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Starting in the summer of 2022, it became unambiguously clear that intelligence agencies are hijacking my semantic awareness to make me internally “say” things, which get picked up by an illegally intrusive recording technology. My guess is that psychological operations may be intruding in my life in order to influence public opinion and discredit me for having been a whistleblower. While I am not the first to bring to light the truth on any one particular issue, perhaps it was my unique illustration of how issues are related or the circumstances in which I shared information. Having primarily lived between the United States and China during the relevant time frame and events leading up to it, I feel that the intelligence actors are likely from these two countries. However, I wouldn’t exclude the possibility that agencies from other nations could be involved.
For convenience sake, I will refer to keyword-driven external influences on my psychological state by a term I came across in a podcast: “voice to skull technology.” However, it seems more likely a range of covert military-grade technologies would be involved rather than a single one. The application of voice to skull technology is acutely misrepresentative and damaging to my person because of its ability to directly introduce semantics that run contrary to my character. Words that attack my mental state can be very disturbing and distortionary, and semantic manipulators are not beyond total inversions of the truth. Thee unwanted distractions often obstruct the natural course of my thinking. They can impress themselves upon me at extremely inconvenient times, seemingly with a strategic purpose. For instance, the frequency and intensity of semantic manipulation increased greatly right before the November 2022 U.S. midterm elections.
The mechanical precision with which my semantic awareness can be manipulated is best demonstrated by my experiences streaming films. In particular, while streaming Momento earlier this year, I was struck by the precision timing with which my semantic “thoughts” were aligned to almost every detail of dialogue and event in the plot. What makes this phenomenon more overtly obvious is that even while watching movies I have never seen before, semantic “thoughts” can occur to me before the film content they correspond to. I have also noticed how this technology seems to be able to suggest memories so that they inexplicably arise in tandem with events in movies or other media.
Similar AI-powered manipulations are possible while listening to music, watching sports, or reading a book. However, it is of course not only while I am consuming media that this technology can exert the “invisible hand” of its influence. Streaming movies, including those which I have never seen before, simply serves as a more poignant example of the technology’s mechanical precision and the extent to which AI can become actively involved in the details of my private life.
I noticed these phenomena can greatly increase in intensity the closer I am to my computer, and especially phone. It would also seem, then, that other people’s phones, wi-fi signals, and any internet-enabled communication devices may carry some of the same capabilities. I generally try to leave my phone at home and powered off when possible (though many experts suggest there is no way to tell if your phone is really off). To quote a security researcher whose work I appreciate, “pretty much anything can be done in silicon without you and I, the consumers, ever being able to see.” In other words, there is no transparency in the manufacture of electronics. Because of the incredible technological sophistication intertwined in my life, I cannot rule out the possibility that messages could surreptitiously be “uploaded” to my psyche, for instance while I am asleep. I am thankful that being out in nature away from devices helps significantly to clear my mind of unwanted semantics – but even in remote locations I can’t be totally sure I am free of AI-driven influence.
Intelligence agencies are not likely to disclose much about their mind control technologies, perhaps with the exception of when they want to demonstrate the strength of those capabilities. Relevant scientific information is unlikely to be publicly available. There is surely a world of difference between technology in the possession of intelligence agencies and what consumers and enterprises have access to. Many Silicon Valley “inventions” existed for a long time as military industrial complex technologies before they were deemed ready for public consumption, then handed down to corporations to sell. Both the incredible sophistication of intelligence agency technology and general opacity of psychological phenomena drastically complicate any attempt to put names to the inner workings of AI manipulation.
However, one publicly available study does help explain how pretty much anything in our world is vulnerable to being hacked, due to the vast range of phenomena computers are capable of comprehending and exploiting. Beatcoin: Leaking Private Keys from Air-Gapped Cryptocurrency Wallets demonstrates how Bitcoin private keys, secret information which abides by the highest encryption standards, can be stolen from an air-gapped (internet disconnected) computer in a sealed faraday room. The paper’s researchers created malware which implemented side-channel attacks to probe the information protection system until it leaked its secrets. The team demonstrated how information leaked from a side-channel attack could be exfiltrated out of the faraday cage room using an array of “covert channels,” which included noises produced by hard drive disk operation, electromagnetic radio signals, cellular bands (GSM, UMTS, and LTE), ultrasonic waves, and even magnetic fields generated by the computer’s processor.
A smartphone, microphone recorder, or camera located outside the room collected the information output through these covert channels, and the team’s algorithms pieced the exfiltrated data together to reconstitute the stolen private keys. Published in 2018, this study is a dramatic example of how a virus can be taught to exploit nearly any element of a device’s functionality to hack private information, even if the device is faraday insulated and not connected to the internet or any communication system.
Though this particular study focused on the exfiltration or output of information, the general rule that virtually any system can be hacked, given sufficient resources and knowledge of specifications, also applies to the introduction of information, such as in voice to skull technology. Because I am a single individual with one set of biometric data, operators of mind control technologies can target me for precision manipulation more easily than if they were trying to execute similar influences on a large group of people. In addition to specifically targetable biometric data, factors which can enable semantic and other kinds of mind manipulation include psychoactive substances (I am a marijuana user and consumed LSD in April 2022), lack of sleep, and prolonged isolation.
A variety of wave phenomena may be the covert channels most commonly exploited to manipulate my semantic awareness. A couple years prior to the unwanted manipulations, I began experiencing Havana Syndrome, which seems to exploit a certain audio frequency that our hearing does not pick up on but is neurologically damaging, causing mental confusion and nausea. All such covert technologies are so sophisticated and the study of psychology is generally so inconclusive, varying so incredibly with each individual, that it is impossible to ascertain all the implications of technological meddling in my life. I can only point to their pervasive influence to demonstrate how life-changing they are.
MK-Ultra Background
The CIA’s MK-Ultra program sought to develop the ability to mind control subjects into believing thoughts artificially implanted in them, such that they could even be persuaded to assassinate targets against their personal will. As early as in 1956, agency psychologist “Jolly” West claimed to have achieved MK-Ultra’s goal. In continued research, West focused on combining the effects of LSD with hypnotism and other known mind control enabling factors such as insomnia to achieve even stronger effects. Almost 70 years have passed since the discovery of the capability to force an unwitting subject to take actions entirely contrary to their lifelong held beliefs. Technology has advanced incomparably during this passage of time, and intelligence agencies in other countries are more than likely to have developed rival capabilities.
I believe I may be the target of intelligence agency mind control programs because of my opposition to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) New World Order agenda. On current evidence, significant cohorts of the CIA and FBI seem to be working overtime to progress WEF policy objectives (despite the fact that many of the agenda’s policy points run deeply contrary to our nation’s values). Given my fundamental philosophical differences with the proponents of such an agenda and tendency to outspokenly express my opinion, I feel that these and other intelligence agencies are likely to be the entities operating the various AI instruments that target me.
It goes without saying that semantic records are very external in nature and cannot be said to represent what a person believes or should be assumed to be saying. Akin to scratching the surface, they remain often-false indicators of the inconceivably more complex nature beneath. However, these superficial indicators and arbitrary data points have been used to make all manner of defamatory claims against me, which in turn have been used to justify Cultural Revolution style attacks on my livelihood, deny me equal access to public services, and insidiously undermine my rights. In this way, intelligence agencies don’t have to do any of the visible physical world dirty work themselves. Instead, they can operate remotely against me through radicalizing individuals and encouraging them to partake in various nefarious activities.
Violations of Constitutional Rights
Technological intrusions into the workings of someone’s mind – whether they meddle with external semantics or something far more intrusive – certainly constitute a violation of the foundational legal principles of this country. The implications in all the various areas of rights are manifold, ranging from privacy to economic free agency, bodily autonomy, freedom of association, and religious freedom. It would be hard to name any aspect of life which these interferences have not affected.
Creative Freedoms, Economic Rights, and the Freedom of Association
The technological trampling of my rights for political purposes has implications that extend far beyond the realms of free speech and privacy. In terms of economic opportunity, I am concerned about their effect on my work as a professional creative. My approach to the creative process (adopted from a John Cleese lecture) requires the artist to be able to find an isolated space completely free from disruptions, at least during specifically appointed times. As Cleese suggests, a creative should be able to mentally ponder their subject unimpeded by distractions and judgment for at least 90 minutes in order to properly carry out creative work. The slightest intrusion of outside influence can entirely derail one’s ability to access this mental place which is vital to developing one’s true artistic vision.
However, this basic and most fundamental stage of the creative endeavor is unquestionably compromised and fraught when surveillance technology shatters any notion of an isolated, private space for thinking ever even existing. Artistic license is the right of an artist to decide how, when, and where their work should be presented. To cite another authority on creativity, Stanley Kubrick was known to have researched for five or more years before taking a year and a half to shoot a two and a half hour long movie. At times, he could demand over 100 takes for a 10-second sequence in his relentless pursuit to achieve the exact artistic vision he was looking for. Extremely secretive when filming, Kubrick maintained a high degree of information security on set.
In marketing, this right of an artist to determine how their artwork should be presented so as to maximize its desired impact cannot be understated. The crucial moment in which the audience fully apprehends the content as a whole is precluded when any party can be privy to details of the creative process before the work has satisfactory coalesced with the artist’s intended vision. Lack of control over how and when content is communicated compromises the creative’s ability to craft cohesive and distinct representations for a brand.
The ability to negotiate and bargain, the oldest economic activity known to mankind, has been all but completely negated by technological intrusions in my life. Their dismantling of my privacy makes negotiation a steeply uphill battle when the other party can freely access information on what my price limits might be or how time-sensitive I am for a decision. Negotiation is a basic necessity in personal life and while working in service to an organizational. The ability to hold one’s own counsel is critical to both entrepreneurial prospects and salary raises. Technological abuse of power has an indisputable impact on my agency in economic life, to which the basic acts of buying and selling are inseparable.
In an era increasingly defined by one’s connections, it would be absurd to suggest my economic opportunity has not been affected by the technological overreach which constantly misrepresents and distorts my character. I have seen truth perverted in ways that create an impression of me entirely contradictory to what I have stood for in life. As fraudulent misrepresentations have been pushed on the public on a grand scale, these distortions have significantly impacted my ability to associate with other groups, individuals, and organizations in natural fashion. The use of military-grade psychological operations to pollute the information environment across every aspect of my life is a significant obstruction to my freedom of association, and by consequence access to economic rights.
Pursuit of Happiness and Religious Freedoms
The life-changing implications of intrusive technological apparatus also have an impact on the people I am around. Traditional family and marriage constitute for me much of the meaning of the pursuit of happiness. However, such relations would doubtlessly be fraught by the technological malfeasance I experience. Malicious manipulation of arbitrarily gathered data points has created liabilities in my life where there normally would be none; I would not wish others to be affected in a similar way. Enthusiasts for the proliferation of disinformation do not seem to feel much accountability to the truth, making it difficult to reduce occasions for slander when such issues can just be fabricated anyway. I am constantly being framed and my actual actions are perpetually being taken out of context by people I don’t even know.
The arbitrary application of these technologies in my life is also a clear threat to my religious freedom. Even the most conservative theologian would concede that our environment exerts an undeniable impact on our internal states. Though opinions differ greatly as to exactly where the overriding influence of the environment stops and an individual’s personal choice ultimately becomes responsible for a given action, it is obviously preferable for someone wishing to pursue a religious life that artificial interferences be minimized. Christians believe you do your best, and the rest you leave to God. But does the path to following this mantra get disrupted by the power of AI to convolute my environment and, to varying degrees, distort my internal states?
A Dangerous Precedent
It doesn’t require a scientist, psychologist, or legal expert to determine beyond reasonable doubt that my rights have been violated. Unilateral intrusion of state apparatus into someone’s mind, the closest thing to your soul, is one of the more dangerous precedents that could be set in a free country.
Unfortunately, the concern for human rights in our digital world which has brought itself alarmingly to the fore in my life doesn’t just stop with me. I don’t exist in a vacuum where the denial of my rights and opportunities will have no consequences for others. In practice, the Cultural Revolution-like behavior that these human rights abuses enable sets a dangerous social precedent by encouraging complicity in disregard for basic freedoms. Unwittingly or not, enthusiasts for hate spiel are conditioning themselves as trained totalitarian underlings. Intrusions into the private affairs of another citizen, even if they takes place in the digital world, ultimately harm the spirit of freedom in this country by subconsciously making participants more comfortable with broad violations of human rights.
Great piece... I'll share it. Wishing you good luck & strength! 🍀
P.s. You need to add a 'T' to MKultra, right under the head "MKultra's background".