takes 3-5 minutes to get it to work.] I have stated in other journal entries here from January and February 2025, such as those detailing DEWs, that it is clear the program does not like me living in the place where I am renting. There have been many other problems [that the program may have caused which are not easily explained in an objective way and which I cannot be sure about. However, I do know that the program has been trying to make it difficult for me to live here since there are weaker cell towers, I am protected by trees in the forest, and I can unplug the wi-fi at any time, etc. What I most recently realized was that this debit card problem is likely occurring not just to cause me trouble and get me to move, but also because it is trying to evoke a response so in order to study my behavior and thus build a more complete digital twin model of my intellect, will, and emotions. The hyper game theory supercomputing model intentionally provokes a mind control victim to react to a repeated aberrational or chaotic scenario disrupting their life in order to cause them to react, thereby acquiring evoked response brain data which can then be reintegrated back into the Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) supercomputer. By causing the victim to respond to the same disruptive and unignorable situation multiple times, it can verify a response so as to map the victim’s synaptic response in the digital twin. Once a response is verified, then it can be reinjected into the victim brain at any time, controlling their actions and behavior. Because this debit card malfunction disturbance happens repeatedly every day, the RNM system has ample opportunity to observe my various reactions to it, and reintegrate that data into the digital model so that these synaptic responses can be exploited whenever the computer wishes to do so.
Vehicle sabotage:
10/21: [My] bike chain was derailed. [This] never happens in all the riding I have done. Somehow has occurred 3+ times while parked in front of the house. I got grease (dirty) on my hands while fixing it, and also hit my head on the handlebar while I was preoccupied by analyzing the [inexplicable] situation out loud. Today, I read the program creates situations in which you “do things to yourself,” and this incident seemed to be related [to that aspect of targeting]. I think it may be creating situations in which you are more likely to make a mistake so as to avoid blame [for what happens to you.]
Injury predispositions, insomnia, and strange physiological events:
10/17: [My] upper left eyelid twitches at times, resembling the twitching videos [I have] seen [from other Targeted Individuals]. In 2021, my lower quadricep also experienced this [for the first time, and my feet did as well—also seemingly for the first time]. Earlier in [summer] of this year, 2023, my lower back was twitching severely [which never happened before]. One night at the beginning of soccer season, my entire lower body spontaneously experienced a [violent] muscular convulsion, [a] severe tightening of all my [lower body] muscles while I was simply laying down. I was going to sleep. It was so severe, I felt like all the muscles in my legs were about to be torn [and I was very afraid to move, but knew I had to get into a different position to release the inexplicable tension]. Yet I was not making any sudden movements which could have remotely been the cause of this. After this incident, I got immediately injured every single [time] I played soccer. This too had never happened before, nothing close, [not] even remotely. I had to miss games to heal after each time I played until I pulled my hamstring in by far the worst sports injury that has ever happened to me. To be clear, every time I went to the field, I got a strain or tear in a new area. This attack had created predispositions to injury everywhere in my legs. I had never experienced getting injured so easily, let alone every time I went to the field. This all happened maybe 2 weeks after I got my shirts and started tweeting about targeting. It ruined my entire season that I had paid $100+ for and [had been] wait[ing] for since there was not the opportunity to play in a long time.
11/28 at 1:30 pm: […] The handlers try to disrupt me many times at the very moment I am about to drift off to sleep[,] often […] insert[ing] something defamatory that I cannot let go, right as I am about to drift off. I have no choice but to stop myself from falling asleep to affirm that I object to being framed in this way[.]
12/7: Hair is coming out in clumps, likely as a result of increased radiation during this period of working on the article and sworn affidavit.
4/23/2024 at 10:28 am: They are able to make my eye unbearably dry so that I have to blink it. This always happens at times when I state categorically that what I have been warning people about is already proven, and that they have been fairly warned about what kind of content they are engaging in, with the proof available in abundance from sources like the article I have written, supplying links to official documents, whistleblowers, and even admittances from the mainstream media. This dryness of the eye which causes me to blink inconveniently has no effect on the evidence itself, and things like rug-pulling V2K which I have also just been subject to while writing this, but they have the effect of slowing down the transmission of information.
5/21/2024 at 8:30 am: I was just saying yesterday that having the wi-fi on likely makes synthetic dreams more common and more intense—at that time [yesterday, 5/20/2024 around 8:09 pm] the water heater made a noise at me. Last night I experienced an unwanted synthetic dream. It was just like the other [around 5-10] synthetic dreams I can remember [in that it seems like it is spiritual warfare attempting to draw me towards materialism—all of these fake synethic dreams feature a sexual encounter with a female, which does not happen to me normally in a physical sense, though it has happened regarding a love interest on a personal and emotional level, and what is more, about half of these have been wet dreams, comprising of an unprecedented medical event which never happened in my life before gang stalking targeting]. I usually don’t have an intense recollection of my dreams, but when synthetic dreams occur, it is not exactly like sleep and I can remember the details.
5/21/2024 at 3:40 pm: My hamstring violently twitched while I was looking at information about nanotech on X. This is the same [left lower] hamstring which suffered the artificial pre-disposition to injury 11 months ago—the violent and painful convulsions that affected all of my leg muscles ahead of the soccer season and which caused me to have a muscle injury every time I went to the field thereafter, [w]hich [all] happened [w]hile I was relaxing and [laying in] bed.
8/9/2024 at 3:25 pm: I just had to leave the house for 20 minutes or more because my heart was getting attacked and was severely painful for around 5-10 minutes until I left the house (as I learned to do from last time this happened for 20 mins [about 6 days ago]). [I never experienced continuous pressure and acute heart pains ever like this before, and the timing of both events at moments when I was looking at evidence of targeting makes it obvious they are not natural]. This was immediately after I opened 2 videos on nanotechnology used for brain control, liked an X post from another Targeted Individual talking about how they attack her heart when she is exercising and stating that if anything happens to her, it will not be because of natural causes, liked some other posts relevant to targeting, and looked at news about the Iran/Israel tensions. The heart pain went away immediately after I left the house, but then came back more lightly for a short while as I began talking about how obvious it was that they made my heart hurt in response to engaging with evidence of targeting. This is likely because the initial attack came from the Wi-Fi and then they had to switch to cell tower, satellite, or other nearby wifi networks once I was out on the street. The timing was obviously in response to looking at evidence of targeting, just like it was last time.
9/23/2024 Around 3:45 pm: I was watching a video from a pastor who runs contrary to the mainstream and my heart started to hurt. The painful pressure continued for about 1.5 hours and did not stop while I was at the gym. Because of the timing and unprecedented nature of the attack in my entire medical history before overt adversarial targeting, I can fully discern to to have been a completely artificial attack conducted with a pulse modulated frequency in the microwave range beamed at my heart.
10/22/2024 at 11:16 am: Last night around 4am, I was woken up through artificial insomnia with a distinctive heart pain which lasted from 10-30 minutes at a time. [It was clearly artificial as the sharpness of the pain in my heart also has zero precedent in my life prior to targeting, and because the fact that I was woken up in the middle of the night and then subjected to this torture clearly seemed to be intended to convey a message, especially because the pain rose so sharply and unnaturally.] This phenomenon of them artificially attacking my heart with painful unnatural palpitations runs parallel to the other unprecedented medical events in my life, including the following which never happened ever before in my life and medical history: wet dream, ear pressure pops with no potential natural causation, shocks to various parts of my body that have nothing to do with circulation, and others which do not come to mind immediately. I also received a shock to my foot while thinking about their death threats to me. This was very similar to the way I was woken up in the middle of the night the other day and received threats via shocks, V2K, head clicks, refrigerator noises, and other targeting events. This technique of attacking me in the middle of the night is to terrorize the victim and maximize the effects of psychological warfare. It has happened in the past, including during spring this year in addition to this past Saturday.
12/10/2024 at 9:21 am: My heart was attacked by clearly non-natural technology for about 15-20 minutes, ending around 15 minutes ago. Like the heart targeting event on 9/23/2024 (2 entries above), it seemed in retaliatory response to practice of First Amendment rights. Also, in identical fashion to that event, I was head clicked around 15 minutes after the painful heart targeting ended when I got up out of bed, as a threatening reminder of what they can do to my life.
Artificial tinnitus:
10/28: [I] heard acute tinnitus while shutting down computer in [my] left ear. [It] changed from one type of static noise to another.
11/1 at 3:00 pm: [I experienced] ringing in [the] ears while listening to [a podcast] and working on [the evidence] paper.
11/2: [I] woke up at 4am, [and] had loud, blaring siren-like noise [in my ear,] as if artillery or the monolith on the moon in 2001: A Space Odyssey had gone off next to [my left ear which was ringing]. […] There is no natural phenomenon that can replicate this noise[,] which can be compared to the monolith siren in that movie. It occurred only in the left ear this time, which was facing up as I lay.
11/5 at 5:41 pm: [I had] ringing in [the] right ear[,] [which] lasted about 20 seconds. [Obvious example of tinnitus.]
11/30 at 10:02: I had tinnitus in my right ear, which came as a high-pitched ringing sound.
11/30 at 11:55: [I] experienced tinnitus again in the right ear, seemingly in response to content I was viewing or things I was thinking about 5G.
12/20 at 5:55 pm: I experienced severe tinnitus in my right ear, it seems in response to writing that my sworn affidavit is “valid court evidence” in this article.
4/8/2024 at 8:57 pm: [I experienced] artificial tinnitus in [my] left ear[,] [a] sharp ringing noise. [It] lasted about 5 seconds and died out when I plugged [it].
There is a clear and present danger to freedom with transhumanist technologies being implemented by totalitarians in order to undermine and hijack the free will. Similarly ominous for the future of freedom, we have witnessed an astounding degree of willful ignorance in the face of ample, obvious, and highly credible evidence that proves that experimentation in the civilian population with transhumanist mind control weapons is real and an on-going human rights catastrophe. I hope that my personal evidence and testimony (in collaboration with the mountains of other documented proof) will serve as a warning about the unholy alliance of transhumanist mad scientists and totalitarian governance.
I wish you'd get your own site instead of trusting these evil controlled platforms.
I couldn't read your entire story b/c it would take days & it's just too much info for me to read in one sitting, but my heart goes out to you.
If you want to help fight back with me & for me to help you in some way that I'm able to, please reach out.
Thank You for sharing your findings.
I will be finding out soon for myself.
Im sure that i will have some.